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研究生: 陳明國
Chen, Ming-Kuo
論文名稱: 大學生課外學習成果及其影響因素之研究–從校務研究策略觀點探析
College Students' Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes and Influencing Factors Research - From the Strategic Perspective of Institutional Research
指導教授: 張雪梅
Chang, Hsueh-Mei
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 368
中文關鍵詞: 校務研究校園經驗核心能力課外學習成果學務方案
英文關鍵詞: Institutional Research, Campus Experiences, Core Competence, Co-curricular Learning Outcome, Student Affairs Program
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.DCEL.005.2018.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:500下載:149
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  • 本研究係以校務研究的策略觀點,探究學生課外學習成果及其影響因素,以正視大學生課外學習成果的重要性;其中課外學習成果係以課外學習核心能力的具備程度加以衡量,並以個人背景變項、校園經驗以及學務方案/活動品質作為影響因素進行探究。本研究係以獲得「教育部補助大學提升校務專業管理能力計畫」經費補助之四間私立綜合型大學的二至四年級學生為調查對象,有效樣本共計1,033人,研究結果發現:
    五、各校學務人員對本研究在學務方案/活動品質採用美國高等教育標準促進評議會」(Council for the Advancement of standards in Higher Education, CAS的評量指標均認為是相當合適與重要的評量指標,且有助於引導學生對於學務方案/活動的認識,惟受訪的學務人員均表示部分的評量指標的問項並不適合用來對所有學生的調查,因此如能慎選受訪對象,將能有效反映方案的品質。

    The purpose of the study is to explore the results of college student’s extracurricular activities and its relevant factors based on strategic perspective of institutional research. The aim is to show the importance of extracurricular activity learning. Co-curricular learning outcome is analyzed by core competence; along with relevant factors including personal background, campus experience and student affairs programs/activities. Several phenomena were presented in the analyzed data:
    First, self-assessment of college students based on extracurricular activity core competence scored nearly excellent. As for consciousness and efforts put on campus experience, it is scored as average. It is scored average too on the quality of student affairs programs/activities.
    Second, gap analysis of personal backgrounds in various research aspects shows: students who do not retake courses, who have part-time working experience or are student workers in campus, who participate, take higher positions, spend more time in clubs, who come from a high socioeconomic status background, have a relatively better campus experience. Freshman students and who participate in clubs have a higher consciousness on the quality of student affairs programs/activities. In addition, students who do not retake courses, who have part-time working experience, who participate and spend more time in clubs, and who come from a high socioeconomic status background, scored higher on self-assessment based on extracurricular activity core competence.
    Third, the result of this research indicates that campus experience and the quality of student affairs programs/activities are both explanatory and positively related to the core competence of extracurricular learning. The correlation with campus experience is more significant than other factors.
    Fourth, according to the quantitative results of the qualitative interview of this study, institutional researchers and student affairs staffs considered the quality of student affairs programs/activities as an important relevant factor, which may influence the core competence of extracurricular learning. However, nearly none of them deliberate the impact of those factors caused. As for the functions and perspectives on institutional research, the two are not consistent. Institutional researchers acquire a clearer conception on the purpose of institutional research. However, most of the research scope is limited to the learning outcomes in the classroom only. On the other hand, student affairs staffs are more familiar with business-promotion-related issues, while they never consider including the relevant surveys in institutional research. This highlights the fact that the functions of institutional research have not been fully rolled out to each of business units.
    Fifth, this research method adapting the CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education) is highly agreed by student affairs staffs. The result serves as a suitable and important evaluation index and it helps guiding students’ knowledge on student affairs programs/activities. The interviewed student affairs staffs expressed that some of the questions on the evaluation measures are not suitable for all students. Therefore, a more careful selection of respondents should be reflected effectively on the quality of the program

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 17 第三節 重要名詞釋義 19 第四節 研究範圍與限制 22 第五節 研究貢獻與重要性 24 第二章 文獻探究 29 第一節 課外學習成果的意涵與評量 29 第二節 校園經驗的相關理論與研究 41 第三節 學務方案/活動的內涵與評量 60 第四節 校務研究的內涵與議題探究 73 第五節 校務研究的展望 95 第三章 研究設計與實施 101 第一節 方法論與研究架構 101 第二節 研究假設 104 第三節 研究對象與挑選方式 106 第四節 研究工具與步驟 108 第五節 資料處理與統計分析 141 第四章 研究結果與討論 145 第一節 個人背景變項分析 145 第二節 各研究構面現況分析 152 第三節 各研究構面變異數分析 159 第四節 各研究構面對課外學習核心能力迴歸分析 224 第五節 質性訪談分析 238 第五章 結論與建議 257 第一節 結論 257 第二節 建議 263 參考文獻 268 中文部分 268 西文部分 277 附錄一 專家效度名單 289 附錄二 專家效度問卷修正意見彙整 290 附錄三 大學生課外學習核心能力及其影響因素調查問卷(預試) 303 附錄四 大學生課外學習核心能力及其影響因素預試項目分析結果 313 附錄五 大學生課外學習核心能力及其影響因素調查問卷(正式施測) 319 附錄六 焦點訪談問項 327 附錄七 訪談方式說明 330 附錄八 訪談同意書 331 附錄九 學務方案/活動品質量表填答不清楚之數據統計摘要 332 附錄十:焦點訪談紀錄 334


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