本研究以臺北縣、市公立學校的教師為對象,以自編的「過量教育對教學生產力之研究-以臺北地區國民教師為例」為研究工具,探討教師在過量教育對教學效能的「教學計畫與準備」、「多元教學技巧」、「善用教學評量」、「良好學習氣氛」、「班級經營管理」五項構面,以及「工作滿意度」、「學術活動參與」、「健康」、「轉換工作意願」的影響現況,共發出 625 份,回收 566 份,有效問卷 554 份。調查所得資料使用SPSS 13.0 For Windows 版統計軟體進行描述性統計、 t 考驗、多元迴歸分析等資料處理。根據研究發現,歸納本研究結論如下:
The purpose of this study aimed to understand the circumstances of overeducation on teaching productivity for junior high school teachers in Taipei area. Also, this study analyzed the variables of teachers' backgrounds on teaching productivity.
The subjects of this study targeted at teachers in public schools in Taipei city and Taipei County. The data collection instrument was a self-designed quantitative questionnaire. It investigated the effects of overeducation on five dimensions of "teaching preparation", "skills of multiple teaching", "the use of evaluation", "positive learning atmosphere", and "class management". Also, it investigated the effects of "job satisfaction", "involvement in academic activity", "health", and " intention to transfer".
In total, 625 questionnaires were distributed, and 566 copies were received, with 554 effective copies being analyzed. Data were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 for Windows with methods of descriptive statistics, t-test and multiple regression analysis . Based on the results, major findings are summarized as the followings.
First, teachers who evaluated themselves as overeducated or undereducated were less well-prepared on teaching plan and teaching preparation than those who evaluated themselves as overeducated. It meant that over investment or insufficient investment on education resulted in negative effects on teachers' performance on preparing their teaching. Teachers who self-evaluated as undereducated were less capable of making use of teaching evaluation. They were also less capable of guiding students to build a peaceful atmosphere in the class. Also, years of receiving education and years of teaching experiences had positive correlation with teachers' class management.
Second, the dummy variables of overeducation and teaching efficiency to job satisfaction rate were positive correlated. It indicated that when teachers felt that the education they received were higher than adequate education, job satisfaction rate tended to increase. Also, teachers with higher teaching efficiency were more satisfied with their teaching job.
Third, overeducation did not have significant correlation with involvement in academic activities. However, on the aspect of teaching efficiency, it could be found that resultant variables of teaching efficiency and involvement in academic activities were positive correlated. It indicated that teachers with higher teaching efficiency were more willing to attend various kinds of academic activities.
Fourth, it was found that overeducation had no significant correlation with junior high school teachers' health status. In other words, overeducation was not a good explaining variable for junior high school teachers' health status.
Fifth, overeducation had significant correlation with willingness to transfer jobs. Teachers with higher education levels were more willing to transfer their jobs.
Finally, based on the findings and conclusion, this study provided related suggestions for school administrators, teachers, and researchers for further research.
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