研究生: |
許智香 Chih-Shiang Hsu |
論文名稱: |
文藝復興時期人文教育思想與教育實踐之研究 The Educational Ideas and Practices of Humanists in Renaissance |
指導教授: |
Lin, Yu-Ti |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 279 |
中文關鍵詞: | 文藝復興 、人文主義 、人文教育 、義大利 、北歐 |
英文關鍵詞: | Renaissance, humnaism, humanistic education, Italy, North Europe |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:573 下載:17 |
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摘 要
Educational Ideas and Practices of Humanists
In Renaissance
Chih-Hsiang Hsu
Human creates the history, but often forgets it. From the fourteenth to the seventeenth century, humanism played a key role in European culture. After the Middle Ages, Humanists intended to focus on “human itself” with every facet of Renaissance intellectual form─politics, religion, philosophy, literature and education, created a new social and cultural era.
The purpose of the paper is to understand and criticize the humanistic ideas and practices in Renaissance. First, explore the backgrounds of the history, including the political, economic, social and cultural environment, analysis the developing factors of intellect and education. Secondly, arrange, compare, synthesize, understand and criticize the important educational ideas and practices. Lastly, base on the research results, to recommend some suggestions about educational ideas or activities to Taiwan’s educational participants of the present or the future.
According the findings, the conclusions are as follows:
1. Conditions for humanism: With the interacting of both the external or internal factors caused the occurrence and development of humanism. All domains presented anti-Medievalist, including political development, economic expansion, religious revolts, and intellectual struggles upon established authorities. The dynamical development of these factors prepared for the growth of humanism.
2. Characteristics of humanism: Because of the influences of social and historical factors, humanism forms some essence of ideas. The characteristics are 1)rebirth.2)revival of learning.3)individualism.4)secularism.5)realism.
3. The educational ideas of humanists: The educational aim is to perfect the individuals in learning, virtue and wisdom, make them become free and civilized men. Humanist educators stressed eloquence, that is, grammar and rhetoric; physical training, music and painting had a subsidiary role; moral philosophy rather than science and metaphysics; and gave to history so novel an importance. About the educational attitudes and methods, humanists made great achievements. In addition to read aloud, imitation and memory; early training, the relation of teacher and student, individual differences, systemically teachings and attacks on body punishment were also important.
4. The educational practices of humanists: The schools of a new type were produced, but there were some important differences between South and North Europe’s humanistic school. The school in Italy accepted fewer students than north Europe’s. The educational surroundings were better than ever. The masters used the individual teaching; the students learned encyclopedic curriculum. In north Europe, the scopes of humanistic schools were bigger; masters used the class teaching. There were many achievements on school management or instruction organization. Religious texts, Latin grammar and rhetoric were key curriculums. Comparing with humanistic ideas, the education of humanistic school was narrow; it gradually became the pre-education of universities.
Based on the results and conclusions, some suggestions are put forward:
1. Revelations to nowadays education:
1) To revere educational participants.
2) To finish the humanistic educational aim.
3) To value the humanistic educational curriculum.
4) To stress the humanistic educational attitude and method.
2. Prospects to educational revolution:
1) Generality vs. Specialty: First, give attention to both general educational principles and special social norms. Secondly, when keep in touch with others culture; it must be a process of selection of adaptation and of reshaping. Thirdly, value both common and individual needs.
2) Theory vs. Practice: There is a dynamic dialectic process between educational ideas and activities.
3) Present vs. Future: Educational revolutionists not only considerate the needs and questions now, but also anticipate the future.
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