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研究生: 郭泓男
Hung-Nan Kuo
論文名稱: 探討導入科學探究教學於科展培訓對學生科學探究能力之影響
Exploring the Effectiveness of Students’ Science Inquiry by Introducing Scientific Inquiry Teaching into Science Fair Training
指導教授: 許瑛玿
Hsu, Ying-Shao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 科學探究科學展覽實作評量
英文關鍵詞: scientific Inquiry, science Fair, performance assessment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:706下載:42
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  • 本研究以美國奧勒岡州教育部門提出科學探究(Science Inquiry)四個面向、三層次評分準則形成的十二個科學探究能力分項(Oregon Department of Education, 2002)作為研究設計之科展培訓教學模組的主要參考依據,教學設計內容包含一學期16節的課程,課程教學目標涵蓋上述十二項科學探究能力分項。本研究採用混合方法設計研究法(mixed-methodology design),使用便利取樣,研究對象包含接受本研究設計之科展培訓教學模組並參與研究者任教學校校內科學展覽者11位學生,作為實驗組;另外選取沒有接受科展培訓教學模組但有參與校內科學展覽者11位學生,作為對照組。研究問題有二:(1)實驗組學生接受科展培訓教學模組前後,科學探究能力的改變及面對實驗誤差的控制與處理方式為何?(2)探討接受科展培訓教學模組學生與沒有接受科展培訓教學模組學生,在參與科展活動前後科學探究能力的改變及面對實驗誤差的控制與處理方式為何?研究採用一開放式真實操作的斜面滑車實驗作為診斷學生探究能力的科學探究能力實作評量,並藉由學生實驗日誌、實驗組科展活動追蹤紀錄、晤談等質性資料的分析來探討上述兩個研究問題。針對第一個研究問題,研究結果發現實驗組學生在科展培訓教學模組前後,在科學探究能力實作評量的「實驗設計」、「實驗操作」、「數據處理」、「分析詮釋」四個面向的得分皆達到顯著差異(p<0.05),且在總得分上達到高效果量(E.S.=2.27,p<0.05),並在實作評量子面向得分的分析與質性資料的對照,歸納出學生在科學探究能力實作評量操作過程中明顯進步的行為特徵包括:(1)正確地操弄操作變因;(2)操作變因的控制改變具有規律性;(3)刪除誤差過大的數據;(4)將實驗圖表做正確的詮釋。沒有明顯進步的行為特徵則包括:(1)圖表的紀錄與組織完整;(2)面對實驗結果與預期或理論差異做正確推論。而針對第二個研究問題,探討科學展覽活動對學生科學探究能力影響方面,實驗組與對照組的學生在科學探究能力實作評量表現皆有顯著進步 (實驗組E.S.=1.51,p<0.005;對照組E.S.=0.85,p<0.05),在實驗組與對照組科展作品評分的比較上,發現實驗組在「分析詮釋」的表現明顯優於對照組(p<0.05)。本研究針對質性資料進行內容分析,歸納出學生獲得實驗誤差相關概念來源、學生在面對科展實驗研究中誤差控制的處理策略、學生對於誤差在科學實驗造成影響的詮釋分別有哪些類型。研究者最後依據研究結論提出未來修改科展培訓相關教學模組設計與科學探究能力實作評量實施之具體建議。

    Based on the Scientific Inquiry Scoring Guide raised by the Oregon Department of Education (2002), this study developed a 16-hour course to help students complete science fair projects. The objective of the course is to help students to attain the 12 inquiry abilities from four aspects in the Scientific Inquiry Scoring Guide. Following a mixed-methodology approach and a convenience sampling strategy, this study recruited a total of 22 students who participated in the science fairs held in their school. Half of the students who received the instructional model were viewed as the experimental group, while the other half who participated in the science fairs merely was the control group. A total of two research questions would be discussed in this study. First, what changes did the students in the experimental group display on their abilities of inquiry as well as experimental error control after the course? Second, what changes did the experimental group and control group display on their abilities of inquiry as well as experimental error control after their participations of the science fairs? In the study, students were required to do actual experiments on sliding cars, in order to assess their scientific inquiry ability through a performance assessment. Another data collected during students' experiments included their experimental log, science fair activity records of the experimental group, and student interview data. Results showed that all the students from the experimental group had significant differences in four aspects of scientific inquiry ability, including experimental design, experimental operation, data processing, analyzing and interpreting, and the total scores (E.S.=2.27,p<0.05). By comparing the scores they gained from performance assessments and other qualitative data, impressive improvements were observed from students' performances during experiments, such as manipulating independent variables correctly, displaying the abilities of variable control and alteration regularly, identifying and deleting data errors, and making correct interpretation of graphs. For the second research question regarding between-group inquiry performance after science fairs, both of the experimental group and the control group showed significant improvements on the scores of their inquiry performance assessments (experimental group E.S.=1.51,p<0.005;control group E.S.=0.85,p<0.05). While comparing the scores of science fair projects, the experimental group had significantly higher scores than the control group did in the part of “analyzing and interpreting” (p<0.05). According to the qualitative data, this study identified the sources of students' concepts regarding experimental errors, the strategies that the students used to control errors which might occur during the experiments, and the types of students' interpretation on experimental errors. At last, based on the results of the study, school teachers can consider to applying the teaching model proposed in this study to train students how to accomplish their science fair and evaluating students' inquiry abilities through performance assessments.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究重要性 3 第三節 研究問題 4 第四節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 科學探究 7 第二節 科學探究教學設計 10 第三節 科學展覽對學生科學探究的影響 15 第三章 研究方法 20 第一節 研究對象 20 第二節 研究流程 23 第三節 科展培訓教學模組設計 25 第四節 研究工具 29 第五節 資料分析方法 35 第六節 研究範圍與限制 37 第四章 結果與討論 38 第一節 科展培訓教學模組對學生科學探究能力發展的影響 38 第二節 科學展覽活動對學生科學探究能力發展的影響 47 第三節 學生對於實驗誤差概念形成機制之探討 58 第五章 結論與建議 68 第一節 研究發現與結論 68 第二節 綜合討論 70 第三節 建議 72 參考文獻 76 附錄 83 附錄一 數據分析活動教案與學習單 83 附錄二 科學探究能力實作評量 87 附錄三 學生科展專題研究實驗誤差控制分析 95 附錄四 科展作品評分準則 96 附錄五 科展成果依科學探究面相評分 97

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