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研究生: 郝承偉
Hao Cherng-Wei
論文名稱: 北區高中、高職餐飲管理科現況調查研究
The investigation of the present circumstance of the food and beverage department at senior high school level in northern Taiwan.
指導教授: 洪久賢
Horng, Jeou-Shyan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 餐飲教育餐飲管理職業教育
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:287下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解台灣北區高中、高職餐飲管理科學校之實施現況,採調查法、個別訪談及實地參觀訪問,分層取樣9所學校作為研究對象。調查研究工具為研究者自編之「北區高中、高職餐飲管理科現況調查問卷」。研究主要發現:一、餐飲管理科設立的時間短,各年級之班級數、人數、每班平均人數及各校之招生人數與班級數逐年增加,開設的學制種類多。二、餐飲管理科日間部之師生比低,教師大多兼導師、負責管理實習教室且超鐘點情形普遍。教師以女性居多,學歷為學士以上佔大多數。合格專任教師比例偏低,非合格專任教師再繼續進修教育學分者不少。教師持有餐飲相關之技術士證照的比率不高。三、在專業必修科目之開課節數與實施情形方面,大部份學校與教育部所訂之課程標準相似。除了部訂之選修科目外,學校亦開設其他類的選修課程,各校所開設之選修科目差異大,並依其不同需求決定課程名稱、開課年段與節數。部份學校開設升學班、加開輔導課,或採課程分組教學。四、實習教室之安全設施及設備,以滅火器、煙霧偵測器與瓦斯自動遮斷器最重要,滅火器所佔的比率最高。公共設施及設備之項目中,各實習教室大致相同。專業設施及設備則依各實習教室的種類與用途,差異頗大。平均迄今使用時間以中餐實習教室最短,西餐實習教室最長。平均迄今使用時間以中餐實習教室最短,西餐實習教室最長。平均使用面積,餐服教室最大,調酒實習教室最小。中餐實習教室與西餐實習教室平均面積較部訂設備標準為小。平均工作檯數以中餐實習教室最多,西餐實習教室最少。每週使用頻率以中餐實習教室最高,餐服實習教室最低。大部份的實習教室內都有示範檯與儲藏室,少數設有示範教室、階梯教室或示範區域。皆有特定的管理人員與管理及使用規則。五、目前實行建教合作的學校有七所,實行的模式有六種,分別為三明治式、階梯式、銜接就業式、進修式、獎學金式與實習式建教合作等。六、實施餐飲教育之困難有:(一)經費方面:如經費來源、實習場所的數量、空間、設備、器材之經費需要,水電、瓦斯、維修保養費用及學生實習材料費的來源等。(二)設備方面:實習教室的種類、數量、規畫設計、庫房數量與空間、實習設備的維護、保養、檢查與電力使用等困難。(三)人事方面:合格教師少、教學年資淺、非本地教師、教學與行政工作繁重、教師進修機會少、部份課程專業教師難求、教師標準不一致等都有困難。(四)管理方面:學生輔導與實習管理上的困難。本研究最後根據研究結果,分別對餐飲教育及未來研究提出建議。

    The research was to investigate the present circumstance of the Food and Beverage Department of the senior high schools and vocational high schools located in northern Taiwan. Nine schools were sampled to be the research objects. The research were developed by the researcher.The major findings of the research were as followings:1. The Food and Beverage Department has not been set for a long time. However, the number of students and teachers in each school are increasing.2. Almost all the teachers have to manage the laboratories, and to be the advisors of classes. The ratio of certificate professional teachers is not high. However, most uncertificate teachers are taking in-service education credits now. Nevertheless, there are only a few teachers possess skill certification in food and beverage area.3. Regarding to the required professional courses, most of them were similar to the standards, which designed by the Ministry of Education. However, each school has its own selected courses besides the ones recommended by the Ministry of Education. Some schools even have special enforcement program for students to get into advanced schools after graduation.4. For safety facilities required in the laboratories, the most important ones are extinguishers, smoke detectors, and gas automatic interdictions. Among the equipment, fire extinguisher is the most common one. Regarding to the professional facilities, they are big differences according to different purposes of different types of laboratories. The average spaces of laboratory are smaller than the official standards. The restaurant service training laboratories get the largest space, but the beverage labor5. There are seven schools offer the cooperated education programs with workplaces. Six difference model of cooperation education were: sandwich style, terrace style, scholarship style, practice style, employment-guaranteed style, and advanced-study style.6. The difficulties of the food and beverage education at senior high school level were: (1)lack of funds, (2)the facilities and maintenance are not enough, (3)teachers can't get enough support and chances for advanced study, and (4)the difficulty in managing of laboratories.The suggestions to improve education in the food and beverage field and to future research were proposed by the research.
