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研究生: 龔靖淳
Kung Ching-Chun
論文名稱: 新時代思潮在諮商上的運用~以一個高中案主之歷程分析為例
The Application of the New Age Ideology in Counseling:Case Analysis with One Senior High School Student in Taiwan
指導教授: 金樹人
Jin, Shuh-Ren
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 168
中文關鍵詞: 新時代思潮諮商歷程分析
英文關鍵詞: New Age Ideology, analysis of counseling process
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:50
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  • 中文摘要

    The present study aims at examining the application of the New Age Ideology in counseling by analyzing the New Age oriented counseling process with a senior high school student in Taiwan. Three research questions were proposed as follows: 1) what is the changing mechanism of a client under the New Age ideology-oriented approach; 2) what concepts of New Age Ideology and counseling skills were utilized to facilitate the changes of a client during the counseling process; and 3) given the results revealed above, what are the reflections of the researcher concerning adopting New Age ideology to counseling practice? The present research analyzed the interview data based on the principles of qualitative research methods and phenomenology. The results are discussed as follows:
    a) The three factors that facilitate the changing mechanism are: 1) the client’s awareness of his/her presenting issues and beliefs in the positive aspect of his/her problems; 2) the counselor’s capability to conceptualize a client’s resistance in a positive and constructive way; and 3) the core of a client’s changes centered on the client’s re-creation of a different self-image.
    b) The applications of New Age ideology to counseling practice include: 1) belief in the existence of inner divinity within each human being; 2) by utilizing story telling/metaphors, communication with past experiences, and confrontation, a client could obtain awareness and new insights; and 3) belief in the neutrality and good nature of beings and creativity of the inner-self.
    c) The reflections of the researcher contain: 1) The New Age ideology informed me of the self-healing capability of each being, 2) I learned the importance of re-creation of self-image; 3) I obtained awareness, knowledge, and skills about the application of New Age Ideology to school counseling practice; and 4) My competency in incorporating New Age Ideology with counseling skills into counseling practice.
    Discussion on the research findings, limitations of research, and implications were presented as well.

    Keyword: New Age Ideology, analysis of counseling process

    目 錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機...1 第二節 研究目的...2 第三節 研究問題...3 第四節 名詞解釋...3 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 新時代思潮內涵...5 第二節 心理學的新趨勢—新時代思潮與超個人心理學的共通處...9 第三節 新時代思潮運用於諮商的核心概念...15 第四節 個人諮商理論與新時代思潮相關的內涵...24 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究現象場的瞭解與出發點...29 第二節 質性研究取向...30 第三節 研究者與研究參與者...34 第四節 研究歷程...43 第五節 資料的整理與分析...45 第六節 研究的信度與效度...47 第四章 資料分析與研究結果 第一節 資料分析實例...51 第二節 諮商歷程的資料分析結果PART Ι...94 第三節 諮商歷程的資料分析結果PART Ⅱ...115 第五章 研究討論與反思 第一節 討論...133 第二節 研究者的反思...144 第六章 研究限制與建議 第一節 結 論...157 第二節 研究限制與建議...159 參考文獻...162 附錄...167 附 表 目 次 表3-1研究參與者認為與真實經驗符合程度表...48 表4-1【小橘PARTΙ86~155晤談內容摘要,簡述概括性內容意義單位】…58~69 表4-2【小橘PARTΙ86~155晤談內容摘要,內容意義群聚後的命名】...69~90 表4-3【小橘PARTΙ 諮商歷程意義單位命名群聚出核心主題】...90~93 表4-4【小橘PARTΙ諮商歷程核心主題一覽表】...94 ~97 表4-5【小橘PARTⅡ諮商歷程核心主題一覽表】…115~116 附 圖 目 次 圖3-1 文本資料分析流程圖...47 圖4-1 小橘的諮商歷程PARTΙ脈絡圖…98 圖4-2 小橘的諮商歷程PARTⅡ脈絡圖…118 附 錄 參與研究同意書…167 轉錄保密同意書…168

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