研究生: |
闕淑君 Chueh, Shu-Chun |
論文名稱: |
臺灣北部地區中老年人對安樂死態度之調查研究 An Investigation of Middle-Aged and Elderly’s Euthanasia Attitude in Northern Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Chi, Li-Kang 方進隆 Fang, Chin-Lung |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
樂活產業高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班 Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 70 |
中文關鍵詞: | 臥床期 、倫理約束 、引致死亡 |
英文關鍵詞: | time bedridden, ethical constraints, ethical constraints |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001340 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:741 下載:0 |
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本研究以「安樂死」為主題,探索台灣北部中老年人對生命自主權的態度。根據蔡欣潔 (2015) 考察北歐諸國瑞典、挪威,丹麥,芬蘭及荷蘭、瑞士等國之長照政策目標,是縮短老人臥床時間至兩週,而臺灣則是七年。這意味著臺灣的老人,在老病交加的狀況下,仍可透過外傭照顧與全民健保,延長七年的臥床煎熬。期間臥床病人之痛苦,家屬之掙扎,甚至家庭經濟的壓力,社會資源的耗費,均難以估計。本研究以300名 (男113人;女187人) 台灣北部之中老年人為研究對象,平均年齡為57.13歲。經參與者同意後,填寫google網路問卷,包括:安樂死態度量表、人口背景資料。所得資料以描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子變異數進行統計分析。得出之統計結果:一、北部地區中老年人對安樂死態度,整體得分為3.93分,支持態度居高。二、北部地區中老年人對安樂死態度中,「病人的權利」 (4.50) 得分最高,其次為「科技維生系統的角色」 (4.26),「安樂死態度的一般取向」 (3.94) 位居第三。三、健康狀況差的中老年人比健康狀況非常良好、良好與尚可的中老年人,對安樂死態度同意的程度較高。四、知道瑞士地區進行安樂死合法化知識的中老年人比不知道其相關知識的中老年人,對安樂死態度同意的程度較高。五、支持推動安樂死合法化的中老年人比沒意見與不支持的中老年人,對安樂死態度同意的程度較高。六、贊同寵物送至醫院進行安樂死的中老年人比不贊同的中老年人,對安樂死態度同意的程度較高。得出結論對於「安樂死」的合法化,對失去生活自理能力的生命個體,生命尊嚴的終止,仍是大多數中老年人的共識。
This study explores the attitudes about euthanasia among the middle-aged and elderly in northern Taiwan. According to Cai, Xinjie’s (2015) survey of countries including Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, their long-term care policy aims to shorten the time that the elderly are bedridden to two weeks. By contrast, in Taiwan it is seven years, meaning that older people who are dependent on foreign caregivers and the National Health Insurance system languish for years. During this period of struggle and suffering, both the patient and their family members face not only mental and physical exhaustion, but also financial hardship. This study surveyed 300 older people — 113 men and 187 women, with an average age of 57.13 — in northern Taiwan. Participants filled out an online Google questionnaire that included questions to determine their Euthanasia Attitude Scale and demographic background. The resulting descriptive statistics, both the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and ANOVA by SPSS, were as follows: 1. The attitude of the middle-aged and elderly in northern Taiwan toward euthanasia scored 3.93, with high support; 2. Patient’s rights scored highest (4.50), followed by the role of life-support technology (4.26) and the general attitude toward euthanasia (3.94); 3. Support for euthanasia among the middle-aged and elderly in poor health was remarkably greater than that of those in good health; 4. Support was greater among respondents who know that euthanasia is legal in Switzerland; 5. The legalization of euthanasia received the most support, followed by those with no comment and those against; 6. More respondents who had a pet put down were in favor of euthanasia than those against. This study argues that legalizing euthanasia and allowing people to end their lives with dignity is a predominant consensus among the middle-aged and elderly in northern Taiwan who have lost the ability to care for themselves.
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