研究生: |
陳志岳 Chih-Yueh Chen |
論文名稱: |
躲避球冠軍選手不同投擲動作之運動學分析 Kinematical Analysis Dodgeball Champion among Different Throwing Movements |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Chien-Lu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 71 |
中文關鍵詞: | 球速 、移動側肩 、肩外展 、軀幹側彎 |
英文關鍵詞: | ball velocity, sidearm throw Motion with stepping in motion, Shoulder abduction, lateral trunk tilt |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:828 下載:37 |
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研究目的:以運動學分析躲避球選手在原地站立與移動步時,採用過肩與側肩投擲之差異。方法:以十名102年全國躲避球賽冠軍選手為研究對象,平均年齡11.86±0.54歲,平均身高158±9.16公分,平均體重52.34±17.33公斤。以十台VICON攝影機,及一台FASTEC高速攝影機,同步蒐集資料。以VISUAL 3D動作分析系統,計算人體運動學參數;球速部分以Kwon 3D軟體來計算。以SPSS20.0版統計軟體,進行無母數弗里曼二因子等級變異數分析,比較投擲動作之差異,顯著水準為α=.05。結果如下:
The aim of study is to analyze the diference between overarm throw and sidearm throw when the kinematics dodgeball players stand still and step in motion. Method: Ten national champion Dodgeball game players in Taiwan were served as the participants of the study. Their average age are11.86±0.54 years. Their average height is 158±9.16 cm; Their average weight is 52.34±17.33 kilograms. Also, ten Vicon Motion Capture systems and one Fastec High Speed Camera are used to be synchronized the data collected in the survey. The VISUAL 3D motion analysis system are utilized to show Kinematics calculation parameters. Calculation of Ball Velocity will be demonstrated by using Kwon 3D software. The variables of the Friedman two-way analysis of variance nonparametric statistical test was calculated by using SPSS 20.0 software to compare with the differences of throwing motion ,the significant levels was as α = .05. The results were :
1.overarm throw Motion: the phrase from the ball accelerating to ball released from hand demonstrate a larger angle of lateral trunk tilt, the maximum angular velocity of the front trunk tilt and the largest angle of shoulder abduction. When the ball is released, there will be a greater angular velocity of forefoot knee joint and shoulder axis angle would tend toward non-dominant hand of the player.
2.Sidearm throw Motion: in the phase of acceleration, the Maximum trunk rotation angular velocity becomes greater. When the ball is released, there will be greater COM velocity and upward of velocity. And, the shoulder axis angle tends toward the front of the player.
3.Overarm throw with stepping in motion: the phrase from the ball accelerating to ball released from hand demonstrate a larger angle of lateral trunk tilt, the maximum angular velocity of the front trunk tilt and the largest angle of shoulder abduction. When the ball is released, there will be a greater angular velocity of forefoot knee joint and shoulder axis angle would tend toward non-dominant hand of the player.
4.Sidearm throw with stepping in motion: In the phrase of preparation, the player might have a longer percentage of the strike length; in the phase of acceleration, the player might have a larger displacement of the whole gravity and displacement in the direction of moving forwards. The trunk rotation angular velocity also becomes greater. When the ball is released, there will be a greater velocity of COM upward and angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation.
Suggestions: As for the sports performance, sidearm throw with stepping in motion leads to the faster ball Velocity, the player who steps in motion has a longer time to control the ball; as for the risk of injury, the larger trunk lateral bending angle and shoulder abduction angle caused by overarm throw have a negative impact on the pressure of the elbow valgus.
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