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研究生: 楊子萱
Yeung, Chi-Huen Shirley
論文名稱: 企業數位倡議活動與消費者網路共創行為之關聯研究
Examining The Impact of Digital Corporate Social Advocacy on Consumers' Online Value Co-creating behavioural Intention
指導教授: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-Hsin
口試委員: 張瑋倫
Chang, Wei-Lun
Hsu, Shu-Wei
Chou, Yun-Hsin
口試日期: 2022/06/09
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 數位倡議消費者價值理論利益關係人理論議題參與度同理心價值共創意圖
英文關鍵詞: Digital CSA, Consumer value theory, Value co-creation intention, Issue involvement, Empathy, Stakeholder theory
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201126
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:211下載:0
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  • 快速發展的資訊科技,使企業與消費者之間在網路上的互動變得更加頻繁,消費者亦被賦予更多的權力。近年來,研究顯示消費者對社會正義的關注亦日益增加,企業對具爭議的社會議題的態度,更受到消費者關注。本研究引用消費者價值理論及利益關係人理論,以社群媒體為研究範圍,探討企業的數位倡議活動和消費者共創行為意圖之關聯。由於過往研究建議加入消費者的個體差異以研究企業社會責任相關的議題,本研究亦驗證議題參與度和同理心對消費者價值和網路共創行為意圖的調節作用。本研究設計了一份包括七家企業關於俄烏戰爭的數位倡議活動的問卷,並於社群媒體上進行發放。

    The growing attention of consumers towards social justice and the rapid advancement of information technology have resulted of more frequent interactions between companies and consumers and the empowerment of consumers. This study focused merely on investigating digital CSA actions and consumers’ online value co-creating behavioural intention on social media, based on the stakeholder and consumer value theories. As it is advised to look into individual consumer differences in interpreting social responsibility practices, issue involvement and empathy’s moderating effect on consumer values and online co-creating behavioural intention was as well examined. A quantitative approach with a survey composed of seven companies’ digital CSA actions regarding the Russo-Ukrainian War and an SEM analysis have been conducted in this study.
    Results found that digital CSA actions significantly enhance consumers’ perception of emotional value, functional value and social value, while only emotional value and social value positively influence online value co-creating behavioural intention, especially for those highly involved and more empathetic consumers. Also, consumers’ emotional value perception, which was the strongest predictor of online value co-creating intention, was most affected positively by digital CSA actions. Therefore, these results implied that companies must leverage social media to engage consumers when they advocate for social issues. Companies should also focus on delivering emotional value through digital CSA actions to consumers to cultivate their online co-creating behavioural intention.

    Table of Contents Abstract i Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Literature Review 4 2.1. Corporate Social Advocacy 4 2.2. Stakeholder Theory 6 2.3. Consumer Value Theory 8 2.4. Online Value Co-creating Behavioural Intention 9 2.5. Issue Involvement 11 2.6. Empathy 13 Chapter 3. Research Framework and Hypotheses Development 14 3.1. Digital CSA Actions and Consumer Values 15 3.2. Consumer Values and Online Value Co-creating Behavioural Intention 15 3.3. Moderating Effect of Issue Involvement 16 3.4. Moderating Effect of Empathy 17 Chapter 4. Research Methodology 19 4.1. Research Design and Scale Development 19 4.2. Data Collection 20 Chapter 5. Analysis and Results 23 5.1. Reliability and Validity 23 5.2. Hypothesis Test 28 5.2.1. Main Effect 28 5.2.2. Moderating Effect 30 Chapter 6. Discussion 33 6.1. Research Implication 35 6.2. Managerial Implication 36 6.2.1. Seizing Issue Involvement and Empathy in Marketing 36 6.2.2. Emphasizing Emotional Value in CSA Actions for Co-creation 37 6.2.3. Leveraging Social Media to Engage Consumers 37 6.3. Limitations and Future Research 38 References 40 Appendix 54

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