簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林岱樵
Lin, Dai-Chiao
論文名稱: 衝擊與想像:對實踐網球球質深度的追尋
Impact and Imagination: On the Pursuit of the Depth of the Practical Ball Quality of Tennis
指導教授: 劉一民
Liu, I-Min
口試委員: 劉一民
Liu, I-Min
Lu, Chieh-Ju
Hu, Tien-Mei
Wu, Chung-Yi
Shih, Ming-Tsung
口試日期: 2024/06/12
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 實踐球質深度流變演化本源
英文關鍵詞: practical ball quality, depth, becoming, genesis, origin, flesh
研究方法: 現象學現象分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400731
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:297下載:0
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  • 回顧網球的生涯一直在追求球質感,現今因為有體育系博士生和網球教練的雙重身分,所以對於球質感的相關運動科學理論知識取得相對一般人來的容易,但每天身處在網球實踐場域的我,發現網球球質的探索不能僅靠運動科學理論詮釋,因為在實踐網球球質經驗中,還牽涉很多可以說出來,又或者不知名的感受。這些實踐網球球質經驗主要藉由法國哲學家梅洛龐蒂的深度哲學,將這些球質經驗給形塑出來。本研究目的為實踐網球球質深度的探索、反思選手時期、科學概念、哲學概念、網球教練概念下的球質觀。

    Reviewing the tennis career of pursuing the ball quality, I have relatively easy access to the theoretical knowledge of sports science related to ball quality because of my dual identity of being a Ph.D. student and a tennis coach. However, I find that the exploration of the tennis ball quality can be interpreted not only by theories of sport sciences but also by the in-expressible feelings from the daily practice of ball quality on the tennis field. These practical experiences of ball quality come mainly from Merleau-Ponty’s concept of depth. Thus, the purpose of the study is to explore the depth of tennis ball quality and reflect on the concept of ball quality from the initial player period to the current coach period through my scientific and philosophical concepts.
    Results: From the scientific reflection of ball quality, the first concerns the stimulation of associating with the ball quality. The second suggests the domination of the scientific discourse on the ball quality. The last indicates the bondage given by the culture of ball quality. Reflections and suggestions: One shall (1) pay attention to the practice of ball quality beyond the scientific model, (2) timely escape from the bondage of culture, (3) focus on the communication of the ball quality through new media, (4) test the competitive effectiveness of ball quality, (5) value the technical teaching of the null ball quality, (6) innovate the field of evolution of ball quality, and finally (7) go beyond the relationship between the ball quality and time and space. Conclusions: First, the ball quality is open and relative. Second, it is diverse, comprehensively connected, cultural and new media. Finally, the ball quality is competitive and effective. From the standpoint of ontology, the ball quality is a process and constantly evolving, and it suggests the origin of the tennis world. From my viewpoint of hitting the ball, ball quality is becoming and reversible relationship.
    Finally, the structure of the depth experience depicted above addresses only a partial aspect of ball quality, or at a certain moment, which is never complete. As the depth of ball quality is a reversible relation interlaced with things of becoming, it will not be a complete structural relation. The origin of ball quality comes primarily from the giving of the real world. Hence, the players, instructors, and the audiences are those who deal with the world in their own manners.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 2 第二節 研究目的與課題 8 第三節 研究範圍與限制說明 9 第四節 研究重要性 10 第五節 名詞解釋 11 第貳章 Merleau-Ponty的深度哲學 12 第一節 深度哲學 13 第二節 存有學的深度 20 本章總節 22 第參章 經驗、科學、文化球質觀 23 第一節 經驗、科學球質觀 24 第二節 國內外實務教練球質文化觀 27 第肆章 科學、實踐、教練球質深度反思 31 第一節 科學球質的實踐反思 32 第二節 網球教練球質深度的反思 35 本章總節 46 第伍章 反思球質深度的存有 47 第一節 球質的框架-有效與連結 48 第二節 流變的球質思維-創發真實球質演化的場域 55 第三節 球質文化的複雜性-球質是真實世界的本源 63 第陸章 實踐球質的深度詮釋 68 第一節 深度詮釋的實踐球質觀 69 第二節 存有學的球質觀 76 第三節 流變與可逆的自我球質觀 79 本章總節 82 結語 83 參考文獻 85

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