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研究生: 賴美娟
Lai, Mei-Juan
論文名稱: 協同教學與教師的專業成長:個案研究
Collaborative teaching and teacher professional development:Case study
指導教授: 黃芳裕
Huang, Fang-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 協同教學專業成長
英文關鍵詞: collaborative teaching, professional development
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:402下載:71
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  • 中文摘要

    Key word : collaborative teaching , professional development
    Recently, as we put more and more emphases on teaching profession , to improve teacher’s teaching profession and to set up professional image have become the major request for educational reform. Professional development is the center of teacher literacy. Moreover, education consequences are attributed to the quality of teachers, and successfully educational reform is tied up with teacher’s professional progress. Therefore, the success of curricula reform must be rooted deeply in the growth and transformation of teacher’s professional development. As a whole, educational environment has less benefit of professional progress thanks to its widespread conservation and isolation. As time advances, for the reasons of new talents, many countries embark on educational reform and our country alike. The Ministry of education has claimed “Formulate the General Guidelines of Grade 1-9 Curriculum of Elementary and Junior High School Education.” in Sep. 30 , 2000 :. Collaborative education is a sort of alternation in teaching style and will end up with a important teaching styles in Curricula reform laid stress on teaching innovation. Collaborative education, which is different from a lack of communication and observation among teachers belonged to traditional education, is to break a teaching method based on teachers themselves and to provide abundant teaching manners. To adapt the trend of educational reform, we can say with more certitude that Collaborative education capable of activating student individual ability and character development , making teacher’s ability and speciality function well or promoting group educational capability by means of multiple teaching style and various teaching approaches , as a consequence, is to be sure to become a critical teaching form. On the basis of educational reform,it will be the principal course in this study that if teacher can improve teaching profession by putting new ideas into teaching curricula in the future. This study adopt qualitative research via two steps. First, I utilize questionnaire. I get primitive deduction depending on data collection, analysis, and discuss. Second, combine teaching scene with class observation, reflection record and meta-examine. According to Murphy(1995) and relative literature, I will divide my analysis of teacher profession into four aspects:(1) professional culture (2) the growth and development of teachers’ group(3)share and reflection of teaching experience(4) relationship among teachers. Relying on my study , I concluded :(1) collaborative education benefit dramatically for teacher’s professional development.(2) collaborative education do promote teacher’s reflection level.(3)Inter-communication among teachers will affect teacher’s growth in collaborative education .Finally, I import into five suggestions: (1)re-think the state of teacher and cast off the point pf first impression。(2) raise the faculty of individual reflection and seek positively for professional development(3)hold the chance to further learning and fulfill oneself.(4)improve professional development and raise teaching effectiveness by sharing teaching experiences.(5)cultivate the ability to collaborative teaching.

    目 次 博碩士論文上網授權書--------------------------------------Ⅰ 學位考試委員審定書----------------------------------------Ⅳ 誌謝------------------------------------------------------Ⅴ 中文摘要--------------------------------------------------Ⅵ 英文摘要--------------------------------------------------Ⅷ 目次------------------------------------------------------Ⅹ 表次-----------------------------------------------------XⅡ 圖次-----------------------------------------------------XⅢ 1.緒論-----------------------------------------------------1 1.1.研究動機---------------------------------------------1 1.2.研究目的---------------------------------------------3 1.3.研究範圍與限制---------------------------------------4 1.4.重要名詞界定與釋義-----------------------------------6 2.理論基礎與文獻分析---------------------------------------8 2.1.協同教學---------------------------------------------8 2.2.教師專業成長----------------------------------------22 2.3.協同教學與教師專業成長------------------------------43 3.研究設計與研究架構--------------------------------------46 3.1.研究設計--------------------------------------------46 3.2.研究架構--------------------------------------------51 3.3.資料收集與來源----------------------------------------54 3.4.研究對象與背景分析----------------------------------56 3.5.資料分析與評量工具----------------------------------59 3.6.研究之信度、效度------------------------------------67 4.研究結果------------------------------------------------69 4.1.第一階段資料呈現與分析------------------------------70 4.2.第二階段資料呈現與分析------------------------------88 4.3.綜合討論-------------------------------------------131 5.結論與建議---------------------------------------------142 5.1.結論-----------------------------------------------142 5.2.建議-------------------------------------------------145 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------147 中文部分-----------------------------------------------147 英文部分-------------------------------------------------151 附錄A:部分反省日誌資料----------------------------------157 附錄B:部分課後討論資料----------------------------------166 附錄C:部分課程教材--------------------------------------177 附錄D:知識的省察能力評估調查卷--------------------------187 附錄E:資料分析範例:以Perry Scheme為分析工具------------193 附錄F:相關著作------------------------------------------202

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