研究生: |
吳佳蓉 Wu, Jia-Zon |
論文名稱: |
探討在網路科學探究平台社會性科學議題決策活動中國中生決策能力的表現 Explore Students’ Decision-making Abilities from Socio-scientific Issues in CWISE. |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Ying-Shao |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 153 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路輔助學習 、科學探究學習 、決策能力 、社會性科學議題 |
英文關鍵詞: | Science inquiry learning, Web-assisted learning, Decision-making, Socio-scientific issue |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:447 下載:53 |
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本研究旨在探討我國國中學生,在「合作式網路科學探究學習平台」(Collaborative Web-based Inquiry Science Environment,簡稱CWISE)進行社會性科學議題「水庫預定地選擇」的決策課程後,學生決策能力的表現與變化,以及學生的知識背景對其決策能力表現的影響。研究對象為我國國中學生,以便利取樣的方式,選取北部、中部、南部共五所合作國中參加暑期科學營之學生為研究樣本,有效樣本數131人。研究採實驗研究法單組前後測設計,檢視施以社會性科學議題「水庫預定地選擇」的決策課程前後,學生的水資源相關知識、決策能力的表現情形,以及水資源相關知識對決策能力的影響。經「魏克遜符號等級考驗」(Wilcoxon signed ranks test)統計分析,發現課程前後學生整體的水資源相關知識及決策能力皆有顯著差異,表示本研究設計之課程能有效提升學生的水資源相關知識及決策能力。進一步以「魏氏-曼-惠特尼考驗 (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test)」檢定水資源相關知識背景對學生決策能力各項子能力(解讀資料、分析資料、運用證據、形成決定、提出缺點)表現的影響,結果發現,在水資源知識測驗前測表現較好的高分群(n=25),在課程中各項決策子能力的平均表現皆顯著優於低分群(n=32),顯示水資源相關知識背景會影響學生在此情境下的決策能力表現,但是在前後測進步情形方面,低分群在「解讀資料」與「運用證據」兩項子能力的進步幅度顯著優於高分群。此外,本研究發現在進行與環境議題有關的決策活動時,學生傾向選擇「生態」作為最重要的考慮因素,而本課程也有助於學生多考慮判準對興建目的、水庫本體、周圍環境有什麼影響或危害(理性思考),以及在作決策時考慮不同面向的影響因素。本研究也提出對未來教師進行相關探究課程設計及未來在CWISE進行決策活動相關研究的建議。
This study is to explore the changes of students’ decision-making abilities and conceptual understanding of water resources from a socio-scientific issues course “location selection for a water reservoir” in Collaborative Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (CWISE). The valid sample of this study was 131 students from five junior high schools in Taiwan. Related measurements included a water-resource conceptual test, a decision-making ability test, and worksheets. Students' pre- and posttest scores were analyzed for their learning effects of the course. Results showed that student’s decision-making abilities (data interpretation, data analysis, evidence uses, decision making, and defect identification) and conceptual understanding of water resources improved significantly from the course. Moreover, high-score students in water-resource conceptual test had better decision-making abilities than low-score students. Students also trended to consider ecological-based criteria in environmental-related socio-scientific issues and use rationalistic reason to consider more criteria when making decisions. Based on these findings, suggestions are offered for designing courses of socio-scientific issues and decision-making in CWISE.
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