研究生: |
劉惠嬋 Liu Hui-chan |
論文名稱: |
國中教師內外控信念、社會支持、工作壓力與幸福感相關因素之研究 A Study of Correlation Among Teachers' Locus of Control、Social Support、Work Stress And Well-being in A Junior High School |
指導教授: |
Hu, Yih-Jin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 169 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國中教師 、內外控信念 、社會支持 、工作壓力 、幸福感 |
英文關鍵詞: | junior high school teachers, locus of control, social support, work stress, well-being |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1239 下載:87 |
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以新北市某國中教師為研究母群體,採橫斷式調查法,以問卷方式進行資料收集,共發出145份問卷,回收145份問卷,有效問卷136份,有效回收率為93.8%。以統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 19.0 中文版來完成資料的統計分析。
一、 研究對象的信念傾向趨向內控。
二、 研究對象的社會支持屬於中高程度。社會支持的四個分量表中,以「評價性支持」得分最高,其餘依序為「情緒性支持」、「工具性支持」及「訊息性支持」。
三、 研究對象的工作壓力接近中等程度。工作壓力的四個分量表中,以「變革適應」得分最高,其餘依序為「學生行為」、「工作負荷」及「人際關係」。
四、 研究對象的幸福感屬於中高程度。幸福感的四個分量表中,以「生活滿意」與「正向情緒」得分最高,其餘依序為「工作成就」與「身心健康」。
五、 背景變項中,會因有無宗教信仰而在幸福感的「生活滿意」、「正向情緒」、「工作成就」等層面上有所差異,有宗教信仰比無宗教信仰者感到幸福,而休閒活動滿意度也會影響幸福感,對休閒活動感到「非常滿意」、「滿意」與「普通」者都比「不滿意」者感到幸福。
六、 研究對象內外控信念與社會支持對工作壓力都是顯著負相關。
七、 研究對象內外控信念與社會支持對幸福感都是顯著正相關,而工作壓力對幸福感卻是顯著負相關。
八、 經複迴歸分析發現「性別」、「婚姻」、「任教年資」、「兼任職務」、「主要任教領域」、「休閒活動滿意度」、「宗教信仰」、「內外控信念」、「社會支持」、「工作壓力」等十個預測變項,可以解釋「幸福感」總變異量的59.2%。「休閒活動滿意度」與「社會支持」在整體幸福感層面上為主要預測變項,兩者皆是正向的影響,且「休閒活動滿意度」中的「非常滿意」與「滿意」是最強的預測因子,次之者為「社會支持」。
This study aims to realize the current situation of the teachers’ locus of control, social support, work stress and well-being at a junior high school in New Taipei City, to explore the relationships among teachers' background variables, locus of control, social support and work stress on their well-being, and then to explore how much forecast power the teach-ers' background variables, locus of control, social support and work stress have on their well-being.
The target population were the teachers at a junior high school in New Taipei City. A cross-sectional survey was adopted and the data was collected in questionnaires. A total of 145 questionnaires were issued, and 136 valid questionnaires were returned, (a 93.8% valid response rate). The data was calculated and analyzed by using SPSS for windows 19.0.
The results of this study are as follows:
1. The research subjects tend towards internal locus of control.
2. The research subjects get the middle-high degree of social support. So-cial support is divided into four dimensions --" appraisal support" is the one with the highest score;the order of the rest is "emotion support", "instrument support" and " information support."
3. The research subjects are under the middle degree of work stress. Work stress is divided into four dimensions -- "adaptation to policy change" is the one with the highest score;the order of the rest is "students' behavior", "workload" and " interpersonal relationships."
4. The research subjects get the middle-high degree of well-being. Well-being is divided into four dimensions --"life satisfaction" and "posi-tive emotions" are the two with the highest score;the order of the rest is "work achievements" and "physical and mental health."
5. Among background variables, religion has influence on the three di-mensions of well-being, such as "life satisfaction", "positive emotions", and "work achievement." Teachers who have religious beliefs have higher degree of well-being than those who have no religious beliefs. The satis-faction degree for leisure activities will also affect teachers' well-being. Teachers who feel "extremely satisfied" "very satisfied" and "moderately satisfied"with leisure activities have more well-being than those who feel "slightly dissatisfied".
6. Each of the research subjects' locus of control and social support has a significant and negative correlation on work stress.
7. Each of the research subjects' locus of control and social support has a significant and positive correlation on well-being. The research subjects' work stress has a significant and negative correlation on well-being.
8. Ten predictive variables,"gender", "marriage", "years of teaching", "different positions", "main teaching areas", "satisfaction degree for lei-sure activities", "religion", "locus of control", "social support "," work stress " could explain 59.2% total variation of well-being. "Satisfaction degree for leisure activities" and "social support" are the main predictive variables. Both of them have positive influences on well-being. The strongest predictive factors are the "extremely satisfied" and "very satis-fied" of "satisfaction degree for leisure activities";the following one is "social support."
Based on the above-mentioned results, the suggestions were offered to junior high school teachers, junior high schools, educational authorities, and future researchers.
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