研究生: |
論文名稱: |
國中青少女戀愛關係團體諮商方案之成效研究 The Research Outcome of Romantic Relationship Counseling Group Project with Teenage Girls in Junior High School |
指導教授: |
Wu, Pei-Li |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 218 |
中文關鍵詞: | 青少女 、戀愛關係 、團體諮商 、尊重 、衝突 |
英文關鍵詞: | teenage, girls, group counseling, respect, conflict |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:452 下載:37 |
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本研究採取混合研究方法,團體內的改變採取質性方法,收集每次團體聚會記錄、觀察記錄、督導記錄、協同領導員與觀察員之焦點團體記錄等質性資料,進行心理治療逐字稿之敘說分析。團體外的改變則併用質性和量性的方法,量性部分採取時間 × 實驗處理之研究設計,收集實驗組與對照組在自重、尊重對方、衝突處理取向、關係評量表等量表上的自陳結果,收集時間為團體前一週到團體結束後八個月,共四次,從第一次施測到最後一次施測間隔近一年;質性部分則收集團體結束後三個月實驗組的訪談記錄,進行主題分析並將結果數量化,以互相檢核質量性兩種資料的結果。
The purpose of this study is to verify the outcome of teenage girls in junior high school participating in the oriented group of encouragement of self-respect and respect for her partner – girls giving consideration to both herself and her partner in a romantic relationship counseling group project. In other words, to have self-respect and respect for her partner in order to have a quality relationship while inside the group as well as with intimate peer relationships outside the group.
By looking at past studies and practice experiences, one can conclude that in order to help junior high schoolers with their romantic relationship, one has to assist with understanding gender issues, sex issues, and interpersonal relationship issues all correlate with their romantic relationships. Considering all these issues, friendship is the most important relationship to junior high schoolers. Girls in junior high are prone to be caught in approach-avoidance conflict when it comes to love. Counseling groups can be used as a “transitional space” to help these girls clear their mind and face their conflicts between the inner needs and outer reality. Self-respect and respect for the partner can directly affect or can affect the quality of friendship and romantic relationship through conflict coping strategy. Therefore when leading the counseling group project in this study, group interaction was used to build close relationships with peers and leaders in the group; to make good use of interpersonal conflict inside and outside the group, and with the process of problem solving, to foster the girls to gain self-respect and to respect others.
This counseling group project started with the author’s related studies and experience of the seven preceding groups as a leader. The group structure is as followed: two hours per week for a total of ten weeks, led by two female leaders and one female observer, all have degrees in counseling psychology. The leaders underwent an hour of counseling supervision each week. There were eight main catalysts during the group sessions, and were adjusted according to the needs of the members.
The participants were mainly seventh and eighth graders from a boarding school (A). They were either in a relationship or had experienced love. These girls were randomly assigned to either the experimental or the contrast group. There were eight girls in the experimental group who joined the counseling group in this project. The seven girls in the contrast group were not involved during the time of this study, but were later provided with group counseling after the study concluded. At the same time, the author conducted the same group project in a regular junior high school (B), and records from the focus group of the co-leaders and observers from the two groups were used as references for the discussion of the outcome of this study.
This study adopted the mixed research method, the changes inside the group was analyzed through qualitative method, collecting information such as the records of the group sessions, observation notes, supervision notes, and focus group records in order to proceed with narrative analysis of psychotherapy transcripts. The changes outside the group were analyzed with both qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative section, time x treatment research design was used, self-reported results of the questionnaires of the self-respect, respect for the partner, conflict coping strategy and relationship assessment from experimental and contrast groups were collected. The collection time started one week prior to the beginning of the group and ended eight months after the group concluded. The time interval between the first and last testing was nearly one year apart with a total of four testing times. On the qualitative section, interview logs were collected three months after the group ended. As for the experimental group, thematic analysis was used as well as quantitized of the results; triangulation was used for both qualitative and quantitative results.
The study result shows that after participating in the counseling group project, the girls had developed close relationships inside the group. They learned the importance of “stop and think of what I want to do” when encountering interpersonal conflicts inside and outside the group, they also practiced expressing themselves and listening to others. The individuals transformed from caring only about oneself and not taking other people’s feelings into account to having self-discipline and concerns for others’ needs. They made the transition from avoidance and giving hasty suggestions to facing and solving the problems they have encountered together as a group. This proves the participants are not only able to care for themselves but for others. The subjects in this study did not reach a sufficient number, therefore the assessment results of both experimental and contrast groups could not exhibit a significant differentiation statistically; however, the change of the means and the results of the interviews show that the participants in the experimental group reached a positive change in self-respect, respect for others and conflict coping strategy in friendships and romantic relationships. They can also think and care about themselves as well as others in interpersonal relationship conflicts. The experimental group can “stand up for oneself” in romantic relationships which is not seen in other junior high schoolers. Additionally, they notice how their partners are feeling and they rarely use “neglect-contempt” which harms the romantic relationships. They also notice the connection between conflict coping strategy and intimate peer relationships, and are able control their impulsive behavior and sooth their own emotions.
In conclusion, the author suggests that by modeling the above counseling group project should bring forth positive interaction in boarding schools or institutes. It takes longer time and more sessions to achieve the same outcome with regular schools. The leaders themselves must reflect often and also have self-respect and respect for others. It is imperative that they devise different ways to guide and attend to the thoughts the girls might have regarding sex issues, and in hopes that the girls can then reflect upon them independently. Lastly, future study suggestions were proposed.
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