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研究生: 李哲欣
論文名稱: 牟宗三先生朱子學詮釋系統的省察:以康德學為座標的探索與再議
The Reflection On Mou Tsung-san’s System Theory Used To Interpret The Thought Of Chu Hsi: Exploring And Reconsidering By The Viewpoint Of Kant’s Critical Philosophy
指導教授: 林安梧
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國文學系
Department of Chinese
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 228
中文關鍵詞: 善的意志自由心體性體道體道德的形上學理一分殊中和美德敬貫動敬格物致知定靜安慮得
英文關鍵詞: Good Will, Freedom, Mind Substance, Nature Substance, Dao Substance, Moral Metaphysics, Principle Is One But Its Manifestations Are Many, States of Equilbrium and Hormony Exist in Perfecttion, virtue, Hoding Fast of Seriousness Whether To Be Tranuil or To Be Active, extension of knowledge and invetigation of things, “Determined, Calmness, Tranquil Repose, Careful Deliberation, Desiered End”
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:12
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  • 本文研究共分為兩部,第一部為第二章到第四章。旨在對牟宗三先生朱子學詮釋系統展開省察。

    This dissertation includes two main parts. First part is from chapter two to chapter four. And in this portion, I try to examine the philosophical system theory “moral metaphysics” that Mou Tsung-san use to interpret the thought of Chu His.

    In chapter two, for Mou Tsung-san’s “moral metaphysics” are constructed, partly but crucially , through Kant’s concepts from “Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten”, I have to exhibited the process thoroughly that how Kant demonstrate his philosophical theory about moral issue, in order to present a criteria to see if Mou Tsung-san misinterpreted Kant’s thought and if it then leads the outcome that his philosophical system theory cannot be proved.

    Chapter three is another one preparation before the examination. In this chapter, I try to clarify and explan in further detail about how Mou Tsung-san absorb and modify Kant’s moral phillosophy. Then how Mou Tsung-san through these two portions to establish his famous moral sysem theory “moral metaphysics.” Beside, In the discussing, I’ll also emphasize on demostrating how Mou Tsung-san identify the most important three concepts “道體(Dao substance)”, “性體(Nature substance)”, “心體(Mind substance)” that constitute “moral metaphysics.” Finally, I’ll point out the judgments which jugded according to the “moral metaphysics” that Mou Tsung-san made to value Chu His’s thought, in order to prove or reveal that Mou Tsung-san truely use “moral metaphysics” as the theoretical criteria to obtain the value about the thought of Chu His. Therefore we can make sure “moral metaphysics” is the interpretive standard he used to crtisize Chu His.

    In chapter four, on the base of previous two chapter, I point out four problems that happened in the process when Mou Tsung-san want to establish his “moral metaphysics.” As I have said that “Dao substance” ,“Nature substance”, “Mind substance” are three fundamental concepts of “moral metaphysics.” My strategy is one by one to check every of them, to see when Mou Tsung-san accept some parts of the ideas of Kant’s philosophy, and want to cohere them with the concepts of “Dao substance” ,“Nature substance” and “Mind substance” that come from Neo-Confucianism, it will produce what kind of critcally thoretic dilemmas and how these dilemmas will make the result that tht constructing of the “moral metaphysics” cannot be achieved.

    Second part of this dissertation is from chapter five to chapter six. In this portion I try to form a specific system theory about moral philosohy by explaining the text of Chu His. However, my apporach is not like Mou Tsung-san , we did use almost the same text to discuss moral philosophy. My apporach is through facing three issues of moral philosophy that I consider should be anwsered to establish my own view of moral philosopy. These issues are the dynamic mode of moral, moral rule and moral cultivation.

    In chapter five I take a chornological anlysis on Chu His’s development of thought to exhibit how he facing those three moral issues I mentioned before. Differnt form Mou Tsung-san’s judgments and focuses, the most important issue being concerned by Chu His, in my viewpoint, is moral cultivation. Therefore I will specifically indicate how Chu His talk about the means to practice moral self-cultivation. Here I have to admit that, the schoars of Neo-Confucianism did not provide a sustainable argument, not “did not provide”,about the the dynamic mode of moral. To this extent, on this issue I intend to take a modified weak Kant’s view to support the arguments when I explain how Chu His express thought of the dynamic mode of moral.

    In chapter six I continue to focus on Chu His’s thought of moral cultivation, and try to take this thought as intermediary theory to connect a modified weak Kantain account as the anwser of the dynamic mode of moral, and a virtue ethical account as the anwser of how we figure out moral rules. I also will argue that without a set of theory of moral cultivation ( “Self-cultivation requires seriousness;The pursuit of learing depends on the extension of knowledge.”涵養須用敬,進學在致知) to be intermedium, neither Kant nor virtue ethics could stand alone to perfect a whole system theory to anwser the general quest about the affair of moral.

    In final chapter seven, beside concluding the main idea I have made before previous six chapters, on the one hand I discuss the limited aspects of this dissertation, on the other hand I also raise the statement that religious dimension shuld always have a position when we talk about moral issues.

    第壹章 序章 001 第一節 哲學及其工作 001 一、哲學與哲學史 001 二、兩種哲學工作 003 三、自在與自為 004 第二節 釋題 005 一、論題 005 二、選取牟宗三先生的理由 006 三、選取朱子的理由 008 四、小結 009 第三節 研究說明 009 一、前人研究成果蓋覽 009 二、本文研究方法 015 三、本文研究步驟 018 第貳章 《道德底形上學之基礎》諸說 021 第一節 由通常的道德理性知識通往哲學的道德理性知識 021 一、道德是「理性事實」的論證 021 二、善的意志 024 三、「善的意志」之具體內容 026 四、小結 029 第二節 由通俗的道德哲學通往道德底形上學 029 一、「令式」的定義 030 二、「令式」與「適意」 032 三、兩種令式之一:假言令式 036 四、兩種令式之二:定言令式 039 五、「意志底自律」與「意志底他律」 047 第三節 由道德底形上學通往純粹實踐理性的批判 048    一、問題意識的分析 049    二、實踐理性的限度:自由底理念與道德興趣 056    三、實踐理性之背反的批判:自由底理念Versus 自然底概念 058 第四節 結論 061 第參章 《心體與性體‧綜論部》對康德學的吸收展與發展 063 第一節 《心體與性體》與康德道德哲學的關係 063 一、《心體與性體》的寫作目的 063 二、「內聖之學」即「道德的形上學」 064 三、「宋明理學」與「康德道德哲學」 065 第二節 《心體與性體˙綜論部》對康德學的吸收與發展 066 一、牟宗三所欲建構的架構:「道德理性三義」 067 二、第一義的吸收:從「他律道德與自律道德的區分」印證「性體」 068 三、第一義的問題:意志之自由性的懸設 071 四、第一義問題的進證之一:論道德情感—「心體」的確立 072 五、第一義問題的進證之二:論自由意志—自由真實性的辨明 075 六、第二義的進證:從心、性到天—道德形上實體的證立及其意涵 077 七、小結 085 第三節 「吸收與發展」後的宋明理學詮釋 086 一、康德學與宋明理學概念對映的轉化 086 二、程顥的理學系統 092 三、朱子的理學系統 098 四、朱子之為漸教的理由:牟宗三先生的對比觀點 105 第四節 結論 112 第肆章 「道德的形上學」理論效力評判 115 第一節 「道體」的虛幻性:「自由」意義的誤解與錯誤的擴張 115 第二節 「道體」、「性體」關係的不明:「物自身」意義使用下的矛盾 117 一、「道體創造物自身」說法的矛盾 118 二、「道體只是諸物自身永恆持存之集合的虛指」說法的矛盾 119 第三節 「心體」之理論意義的商榷 120 一、康德對道德情感的看法 121 二、牟先生所言「心體」概念的商榷 128 第四節 「他律道德」與「自律道德」之區分的不恰。(兼論「定言、假言令式」與「自律、他律道德」的關係) 132 第五節 結論 135 第伍章 朱子學重讀—以康德學為核心的觀點 139 第一節 道德動力的探尋 139 一、「空」之概念的首出 139 二、「理」之概念的建立以及「理一分殊」的應用 140 三、「理」之意涵的探索:本體、宇宙、人性、工夫 141 第二節 修養工夫的確立 153 一、修養工夫的探求:中和舊說 153 二、修養工夫的確定(一):中和新說中的「涵養須用敬」 162 三、再論「涵養須用敬」:「靜養」、「動察」與「氣蔽」、「氣欲」的關係 171 四、修養工夫的確定(二):中和新說中的「進學在致知」 185 第三節 「朱子、康德、牟宗三」的理論對觀 186 第陸章 康德學及美德倫理學的衝突與侷限:朱子工夫論作為中介的可能 191 第一節 美德倫理學概說 191 一、明確道德法則之得出的可能:義務論的困境 191 二、道德動力的來源:回歸社會歷史的觀點 191 三、道德法則如何得出:美德倫理學(回歸社會歷史)的觀點 198 第二節 道德法則的確立:「進學在致知」的理論意義 206 第三節 「定、靜、安、慮、得」:朱子工夫論中介兩種規範倫理學的試構 211 第三節 結論 216 第柒章 總結 219 第一節 研究回顧 219 第二節 研究限制與展望 220 第三節 結語 222 引用書目 224 後記 226


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