研究生: |
黃筱嵐 Hsiao-Lan Huang |
論文名稱: |
看見創意的彩虹-三位國小班級經營創意教師之生涯發展與班級經營創意歷程之探析 Seeing the rainbow of the creation– The research of whose career development and classroom managements in elementary schools |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chao-Yi |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
創造力發展碩士在職專班 Continuing Education Master's Program of Creativity Development |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 170 |
中文關鍵詞: | 班級經營創意教師 、個人特質 、生涯歷程 、班級經營創意歷程 |
英文關鍵詞: | creative classroom management teacher, personal traits, career process, creative classroom management process |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:421 下載:18 |
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(一) 具有專注投入、堅持到底、接受開放經驗之創意人格特質。
(二) 重視自我反省,並透析自己內在想法。
(三) 背後動機都是具有不斷追求突破的人生價值觀。
(一) 原生家庭教養方式造就創意教師堅毅、喜歡挑戰的人格特質。
(二) 不同學歷畢業的創意教師其生涯發展規劃有所不同。
(三) 教學實務經驗比專業知識更有助於生涯發展。
(四) 重要他人與幸福家庭對生涯發展產生穩定力量,亦影響教學信念。
(一) 先建立班級常規再運用鼓勵方式激發學生的榮譽心。
(二) 提供不同的創作舞台讓學生展現個人創意,此也有助於提升教師之
(三) 教學內在動機強烈使創意教師更投入於班級經營。
The purpose of this research is by investigating the career development and plan of three creative teachers to understand their past, present and future.The study is used in-depth interviews as the main method .The study is sampled at three outstanding teachers who earned Creative Classroom Management Awards in Taoyuan.The reasearch aims at three areas including“ personal traits ”,”career process ”and ”process of creative classroom management ” to realize their career development and the process of creative classroom management.
The results are discovered and dicussed in these aspects as follows:
1. The aspect of three creative classroom management teachers’ personal traits:
(1) They have creative personal traits of being concentrative, insistent and open-experienced.
(2) They value self reflection and realize their inner thoughts.
(3) Their motivation is to pursue breakthrough which is their life value.
2. The aspect of three creative classroom management teachers’ career process :
(1) The educative attitudes of primary family molded personal traits of being persistent .
(2) Different educational background influenced their career developments.
(3) Practice experiences of teaching were contributive on their career developments
than educational knowledge.
(4) Important others and happy families give the positive power to career developments,
and they also influence the teaching faith.
3. The aspect of three creative classroom management teachers’ process of creative classroom managements:
(1)The creative classroom management method is to establish life convention in the beginning and then use reinforcement to stimulate students’ honor.
(2)They provide stages to display students’ creation. In this way, it can promote their sense of achievement.
(3)They have strong teaching instrinsic motivation which can make teachers pay more attention on classroom managements.
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