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研究生: 蕭淑芬
Shu-Feng Hsiao
論文名稱: 中老年人運動行為與醫療就診記錄關係之研究
Relationship between Exercise Behavior and Medical Treatment on the Middle-Aged Population
指導教授: 卓俊辰
Jwo, Jiunn-chern
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 中老年規律運動行為醫療就診記錄
英文關鍵詞: Middle-Aged Population, Exercise Behavior, Medical Treatment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:347下載:7
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  • 本研究的主要目的是瞭解中老年人的運動行為,並探討運動行為與醫療就診記錄的關係。本研究以900位中老年人為研究對象,實施運動行為與醫療就診問卷調查,共得有效問卷844份回收率達93.78﹪,包括男性中老年446位(52.84%)及女性中老年398位(47.16%),樣本遍佈於台閩地區。
    (一)本研究之中老年人有47.87%具有規律運動習慣,其中男性規律運動人口為50.45% ,女性則有44.97%。


    The purpose of this study was to understand the exercise behavior of middle-aged population and to investigate the relationship between exercise behavior and the records of medical treatment of middle-aged population in Taiwan. The subjects included 446 males and 398 females whose age were over 40 years old. The data were collected from a questionnaire which containd their exercise behavior and the records of medical treatment. By using descriptive statistics, chi- square test, independent sample t test. one-way ANOVA and multiple regressions to analyzethose data respectively. The conclusions were:
    1. 47.87 percent of the subjects in this study were involving in regular physical activities per week, the percentage of the regular exerciser of the male and female subjects were 50.45 percent and 44.97percent respectively.
    2. The primary reason cause the most of the subjects who failure to exercise two or three times per week in this study was “too busy to exercise”. And the second excuse was “no environment to exercise “
    3. In this study, about 37.80 percent of the subjects exercised at least three times per week, 41.82 percent of the subjects could exercise at least thirty minutes every time, and 61.02 percent of the subjects more likely enjoyed light strained exercise, 33.81 percent chosed moderate strained exercise, still 5.81 percent chosed high strained.exercise.
    4. In the regular exercise group, 73.37 percent female and 76.91 percent male involved in physical activities primitively intended for healthy consideration and for interest reason. 74.88 percent of them really got health and happiness after the exercise, as what they thought.
    5. The group who were over 61 years old is the highest ratio of regular exercises than any other groups (p<0.05), when the subjects were divided by age.
    6. The average number of the medical treatment of the subjects in this study was 7.16 times per year. The average number of male’s medical treatments were 6.37 times lower than the female’s 8.04 times per year. (P<0.05)
    7. The average number of the male and female subjects who were not regular exerciser each required medical care 7.67 and 9.44 times per year. Both are more frequent of medical treatment than the regular male and female exerciser (p<0.05), who needed medical treatments 5.06 and 6.32 times per year respectively.
    8. The subjects who always involved in high or moderate strained exercise needed less medical cares than those who always involved in light strained exercise (p<0.05). The average numbers of medical treatments of the two groups were 5.02 times and 8.49 times respectively.
    9. The subjects who involved in physical activities three times per week were less frequent for medical care than other subjects. (P<0.05)
    10. The subjects who exercise last 41 to 50 minutes every time were less frequent for medical treatment than other subjects who were not (P<0.05).
    In the study we found that the middle-aged people who had exercised regularly really decreased the munber of medical cares and saved medical expense. But there still had around 50% of middle-aged people didn’t have regular exerciser. Such was not really a good situation for medical expense and can be improved a lot. We hope the government and physical educational experts can work together and benefit to all peoples in the future.

    前序部分 口試委員與系主任簽字證書 I 授權書 II 中文摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究的必要性 9 三、研究目的 10 四、研究範圍與限制 10 五、名詞操作性定義 11 第二章 文獻探討 14 一、運動行為與健康 14 (一)運動的定義 14 (二)運動行為與健康 14 (三)運動的測量 16 二、生活型態與健康 18 三、運動行為與疾病 23 四、社經背景與運動行為 27 五、人口結構與醫療就診狀況 31 第三章 研究方法與步驟 33 一、研究流程 33 二、研究假設 34 三、研究設計 35 (一)研究對象 35 (二)問卷設計 35 (三)調查資料整理分析 35 第四章 結果 37 一、樣本結構分析 37 二、中老年運動行為現況分析 39 (一)規律運動習慣分析 39 (二)運動型態分析 40 (三)運動次數分析 41 (四)運動時間分析 42 (五)規律運動的態度分析 43 三、醫療就診記錄分析 45 (一)就診方式分析 45 (二)醫療就診次數分析 45 (三)罹患慢性疾病情形 46 (四)醫療就診科別分析 47 四、中老年人基本資料與運動行為 49


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