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研究生: 原來
Yuan, Lai
論文名稱: 無形文化資產振興管理系統之建構─以臺灣布袋戲發展為例
An Inductive Proposal For A System For The Revitalization Of An Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Puppet Theater Of Taiwan
指導教授: 黃光男
Huang, Kuang-Nan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 222
中文關鍵詞: 無形文化資產振興布袋戲
英文關鍵詞: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Revitalization, Puppet Theater
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:46
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  • 本研究專注於無形文化資產振興問題,係考量到無形文化資產必須延傳至下一代,其保護的動作不應只是消極性的保護與記錄,或做一些教育與宣傳的動作而已,其結果將容易形成「玻璃罩子」形式的表演,而使無形文化資產在現代社會成了「本土的他者」,與社會生活脫節。本研究主張應有積極性的作為,以系統結構觀察整體的文化生態做一完整周延的保護。
    本研究所採用振興管理系統的架構,係採用Porter的鑽石體系和Kaplan & Norton的策略地圖,此兩者都是現代管理學界與企業界普遍採用的知名管理系統;鑽石體系關注於國家競爭優勢,以大方向探討建立一個國家的產業群聚競爭力所需要的各因素搭配方式;而策略地圖則從平衡計分卡經過實務操作發展而來,策略地圖將公司經營的四個構面緊密串連,達成每個目標項目,整體公司將可獲得實質的成長。

    There is a reason why this study puts strong emphasis on the revitalization of intangible cultural heritage. Society cannot pass cultural wealth on to the next generation through passive protection, record-keeping and advocacy. Passiveness may devolve into, "glass-cover" types of performances. Intangible cultural heritage may be seen as, "indigenous others". Intangible cultural heritage may be apart from vital contact with society. This study proclaims that an active and systematic approach should go forth to battle for the protection of cultural heritage.
    This study takes as the first focus variation over time in a tradition. A tradition must change with the temporal surround. Taiwanese puppet theater have changed with scientific and technological development. Master Hai-Dai Huang is a significant figure in Taiwanese puppet theater. Master Hai-Dai Huang is an innovator. Master Hai-Dai Huang has engendered the present scene the “Pili”(霹靂) sets backgrounds. The “Pili”(霹靂) genre should last out the century. This study emphasizes the need for a puppet “system”. The puppet theater “system” operates within the larger framework of culture. Judging from the theory and practice of cultural ecology and the religious aspects of anthropology, it is obvious that the emergence and development of traditional arts, such as monotheistic culture in a religious system, are closely related to the development of social systems. The puppet theater is thus easily seen as interactive with the social system and the way to protect or revitalize the arts should be done within the systems.
    The revitalization concepts are supported by motivational theory and social system survival theory. The revitalization programs by UNESCO are usually undertaken with a holistic approach, showing that the international community does not revitalize a historic or traditional art through a "straight-line" subsidy but through a "systematic" approach to offer assistance in many aspects.
    The development of Taiwanese puppet theater is then further discussed in this study. It is plain under the "puppet theater / people" proposition that the Taiwanese puppet theater is always full of thoughts of revitalization. The Taiwanese puppet theater has been always trying to rally itself to survive under pressure, ride on new technology, and lead the trend parade. Taiwanese puppet theater has also been strongly influenced by the attitudes of the Government, changes in the media and the performance venues, and the differences in resource supply structure. As a result, the puppet theater troupes have had their ups and downs and have gradually evolved into the current shabby and tiring situation.
    The revitalization management system used in this study is a combination of Michael Porter’s Diamond Model and the Strategy Maps published by Kaplan & Norton. These two management systems are well-known in both the academic and business communities. The Diamond Model focuses on national competitive advantages and the ways to arrange the industrial clusters to build up national competitiveness. Strategy Maps utilizes Balance Scorecards to closely thread the four operational dimensions of a company, so that the company can build up a sound foundation to reach each of its business targets and the overall growth.
    In this study, the Diamond Model is used to analyze the environments in which the Taiwanese puppet theater is immersed and then recommend some ways for the revitalization of the puppet theaters based on the Diamond system. The Strategy Maps are used to analyze the operating characteristics and problems in the Taiwanese puppet theater. Based on the framework of Strategy Maps, some objectives and targets are then recommended to the Taiwanese puppet theater troupes for reference.
    The formation of a "Revitalization Management System" by combining the Diamond Model with the Strategy Maps is considered the most creative part in this study. The Diamond Model is used to analyze the external environment for the puppet theater troupes, while the Strategy Maps are used to analyze their internal operation and management. The integration of the two systems can be used to display simultaneously the social environment and internal operations facing the puppet theater troupes. If the Government uses the concept of this "Revitalization Management System" to revitalize the puppet shows in Taiwan, it will not think in a “straight-line” way by simply granting subsidies to the performances and heritage education but should systematically consider the social and environmental factors, the internal factors related to the growth of the puppet theater troupes, and the dynamic characteristics of the system. The Government should further consider which factor to strengthen and how to cause a ripple effect by strengthening that one critical factor. If the Government can put more supplementary factors into consideration, the overall ecology for the puppet theater may possibly revive, turn brisk, and pass on to future generations.

    謝誌……………………………………………………………………i 中文摘要………………………………………………………………iii 英文摘要………………………………………………………………v 目錄……………………………………………………………………ix 表次……………………………………………………………………xi 圖次……………………………………………………………………xiii 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1 第一節 前言……………………………………………………………1 第二節 研究動機與問題意識…………………………………………4 第三節 研究目的………………………………………………………10 第四節 研究範圍………………………………………………………11 第五節 研究方法………………………………………………………12 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………21 第一節 本研究重要概念分析…………………………………………21 第二節 臺灣布袋戲發展概覽…………………………………………42 第三節 無形文化資產之系統理論探討………………………………47 第四節 振興之理論與應用探討………………………………………65 第三章 臺灣布袋戲之振興議題辯析…………………………………77 第一節 「布袋戲/民眾」命題下之振興思維………………………78 第二節 臺灣布袋戲發展與振興的資源結構…………………………83 第三節 目前臺灣布袋戲發展之問題探討…………………………..99 第四節 小結………………………………………………………….104 第四章 以系統架構分析臺灣布袋戲發展…………………………107 第一節 管理系統建構的適用性…………………………………….111 第二節 鑽石體系架構下之臺灣布袋戲發展探討………………….120 第三節 策略地圖架構下之臺灣布袋戲發展探討………………….156 第四節 整合鑽石體系和策略地圖的臺灣布袋戲振興管理系統….184 第五節 小結………………………………………………………….190 第五章 無形文化資產振興管理系統之建構………………………195 第一節 整合鑽石體系和策略地圖的振興管理系統……………….195 第二節 建立永續發展的系統平台………………………………….202 第三節 論文貢獻與後續研究……………………………………….204 參考文獻………………………………………………………………207 附錄一…………………………………………………………………217 附錄二…………………………………………………………………218 附錄三…………………………………………………………………219 附錄四…………………………………………………………………220 附錄五…………………………………………………………………221

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