研究生: |
陳旻琦 |
論文名稱: |
虛實相生-剪紙風格圖樣於平面設計之創作研究 |
指導教授: | 蘇宗雄 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 122 |
中文關鍵詞: | 虛實 、剪紙藝術 、陰陽 、圖地反轉 |
英文關鍵詞: | real and virtual, paper cutting art, masculine and feminine, figure and ground reversible |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:362 下載:0 |
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本研究創作旨在探討中國傳統的虛實概念, 應用於剪
紙風格之藝術表現, 由中國傳統哲學及美學的範疇中, 了
解陰陽的互動與中和力量, 並在畫面結構、藝術的氣韻、
情感的投入中, 深入探討視覺心理中圖形的知覺組織與認
知心理, 及造形心理的簡潔化規則, 找尋能空、能捨、能
傳統剪紙藝術以刀剪及紙張為要素, 呈現中國哲學的
虛實概念, 將陰陽以各種刻、疊、折、剪交替作用, 表現
圖地之間的互通性, 同時與簡潔化原則相互輝映。在平面
設計的領域中, 不乏利用圖地、錯視、陰陽等手法表現虛
實的作品, 觀者可透過自身的經驗與直覺產生相異其趣的
不同感受, 畢竟整體的知覺必然包含感覺才得以完整。這
特色, 比較其多元面貌以供參考及運用。
綜合上述, 就廣泛的剪紙主題中虛實表現與概念作深
入的探討, 以生物多樣性之保育為創作主題, 融合傳統與
現代風格發展多元的思惟, 引發沈潛思考最基本的生理需
求與不必要的奢華慾望, 二者之間孰輕孰重, 就人類與地
出虛與實、顯與隱的應用取捨, 最後的創作中雖不盡完美,
This research and created is for the purpose of discussing the Chinese tradition
the real and virtual concept to apply art of performance in the paper-cut style, by the
Chinese tradition philosophy and in esthetics category understood masculine and
feminine elements interaction and neutral strength, and in picture structure, artistic
tone, in emotion investment in thorough discussion vision psychology graph
consciousness organization and cognition psychology, and modeling psychology Jan
purifies the rule, pursues can empty, can the shed, be able deep, to be able the solid
highest artistic boundary.
Traditional paper-cut art cuts and the paper take the knife presents the Chinese
philosophy as the essential real and virtual situation concept, engraves the masculine
and feminine elements by each kind, folds, folds, cuts the replacement performance
chart between the interoperability, simultaneously with succinct industrial chemicals
then shines mutually. In the plane design domain, many technique performance actual
situation and so on the use chart, optical illusion, masculine and feminine elements
works, the view permeable own experience and the intuition have the different its
interest different feeling, the overall consciousness inevitably contains the feeling only
then to be able after all the integrity.
This also is the Chinese philosophy abstruse and the enchanting place. And
analyzes the generalized paper-cut the design characteristic, supplies the reference and
the utilization compared with its multi-dimensional appearance. Synthesis above, in the
widespread paper-cut subject the actual situation performance and the concept make
the thorough discussion, care of take the biodiversity as the theme, the fusion tradition
and the modernistic development multi-dimensional meditation, nitiates Shen Qian to
ponder the most basic physiological demand with the nonessential luxurious desire,
between the two which is the lighter and which is the heavier, speaking of the
humanity and the Earth continues forever to develop the balance actual situation.
The expectation displays the traditional art the different real and virtual situation
vision form. The pure paper-cut technique and the actual situation masculine and feminine
elements of concept fusion will express the return simply in the creation will be the goal
which this research experiment will create, in will unify between the two to reorganize
with the subject transmission in empty and solid, reveals with the hidden application
choices, although in the final creation will not be perfect, but the view in not perfect will
be able to manifest the actual situation mutual promotion of the five elements the concept
then is the perfect performance.
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