研究生: |
林意玲 Megawati Limin |
論文名稱: |
校長領導行為與學校經營之研究 - 以印尼西加一所私立學校為例 The Case Study of Indonesian Principal's Leadership Behavior and School Management - West Borneo Private School as an Example |
指導教授: |
Yu, Chin-Nien |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育政策與行政研究所 Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 241 |
中文關鍵詞: | 印尼 K-12 system 私立學校 、校長領導行為 、DISC 人格特質 、學校經營 |
英文關鍵詞: | K-12 system Indonesian private school, Principal's leadership, DISC personality traits, School management |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203319 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:533 下載:25 |
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本研究採個案研究法進行資料蒐集,運用半結構訪談、參與觀察、資料蒐集以及省思之過程,分析個案校長的DISC人格特質、領導行為表現與差異及個案校長領導行為對經營學校的影響,以及校務經營之績效表現。以下為本研究主要發現 :
In town areas in Indonesia, the number of private schools are larger than that of public schools. However, the fact that private schools lack human resources causes schools to recruit qualified members eagerly. The leadership behavior of school principals is closely related to management of schools. And principals’ leadership and individual abilities are what affect the organization in terms of its leadership level.
The objective of this study was to explore school principal’s leadership behavior of Indonesian private school based on a K-12 system private school which is situated in remote town areas and limited in financial support and space. The school includes kindergarten, elementary, junior high and senior high, and the individual principal of the aforementioned different level are targets for individual case study.
The study explored the school principal’s leadership behavior differences and the school principal’s performance of school management, through qualitative case study, semi-structured interviews, participate observation, data collection and exploration.
Results of this study showed:
1.The case study of four principal’s personality traits was affected by their leadership behaviors, which were defined as follows: The S personality traits have high initiative and highly considerate leadership behavior; the C and the DI personality traits have high initiative but low consideration; and the IC personality traits have low initiative but high consideration.
2.The S personality even have high initiative and high considerate leadership behavior, even though it has no new breakthrough in the school development. In contrast, The DI personality traits show high initiative but low consideration, in regards of school development, but school members are not satisfied with the principal’s leadership, therefore it leads to an increasement in their mobility.
3.A good communication skill in an interpersonal relationship as well as a participation in motivating and supporting the school personnels reflect some indirect guidance to school personnels
4.The principal is able to lead the personnels to a step closer to the organisation goal by giving some succinct and systematic information and instruction.
5.The time management skill and interpersonal relationship quotient influence the ways how the principal manages the school.
6.The principal is capable of managing the school members flexibly and provides them with a sense of freedom to express their creativity which in turn may develop the organization itself.
7.“Trust” and “satisfaction” are two important elements for the school principal to lead and manage the school personnels. When the personnels trust the principal, feel satisfied with the principal management, and enjoy the school atmosphere, they will be willing to contribute their ideas or innovation.
Based on the research outcomes, The reseacher points out some recommendations for the school principals, the school and the future researchers in the same field :
1.The principal need to have the apparent bilateral communication in conveying a clear objective to obtain information, the ability to communicate, and the capability of negotiating to achieve the same goal.
2.In the scope of the principal leadership, the time management in a planning stage as well as the willingness to motivate the members and participate in the team work are demanded to improve the personnels’ productivity.
3.When leading the school personnels followed a horizontal organization structure, the school principal and school members had a friendly and better relationship, which also helped them to rely more on school personnels, to execute better at work and to increase their willingness to assist the school principal.
4.The principal ought to show the state of being sincere fair and thorough must be upheld when serving the personnels in order to improve the interpersonal relationship
5.The capability of utilizing the school resources as well as showing both the school characteristics in the school development planning stage and the teachers’ ability in the school marketing and image building phases are two important points in the principal leadership.
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