簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 鍾書得
Chung Shu-Te
論文名稱: 台北市高職聽障學生休閒活動及其影響因素之研究
The Influential Determinants of Leisure Activity of Hearing Impaired Students in a Senior High School
指導教授: 姜逸群
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 聽障休閒活動
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:276下載:0
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  • 本研究目的在瞭解高職聽障學生從事休閒活動的現況並探討自家外休閒活動量與個人因素及環境因素之關係。本研究以台北市啟聰學校高職部一、二、三年級學生為研究對象,利用手語解說及自填問卷的方式進行資料收集,共得有效樣本154人,所得資料以單因子變異數分析、積差相關及複迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下:一、研究對象男性略多於女性;二年級的學生人數略多,聽力損失以全聾者佔大多數; 家長的社經地位普遍均不高。以住家裡的學生最多;在最近一年內大多數人皆不曾 參與校外人士所舉辦的活動;自覺現在的健康狀況好和非常好的人佔大多數,但仍 有許多的學生覺得自己的健康普通。二、本研究對象較常從事自家內的休閒活動,在自家內所從事的休閒活動大多是以看電視和運動為主;而在自家外從事的休閒活動則大多是以逛街和外出聚會聊天為主。三、本研究對象平均在住所附近有6-7個可以去的休閒場所,較常可以去的為夜市、學校 及書店。 四、本研究對象的休閒社會支持程度為中等,並以來自同儕的支持最多。五、本研究對象的自家外休閒活動在休閒社會支持和休閒場所的多寡上呈現正相關,在個人因素上則無關連。六、休閒社會支持和休閒場所共可解釋自家外休閒活動量的45.9 %變異量。根據本研究結果,提出下列建議供政府相關單位、學校及民間機構對推展高職聽障學生休閒活動的參考:(一)加強休閒社會支持。(二)提供適當的休閒場所。(三) 多舉辦聽障者的休閒活動。(四)加強一般人與聽障者之間的溝通。

    The Purpose of this study is to understand the current status of leisure activity of the students of a senior high school and to explore the relationships between leisure activity, selected demographic characteristics and environmental variables. 154 valid samples were collected with a self-administrated questionnaire. One-way ANOVA, Pearson's porduct monent correlation and Multiple Regression were used to analyze the data.The results indicated that:(1)There are more male than female subjects and also more in 2nd year. Most of the hearing impaired are complete deaf. Social and financial status of the parents n-se mostly low. Most of the students live at home. In the recent one year most of students did not join out of s chool activities. Mostly feel that their health status are good or very good. But there are some who feels that their health status are just fair.(2)The subjects who participated in household activities as leisure activities, which forcus on watching TV and taking exercise. On the other hand, the extra-household activities were mainly on taking a stroll and socializing with others. (3)In this study group, there is an average of 6-7 extra-household places near their homes where they can go for leisure activities which includes mostly the nithere are some who feels that Their healthbjects had moderate level of leisure social support, and most of it was from peer groups.(5)In this study,regarding extra-household leisure activity was highly correlated with leisure social support and leisure environment and this was not correlated with selected demographic characteristics.(6)Leisure social support and leisure environment accounted for 45.9 % of variance in extra-household leisure activities. According to the result of this study we suggest that government related agencies, school and civilian institutions will be involved in the following:(1)strengthen leisure social support.(2)provide appropriate leisure place.(3)organized more leisure activities.(4)strengthen communication between the common people and hearing-impaired.
