研究生: |
莊怡軒 Yi-Hsuan Chuang |
論文名稱: |
促進組織創造力要素與其策略之研究—以個案公司為例 A Study of the Factors and Strategies of Facilitating Organizational Creativity: The Case of Manufactoring Corporation |
指導教授: |
Fang, Chung-Hsiung |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 149 |
中文關鍵詞: | 創造力 、組織創造力 、促進要素 、策略 |
英文關鍵詞: | creativity, organizational creativity, facilitating factors, strategy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:416 下載:14 |
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The purposes of this study were to explore the important issues of the factors and strategies of facilitating organizational creativity.The research method employed was single case study of the qualitative research. The data was collected by in-depth interviews. In the process of the research, the author interviewed with six co-researchers in the corporation. After the interviews, the author coded the tapes into word processor files. Then, we can get the findings of the study as follows:
1. There are six factors of facilitating organizational creativity. The six factors are as follows: (1) organizational culture, (2) leadership of the corporation, (3) working environment, (4) channels of communication,
(5) stimulating measures. (6) supplied resources.
2. There are seven strategies in organizational culture, including: (1) setting up the goal to innovate, (2) holding the positive concepts of creativity, (3) valuing the long-term contribution of employees, (4) valuing the organizational creativity drive, (5) establishing a system to implement the organizational creativity, (6) implementing the organizational creativity with technique, (7) forming the creative culture with mechanism.
3. There are nine strategies in leadership in corporation, including: (1) valuing the communication with employees, (2) valuing the necessity to implement the organizational creativity, (3) top managers should have determination to implement the organizational creativity, (4) top managers should have the positive characteristics to implement the organizational creativity, (5) top managers should take actions to implement the organizational creativity, (6) top managers should emphasize the concept of changes, (7) top managers should guide the thoughts of employees, (8) supervisors should have capability to facilitate organizational creativity, (9) supervisors should encourage their employees to think.
4. There are eight strategies in working environment, including: (1) building up a comfortable working place, (2) establishing a case-oriented working mode. (3) using group mode to encourage the thoughst of employees, (4) building up various channels for employees to propose new ideas. (5) cultivating employees’ thinking behavior through a system. (6) employee can propose their ideas in different modes. (7) valuing the ideas of employees by feeding back. (8) establishing the working concept to encourage the thoughts of employees.
5. There are five strategies in channels of communication, including: (1) building up a free channels of communication, (2) building up various channels to communicate, (3) top managers can deliver the information about creativity through the channels, (4) employees can share their thought with each other, (5) employees can present their ideas to top managers.
6. There are four strategies in stimulating measures, including: (1) building up the stimulating measures to facilitate organizational creativity, (2) building up a motivation system, (3) stimulating employees with rewards, (4) stimulating employees by honoring.
7. There are nine strategies in supplied resources, including: (1) integrating resources through a system, (2) building up the concept of colleagues are resources, (3) providing employees enough time to generate ideas, (4) providing room to hold the creative activities, (5) providing budget to execute creativity, (6) providing equipments to communicate, (7) providing opportunities to inspect and learn from each other's work, (8) providing trainng opportunities, (9) building up the knowledge management system.
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