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研究生: 陳俊志
Chun-Chih Chen
論文名稱: 臺灣產擬蠅虎亞科群(蜘蛛目: 蠅虎科)蜘蛛之分類研究
A taxonomic study on the spiders of Plexippoida (Araneae: Salticidae) of Taiwan
指導教授: 陳世煌
Chen, Shyh-Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 205
中文關鍵詞: 新種新紀錄種擬蠅虎亞科群蠅犬亞科擬蠅虎亞科
英文關鍵詞: New species, Newly recorded species, Plexippoida, Pelleninae, Plexippinae
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:301下載:16
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  • 擬蠅虎亞科群(Plexippoida)是蠅虎科中的亞科群之一,包含擬蠅虎亞科(Plexippinae)及蠅犬亞科(Pelleninae)共有22屬,目前已知有687種。常見於田間、灌叢及樹林中,廣泛分布於世界各地,亦是台灣常見的徘徊性蜘蛛之一。擬蠅虎亞科群的雄蛛在顎葉部有鋸齒狀突起,以及在盾片上具有一突起構造可資區別。本研究主要是參考臺灣師範大學館藏標本的採集紀錄和相關文獻,至台灣各地(附錄一)進行樣本採集,採集時選擇平原草地、山區步道以及林地等蠅虎可能出現的棲地,以目視法為主,掃網為輔,發現蜘蛛則以空底片盒捕捉,之後於實驗室進行觀察鑑定以及後續之繪圖與測量。本論文報告台灣產擬蠅虎亞科群 (Plexippoida) 蜘蛛共二亞科(plexippinae)和(Pelleninae)10屬22種,其中擬蠅虎亞科有七屬十八種,包括新紀錄三屬,分別為緬蛛屬(Burmattus)、艾普蛛屬(Epeus)和獵蛛屬(Evarcha),新種三種為臺灣艾普蛛(Epeus taiwanus Chen et Chen, sp. nov.)、臺灣獵蛛(Evarcha formosana Chen et Chen, sp. nov)和臺灣雅蛛(Yaginumaella taiwanica Chen et Chen, sp. nov.),新紀錄種共九種,分別為波氏緬蛛(Burmattus pococki)、雙尖艾普蛛(Epeus bicuspidatus)、榮艾普蛛(Epeus glorius)、廣西艾普蛛(Epeus guangxi)、帶獵蛛(Evarcha fasciata)、黃帶獵蛛(Evarcha flavocincta)、毛首獵蛛(Evarcha hirticeps)、弗氏紐蛛(Telamonia vlijmi)、條紋雅蛛(Yaginumaella striatipes),並首次紀錄雙尖艾普蛛、榮艾普蛛與毛首獵蛛之雌蛛,文中並將Plexippus incognitus (Dönitz et Strand, 1906) 處理為排除種;而蠅犬亞科(Pelleninae)共計三屬四種,包括新紀錄二屬,分別為菱頭蛛屬(Bianor)和西菱頭蛛屬(Sibianor),新紀錄種三種,分別為華南菱頭蛛(Bianor angulosus)、斑菱頭蛛(Bianor maculatus)和暗色西菱頭蛛(Sibianor pullus)。本研究結果可增進擬蠅虎亞科群蜘蛛物種多樣性與地理分布的了解,以做為往後台灣蠅虎科蜘蛛各方面研究的基礎。

    Plexippoida is one of the groups of Salticidae that contains subfamilies Pelleninae and Plexippinae. Males of the Plexippoida bear a serrula on the male endite and a bump on the tegulum. The plexippoids are wandering spiders that are common in Taiwan and inhabit among the shrubs, in the fields and the frosts. I searched jumping spiders from varied habitats in various localities of Taiwan and collected specimens with bare hands or with the aid of sweeping nets. I captured and maintained living spiders in the empty film boxes. Specimens were examined and measured under a stereomicroscope (Leica M3Z). The Plexippoida consists of about 687 described species in the world. Totally two subfamilies, ten genera and twenty-two species from Taiwan are reported in this study. There are seven genera and 18 species of subfamily Plexippinae found in Taiwan, including three new species, i.e., Epeus taiwanus sp. nov., Evarcha formosana sp. nov., and Yaginumaella taiwanica sp. nov., three newly recorded genera, i.e., Burmattus, Epeus, and Evarcha, and nine newly recorded species, i.e., Burmattus pococki, Epeus bicuspidatus, E. glorius, E. guangxi, Evarcha fasciata, E. flavocincta, E. hirticeps, Telamonia vlijmi and Yaginumaella striatipes. The females of Epeus bicuspidatus, E. glorius and Evarcha hirticeps are described for the first time. Plexippus incognitus (Dönitz et Strand, 1906) is excluded from the spider fauna of Taiwan. There are three genera and 4 species of subfamily Pelleninae found in Taiwan, including two newly recorded genera, i.e., Bianor and Sibianor, and three newly recorded species, i.e., Bianor angulosus, B. maculatus, and Sibianor pullus. All known species belonging to the plexippoida are described or redescribed and illustrated based on Taiwanese specimens. In addition, their geographical distribution in Taiwan are also provided. The results of present study will also serve as a foundation for the futher researches.

    目錄 i 圖目次 iii 表目次 vi 附錄目次 vii 摘要 viii Abstract x 壹、緒論 1 貳、生活習性與形態特徵 8 参、材料與方法 13 一、研究材料 14 二、研究方法 14 肆、結果 16 Plexippoida Maddison et Heddin, 2003 17 Pelleninae Petrunkevitch, 1928 20 Bianor angulosus (Karsch, 1879) 22 Bianor maculatus (Keyserling, 1883 26 Harmochirus brachiatus (Thorell, 1877) 29 Sibianor pullus (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906 )35 Plexippinae Simon, 1901 38 Burmattus pococki (Thorell 1895) 40 Epeus bicuspidatus (Song, Gu et Chen, 1988 )47 Epeus glorius Zabka, 1985 50 Epeus guangxi Peng et Li, 2002a 54 Epeus taiwanus Chen et Chen, sp. nov 57 Evarcha fasciata Seo, 1992a 63 Evarcha flavocincta (C. L. Koch, 1846) 66 Evarcha formosana Chen et Chen, sp .nov. 69 Evarcha hirticeps (Song et Chai, 1992) 74 Pancorius crassipes (Karsch, 1881b) 80 Pancorius magnus Zabka, 1985 84 Pancorius taiwanensis Bao et Peng, 2002 89 Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826) 92 Telamonia festiva Thorell, 1887 101 Telamonia vlijmi Prószyn'ski, 1976 106 Yaginumaella lobata Peng, Tso et Li, 2002 111 Yaginumaella striatipes (Grube, 1861) 115 Yaginumaella taiwanica Chen et Chen, sp. nov 120 伍、討論 123 陸、參考文獻 125 圖目次 Figure 1. External features of Plexippoida...............146 Figure 2. External features and copulatory organs of Plexippoida..............................................147 Figure 3. Variations of the carapace of Plexippoida in Taiwan..................................................148 Figure 4. Variations of the tibial apophysis of Plexippoida in Taiwan................................................149 Figure 5. Variations of the epigyna of Plexippoida in Taiwan...................................................150 Figure 6. Bianor angulosus (Karsch 1879), female........151 Figure 7. Bianor angulosus (Karsch, 1879), male..........152 Figure 8. Bianor maculatus (Keyserling, 1883), male......153 Figure 9. Harmochirus brachiatus (Thorell, 1877), female...................................................154 Figure 10. Harmochirus brachiatus (Thorell, 1877), male.....................................................155 Figure 11. Sibianor pullus (Bösenberg et Strand, 1906), male.....................................................156 Figure 12. Burmattus pococki (Thorell 1895), female......157 Figure 13. Burmattus pococki (Thorell 1895), male........158 Figure 14. Epeus bicuspidatus Song, Gu et Chen, 1988.....159 Figure 15. Epeus glorius Zabka, 1985.....................160 Figure 16. Epeus guangxi Peng et Li, 2002a, male.........161 Figure 17. Epeus taiwanus Chen et Chen, sp .nov..........162 Figure 18. Evarcha fasciata Seo, 1992a, male.............163 Figure 19. Evarcha flavocincta (C. L. Koch, 1846), female...................................................164 Figure 20. Evarcha formosana Chen et Chen, sp .nov., female...................................................165 Figure 21. Evarcha formosana Chen et Chen, sp .nov., male.....................................................166 Figure 22. Evarcha hirticeps (Song et Chai, 1992), female...................................................167 Figure 23. Evarcha hirticeps (Song et Chai, 1992), male.168 Figure 24. Pancorius crassipes (Karsh, 1881b)............169 Figure 25. Pancorius magnus Zabka 1985...................170 Figure 26. Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826), female....171 Figure 27. Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826), male......172 Figure 28. Telamonia festiva Thorell, 1887...............173 Figure 29. Telamonia vlijmi Prószyn'ski, 1976, female....174 Figure 30. Telamonia vlijmi Prószyn'ski, 1976, male......175 Figure 31. Yaginumaella lobata Peng, Tso et Li, 2002, male.....................................................176 Figure 32. Yaginumaella striatipes (Grube, 1861), female...................................................177 Figure 33. Yaginumaella striatipes (Grube, 1861), male 178 Figure 34. Yaginumaella taiwanica Chen et Chen, sp. nov., male.....................................................179 Figure 35. Collecting locations (●) of Bianor angulosus (Karsch, 1879) and (■) Bianor maculatus (Keyserling, 1883) in Taiwan................................................180 Figure 36. Collecting locations (●) of Harmochirus brachiatus (Thorell, 1877) in Taiwan.....................181 Figure 37. Collecting locations (■) of Sibianor pullus (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906) and (●) Burmattus pococki (Thorell, 1895) in Taiwan................................182 Figure 38. Collecting locations (●) of Epeus bicuspidatus (Song, Gu et Chen, 1988) in Taiwan.......................183 Figure 39. Collecting locations (●) of Epeus glorius Zabka, 1985 in Taiwan...........................................184 Figure 40. Collecting locations (●) of Epeus guangxi Peng et Li, 2002a in Taiwan...................................185 Figure 41. Collecting locations (●) of Epeus taiwanus Chen et Chen, sp .nov. in Taiwan..............................186 Figure 42. Collecting locations (●) of Evarcha fasciata Seo, 1992 and (■) Evarcha flavocincta (C. L. Koch, 1846) in Taiwan..................................................187 Figure 43. Collecting locations (●) of Evarcha formosana Chen et Chen, sp .nov. in Taiwan.........................188 Figure 44. Collecting locations (●) of Evarcha hirticeps (Song & Chai, 1992) and (■) Pancorius crassipes (Karsch, 1881b) in Taiwan.........................................189 Figure 45. Collecting locations (●) of Pancorius magnus Zabka, 1985 in Taiwan....................................190 Figure 46. Collecting locations (●) of Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826) in Taiwan................................191 Figure 47. Collecting locations (●) of Telamonia festiva Thorell, 1887 and (■) Telamonia vlijmi (Prószyn'ski, 1976) in Taiwan ...............................................192 Figure 48. Collecting locations (●) of Yaginumaella lobata Peng, Tso & Li, 2002 and (■) Yaginumaella striatipes (Grube, 1861) in Taiwan .................................193 Figure 49. Collecting locations (●) of Yaginumaella taiwanica Chen et Chen, sp. nov. in Taiwan...............194 表目次 表一、台灣產蠅虎科蜘蛛分類群學名沿革一覽表......................195 附錄目次 Appendix 1. Collecting Locations in Chinese and English..199 Appendix 2. A checklist of Plexippoida of Taiwan.........204

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