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研究生: 鄭英豪
Cheng, Ying-Hao
論文名稱: 學生教師數學教學概念的學習:以「概念啟蒙例」的教學概念為例
Student Teachers' Learning Process of Pedagogical Concept:The Case Of Generic Example For Learning Mathematics Concept
指導教授: 林福來
Lin, Fou-Lai
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 教學概念啟蒙例內化學生教師師資培育場域張力學習歷程學習模式
英文關鍵詞: pedagogical concept, generic example, internalization, student teacher, teacher education, field tension, learning process, learning model
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:426下載:78
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  • 本研究探討學生教師數學教學概念的學習歷程與發展機制,研究對象為台灣師大數學系的四位學生教師,以培育課程中所學的「概念啟蒙例」這個教學概念作為研究的核心。所謂啟蒙例是指學習抽象數學概念時,用以引動學習的具體例子,本研究認為啟蒙例教學概念應包含有代表性、發展性、易學性、樂學性等四個屬性,也就是說,一個好的啟蒙例應能正確表達欲教的數學概念、能接續在相關概念的學習時所用、能讓學生容易操作、能引起學生的學習動機等。

    This interpretive research investigates how the student teachers learning pedagogical concept by the case of generic example for learning mathematics. The pedagogical concept of generic example, with four features: representative, expansibility, painless, and motivational, is one key point of mathematics teaching. A good generic example creates a familiar and concept-embedded situation, which is helpful in concept formation and sense making.features of generic example, .
    A group of 4 student teachers was formed and researched by ethnographic approach. The learning process, dialogue between members in this group, commention on the teaching narrations, and pedagogical practice in the educating-lessons, were recorded and analyzed during the teacher education program in the university and the data were interpreted on the theoretical base of internalization of abstract concept in the social context(Vygosky,1934).
    The main findings are:
    1.The feature of generic example was aware of because of the cognitive impact on student teachers’ spontaneous conceptions of teaching mathematics which was inspired by the critical and reflective tension in the education class.
    2.The student teachers internalized the aware features because they recognized that the features are advantageous to teaching mathematics.
    3.The “guidance of practical thinking” is an effective strategy for practical mentoring.
    4.The learning and developing of the pedagogical concept of generic example is a process of social internalization.
    According to these findings, this research proposed an learning model of learning pedagogical concept.

    第一章、前言 第一節、問題背 1 第二節、學教數學的內 2 第三節、數學概念啟蒙例的意義、屬性、與重要 4 第四節、學生教師學習啟蒙例概念的現象與問 9 第二章、文獻探討 第一節、教學思 12 第二節、學教數學的相關研 12 第三節、結 19 第三章、研究問題 第一節、概念學習是一種社會內化的過程 22 第二節、內化啟蒙例概念的問 24 第三節、研究目 29 第四章、研究過程 第一節、研究場 30 第二節、研究對 31 第三節、研究方 35 第四節、資料收集與分 54 第五節、詮釋與校 58 第五章、研究結果 第一節、啟蒙例教學概念的學習現象與分析 63 第二節、啟蒙例教學概念的學習與發展歷 85 第六章、討論與建議 第一節、討論 101 第二節、建 104 參考資料 113 附錄一:研究對象大三的反思記錄 119 附錄二:F的演習教學轉譯 120 附錄三:Y的演習教學轉譯 125 附錄四:K的演習教學轉譯 132 附錄五:S的演習教學轉譯 137 附錄六:K試教時「聊數學」的教學轉譯 144 附錄七:K試教時的啟蒙例群 147 附錄八:F試教時的教案 148

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