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研究生: 陳燦輝
Tzan-hwei Chen
論文名稱: 信心度評估於中文大詞彙連續語音辨識之研究
Exploring the Use of Confidence Measures for Mandarin Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition
指導教授: 王新民
Chen, Berlin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 信心度評估熵值最小化貝氏風險法則中文大詞彙連續語音辨識
英文關鍵詞: Confidence Measures, Entropy, Minimum Bayes Risk, Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:275下載:15
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  • 本論文初步地探討信心度評估(Confidence Measures)於中文大詞彙連續語音辨識上之研究。除了討論原本一般信心度評估應用於判斷語音辨識結果(例如候選詞)是否正確之外,也嘗試將信心度評估應用在詞圖搜尋(Word Graph Rescoring)或N-最佳詞序列(N-best List)重新排序(Reranking)的研究。而實驗語料則是使用公視新聞語料庫(MATBN)中的外場記者(Field Reporters)跟受訪者(Interviewees)語句,以分別探討信心度評估在偏朗讀語料(Read Speech)或偏即性口語(Spontaneous Speech)等兩種不同性質的語句上是否能有不同的效能。首先,本論文嘗試使用熵值(Entropy)資訊並結合以事後機率為基礎之信心度評估方法,在MATBN外場記者(Read Speech)及外場受訪者(Spontaneous Speech)測試語料所得到的最佳實驗結果,可較傳統僅使用以事後機率為基礎之信心度評估可以分別有16.37%及12.00%的信心度錯誤率相對減少(Relative Reduction)。另一方面,在以最小化音框錯誤率(Time Frame Error)搜尋法來增進詞圖搜尋的正確率之實驗中,本論文嘗試結合以梅爾倒頻譜係數(Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients, MFCC),以及以異質性線性鑑別分析(Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis, HLDA)搭配最大相似度線性轉換(Maximum Likelihood Linear Transformation, MLLT)兩種不同語音特徵參數所形成的詞圖資訊,並以最小化音框錯誤率搜尋法來降低語音辨識系統的字錯誤率,經由實驗顯示在外場記者測試語料能有4.6%的字錯誤率相對減少,而在外場受訪者測試語料的部份則有4.8%的字錯誤率相對減少,相較於僅使用異質性線性鑑別分析及最大相似度線性轉換求得語音特徵參數的詞圖並配合最小化音框錯誤率法有較佳的結果。最後,本論文嘗試在傳統以Levenshtein距離為成本函式(Cost Function)的最小化貝氏風險(Minimum Bayes Risk)辨識法則中,適當的加入以特徵為基礎的信心度評估。雖然經由實驗得知,在外場記者以及外場受訪者的語料中,對於辨識錯誤率並沒有很明顯的進步或退步,但相較於傳統利用Levenshtein距離為成本函式的最小化貝氏風險辨識法則而言,卻有較佳的結果。

    This thesis investigated the use of various kinds of confidence measures for Mandarin large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR). These confidence measures were not only used as a post processor to justify the correctness of final recognition hypotheses, but also directly integrated into the word graph rescoring and N-best list reranking procedures for the generation of better recognition hypotheses. All experiments were carried out on the Mandarin broadcast news corpus (MATBN), including the speech utterances of field reporters and interviewees which also respectively belong to the read speech style and the spontanesous speech one. Several approaches to utilizing confidence measures for Mandarin LVCSR were presented and extensively studied in this thesis. First, the entropy information and the posterior probability based confidence measure were tightly combined, and the experimental results showed that such an approach could give relative confidence error rate reductions of 16.37% and 12.00%, respectively, for the field reporters’ speech and the interviewees’ speech, compared to those obtained by using the posterior probability based confidence measure alone. On the other hand, we attempted to jointly consider the information inherent in the word graph constructed by using the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), and the word graph constructed by using the discriminant acoustic features resulting form the heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis and maximum likelihood linear transformation (HLDA+MLLT). The minimum time frame error decoding was conducted on these two word graphs simultanesously to find the best word sequence among them. The experimental results showed that such an approach could achieve character error rate reductions of 4.6% and 4.8%, respectively, for the field reporters’ speech and the interviewees’ speech, which were better than the results obtained by conducting the minimum time frame error decoding on the word graph of HLDA+MLLT alone. Finally, we incorporated the feature-based confidence measure with the minimum Bayes risk decoding. Compared to the conventional minimum Bayes risk decoding, the proposed approach demonstrates slight but consistent performance gains.

    圖目錄 ix 表目錄 xi 第1章 序論 1 1.1 語音辨識之流程 2 1.1.1 特徵擷取(Feature Extraction) 3 1.1.2 聲學模型(Acoustic Model) 4 1.1.3 語言模型(Language Model) 5 1.1.4 語言解碼(Lingusitc Decoding) 6 1.2 現階段語音辨識研究內容 6 1.2.1 強健性語音辨識 6 1.2.2 信心度評估 7 1.3 本論文研究成果與貢獻 9 1.4 論文架構 10 第2章 文獻回顧 11 2.1 以特徵為基礎之信心度評估 11 2.2 事後機率之信心度評估 16 2.2.1 詞圖簡介 17 2.2.2 計算一個詞段的事後機率 18 2.2.3 計算一個辨識詞的信心度 21 2.3 引用高階資訊(High Level Information)之信心度評估 25 2.3.1 潛藏語意分析(Latent Semantic Analysis, LSA) 25 2.3.2 交互資訊(Mutual Information, MI) 28 2.4 信心度評估於詞彙樹複製搜尋之研究 29 2.5 信心度評估於降低詞錯誤率之研究 30 2.5.1 最小化貝氏風險(Minimum Bayes Risk) 30 2.5.2 最大事後機率與最小化貝氏風險尋找最佳詞序列之關聯 31 2.5.3 事後機率詞圖搜尋 32 2.5.4 最小化音框錯誤率詞圖搜尋 32 第3章 實驗架構 35 3.1 臺師大大詞彚連續語音辨識系統 35 3.1.1 前端處理 35 3.1.2 聲學模型 35 3.1.3 詞典建立及語音模型訓練 36 3.1.4 詞彙樹複製搜尋 37 3.2 實驗語料 38 3.2.1 外場記者語料 40 3.2.2 外場受訪者語料 41 3.2.3 實驗評估方式 41 第4章 基礎實驗討論 45 4.1 外場受訪者基礎實驗 45 4.1.1 最大化相似度(Maximum Likelihood, ML)訓練之實驗 45 4.1.2 最小化音素錯誤(Minimum Phone Error, MPE)訓練之實驗 49 4.1.3 相同領域與背景語言模型線性插補實驗 52 4.2 傳統信心度評估之實驗 54 4.2.1 以特徵為基礎之信心度評估實驗 54 4.2.2 事後機率之信心度評估實驗 55 4.3 信心度評估應用於降低詞圖搜尋錯誤率之實驗 57 4.3.1 運用事後機率降低詞圖搜尋錯誤率之實驗 58 4.3.2 最小化音框錯誤詞圖搜尋之實驗 58 第5章 改良信心度評估及運用於降低語音辨識系統錯誤率實驗 61 5.1 結合熵值(Entropy)與信心度估評之實驗 61 5.2 融合不同詞圖並配合最小化音框錯誤率詞圖搜尋方法之實驗 67 5.3 以字(Character)為單位之最小化音框錯誤率詞圖搜尋 71 5.4 結合信心度評估與以Levenshtein距離為成本函式之最小化貝氏法則 74 第6章 結論與未來展望 79 參考文獻 81

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