研究生: |
張淑貞 Shu-chen Chang |
論文名稱: |
國語言談中英語與閩南語的夾用 Code-mixing of English and Taiwanese in Mandarin Discourse |
指導教授: |
Biq, Yung-O |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 95 |
中文關鍵詞: | 代號夾用 |
英文關鍵詞: | code-mixing, code-switching |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:321 下載:79 |
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本研究旨在探討國語言談中英語與閩南語的夾用與轉換現象。研究所採用的語料包括(1)口語語料:自然對話及廣播節目(2)中文BBS 上所張貼的文章。
本研究再口語語料中發現代號夾用出現得頻率遠高於代號轉換。在代號轉換方面,我們發現英語和閩南語是代號轉換的主要語言;而英語和閩南語代號轉換的功能為:轉述他人話語,評論,及委宛語。在代號夾用方面,代號夾用的語言包括:英語、閩南語、日語、印度語及德語;而其中又以英語與閩南語夾用佔最大部分。經詞類分類後發現,實詞比虛詞更容易被夾用;且又以名詞片語及動詞片語佔大部分。在語言及詞類交叉比較後發現英文的名詞片語及閩南語的動詞片語佔大多數。英語的夾用名詞片語可分為六類:人名、品牌名、地名、術語、新詞、及其他類。本研究主要在探討英語夾用的新詞及其他類名詞。研究的結就發現被夾用其他類名詞都具有語意縮小和語意重疊的特質。而新詞類方面,以 e-mail 和 download 兩字為例,則發現名詞片語比動詞片語更容易被夾用。
This study investigates the switching and mixing of Taiwanese and English in the Mandarin discourse. Data consists of two sources: (1) spoken data: naturally occurring conversation, and radio talk show programs, and (2) BBS postings. The present study aims to examine the nature of the mixing in terms of syntactic and semantics aspects.
The findings of the study show that code-mixing occurs more frequently than code-switching in our spoken data. Taiwanese and English code-switching serves the function for reported speech, making assessments, and taboo expressions. Second, English, Taiwanese, Japanese, Hindi, and German are also the languages code-mixed in our spoken data, among which English and Taiwanese constitute the majority. Syntactic categorization of code-mixed items demonstrates that content words category, especially Noun Phrases, make up the major part of code-mixing. The code-mixed Noun Phrases in English include personal names, brand names, place names, jargons, neologisms, and miscellaneous NPs. The current study focuses on examining the use of miscellaneous NPs and neologisms in English. The analysis shows that miscellaneous NPs are code-switched in English for semantic narrowing and overlapping feature. Neologisms are found to be more preserved in their original language, English, with consulting the Chinese BBS data. The analysis of code-mixed VPs in Taiwanese and English shows that VPs in Taiwanese are code-switched for vividness affect, and VPs in English are for euphemism, and neologisms. In terms of two NP and VP neologisms, e-mail, and download, we find that VP neologisms tend to be use in its original language, English; however, VP neologisms are more used in its original language at the beginning of being introduced, and gradually, VP neologisms get nativized and is replaced by tier Chinese equivalents.
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