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研究生: 劉惠嬋
Liu Hui-chan
論文名稱: 國中教師內外控信念、社會支持、工作壓力與幸福感相關因素之研究
A Study of Correlation Among Teachers' Locus of Control、Social Support、Work Stress And Well-being in A Junior High School
指導教授: 胡益進
Hu, Yih-Jin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 169
中文關鍵詞: 國中教師內外控信念社會支持工作壓力幸福感
英文關鍵詞: junior high school teachers, locus of control, social support, work stress, well-being
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:1239下載:87
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解新北市某國中教師,其內外控信念、社會支持及工作壓力與幸福感之現況,並探討教師背景變項、內外控信念、社會支持及工作壓力與幸福感的相關情形,以及背景變項、內外控信念、社會支持及工作壓力對幸福感的預測力。
    以新北市某國中教師為研究母群體,採橫斷式調查法,以問卷方式進行資料收集,共發出145份問卷,回收145份問卷,有效問卷136份,有效回收率為93.8%。以統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 19.0 中文版來完成資料的統計分析。
    一、 研究對象的信念傾向趨向內控。
    二、 研究對象的社會支持屬於中高程度。社會支持的四個分量表中,以「評價性支持」得分最高,其餘依序為「情緒性支持」、「工具性支持」及「訊息性支持」。
    三、 研究對象的工作壓力接近中等程度。工作壓力的四個分量表中,以「變革適應」得分最高,其餘依序為「學生行為」、「工作負荷」及「人際關係」。
    四、 研究對象的幸福感屬於中高程度。幸福感的四個分量表中,以「生活滿意」與「正向情緒」得分最高,其餘依序為「工作成就」與「身心健康」。
    五、 背景變項中,會因有無宗教信仰而在幸福感的「生活滿意」、「正向情緒」、「工作成就」等層面上有所差異,有宗教信仰比無宗教信仰者感到幸福,而休閒活動滿意度也會影響幸福感,對休閒活動感到「非常滿意」、「滿意」與「普通」者都比「不滿意」者感到幸福。
    六、 研究對象內外控信念與社會支持對工作壓力都是顯著負相關。
    七、 研究對象內外控信念與社會支持對幸福感都是顯著正相關,而工作壓力對幸福感卻是顯著負相關。
    八、 經複迴歸分析發現「性別」、「婚姻」、「任教年資」、「兼任職務」、「主要任教領域」、「休閒活動滿意度」、「宗教信仰」、「內外控信念」、「社會支持」、「工作壓力」等十個預測變項,可以解釋「幸福感」總變異量的59.2%。「休閒活動滿意度」與「社會支持」在整體幸福感層面上為主要預測變項,兩者皆是正向的影響,且「休閒活動滿意度」中的「非常滿意」與「滿意」是最強的預測因子,次之者為「社會支持」。

    This study aims to realize the current situation of the teachers’ locus of control, social support, work stress and well-being at a junior high school in New Taipei City, to explore the relationships among teachers' background variables, locus of control, social support and work stress on their well-being, and then to explore how much forecast power the teach-ers' background variables, locus of control, social support and work stress have on their well-being.
    The target population were the teachers at a junior high school in New Taipei City. A cross-sectional survey was adopted and the data was collected in questionnaires. A total of 145 questionnaires were issued, and 136 valid questionnaires were returned, (a 93.8% valid response rate). The data was calculated and analyzed by using SPSS for windows 19.0.
    The results of this study are as follows:
    1. The research subjects tend towards internal locus of control.
    2. The research subjects get the middle-high degree of social support. So-cial support is divided into four dimensions --" appraisal support" is the one with the highest score;the order of the rest is "emotion support", "instrument support" and " information support."
    3. The research subjects are under the middle degree of work stress. Work stress is divided into four dimensions -- "adaptation to policy change" is the one with the highest score;the order of the rest is "students' behavior", "workload" and " interpersonal relationships."
    4. The research subjects get the middle-high degree of well-being. Well-being is divided into four dimensions --"life satisfaction" and "posi-tive emotions" are the two with the highest score;the order of the rest is "work achievements" and "physical and mental health."
    5. Among background variables, religion has influence on the three di-mensions of well-being, such as "life satisfaction", "positive emotions", and "work achievement." Teachers who have religious beliefs have higher degree of well-being than those who have no religious beliefs. The satis-faction degree for leisure activities will also affect teachers' well-being. Teachers who feel "extremely satisfied" "very satisfied" and "moderately satisfied"with leisure activities have more well-being than those who feel "slightly dissatisfied".
    6. Each of the research subjects' locus of control and social support has a significant and negative correlation on work stress.
    7. Each of the research subjects' locus of control and social support has a significant and positive correlation on well-being. The research subjects' work stress has a significant and negative correlation on well-being.
    8. Ten predictive variables,"gender", "marriage", "years of teaching", "different positions", "main teaching areas", "satisfaction degree for lei-sure activities", "religion", "locus of control", "social support "," work stress " could explain 59.2% total variation of well-being. "Satisfaction degree for leisure activities" and "social support" are the main predictive variables. Both of them have positive influences on well-being. The strongest predictive factors are the "extremely satisfied" and "very satis-fied" of "satisfaction degree for leisure activities";the following one is "social support."
    Based on the above-mentioned results, the suggestions were offered to junior high school teachers, junior high schools, educational authorities, and future researchers.

    誌謝 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iv 目次 vii 表目次 ix 圖目次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 8 第三節 研究問題 8 第四節 研究假設 9 第五節 名詞操作型定義 10 第六節 研究限制 12 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 幸福感之理論及相關研究 13 第二節 內外控信念之理論及相關研究 36 第三節 社會支持之理論及相關研究 42 第四節 工作壓力之理論及相關研究 50 第三章 研究方法 59 第一節 研究架構 59 第二節 研究對象 60 第三節 研究工具 61 第四節 研究步驟 70 第五節 資料處理與分析 73 第四章 研究結果與討論 75 第一節 研究對象背景變項、內外控信念、社會支持、工作壓力與幸福感之分佈情形 75 第二節 研究對象背景變項與幸福感的關係 99 第三節 研究對象內外控信念、社會支持與工作壓力的關係 109 第四節 研究對象內外控信念、社會支持及工作壓力與幸福感的關係 112 第五節 研究對象背景變項、內外控信念、社會支持、工作壓力對幸福感之預測力 115 第五章 結論與建議 121 第一節 結論 121 第二節 建議 122 參考文獻 128 中文文獻 128 英文文獻 135 附錄一 144 附錄二 145 附錄三 146 附錄四 147 附錄五 162

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