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研究生: 簡佑宏
Yu-Hung Chien
論文名稱: 運用遊戲模擬促進設計決策之研究—以價值工程為例
Using Gaming/Simulation to Improve Design Decision Making—Exemplified by the Instruction of Value Engineering
指導教授: 楊紹裘
Yang, Shau-Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 教育性遊戲模擬價值工程學習動機組織溝通設計決策
英文關鍵詞: Educational Gaming/ Simulation, Value Engineering, Learning Motivation, Organizational Communication, Design Decision Making
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:33
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  • 本研究旨在探討教育性遊戲模擬教學與促進設計決策學習之關聯性,並結構以遊戲模擬、教育性遊戲模擬教學、設計理論與價值工程等理論基礎,進行具體研究目的之探討,其內容包括一、探討實施遊戲模擬價值工程對促進設計決策與組織溝通的影響。二、探討實施教育性遊戲模擬教學與學習動機、組織溝通等相關構面的關係。三、了解學生對教育性遊戲模擬教學實施的感受、意見與反應。
    一、 實施遊戲模擬價值工程分析,運用角色模擬能夠使學生可能由各種領域的專業角色的扮演,進行設計評估,達到溝通的多樣性,增加對設計案的認知,並且提出更符合業主在成本上、價值上、設計意象上需求的設計決策。
    二、 實施遊戲模擬價值工程分析小組在「情報的溝通」的構面分數高於一般價值工程分析小組,並達顯著差異。
    三、 實施遊戲模擬價值工程分析小組在「失真的溝通」的構面分數高於一般價值工程分析小組,並達顯著差異。
    四、 實施教學性遊戲模擬教學,研究所學生只針對自己喜愛的任務而學習,研究所學生亦較不在意教育性遊戲模擬教學對自己的影響。
    五、 實施教學性遊戲模擬教學,在「情報的溝通」的構面,研究所的學生高於大學部四年級同學,並達顯著差異。
    六、 實施遊戲模擬價值工程,由觀察資料顯示,所有溝通的情形,皆正面地有關「設計決策工作」的發展,不論是遊戲階段、創造力發展階段亦或價值工程評估階段。
    七、 實施教學性遊戲模擬教學,能夠促進學生對「設計決策」了解達93%的學生認同;96%的學生認為能夠提高學習興趣。
    八、 實施教學性遊戲模擬教學, 97%的學生認同此教學法對促進設計決策有幫助;100%的學生認同參與教學活動時,會增進同學之間的關係;而且96%的學生希望多進行此教學法。

    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between educational gaming/simulation and the learning of design decision –making. Based on the theories of value engineering, educational gaming/simulation, design theory and design teaching method, this study is structured into three following specific projects: First, this study seeks to examine the role of gaming/simulation value engineering in design decision-making and organization communication. Second, it is to explore the relationship among the implementation of educational gaming/simulation, learning motivation and organizational communication. Finally, this study strives to understand how those students who participated in the study felt about the application of educational gaming/simulation in design decision-making learning.
    In order to achieve the objectives, 27 undergraduate and 8 graduate students who studied in interior design division, industrial education department, National Normal University were invited to be the research samples of this study. Both quantitative and qualitative research method are employed. The quantitative research method comprises three approaches including one-shot case study experiment research, quasi-experimental research and measuring test. The qualitative research method is composed of documentary analysis and observation methodology.
    In terms of data processing, test scores and results are collected to undergo various statistical analysis including frequencies, percentage, means and independent-sample T test to achieve quantitative research. While in qualitative research, observation methodology is applied such as audio/ videotaping, and the observational data was analyzed and concluded by narrative form.
    The findings of this study are as follows:
    1. Role-play is an activity in gaming/simulation value engineering analysis. By being asked to play different professional roles in a design case, the students are able to do a case study based on diversified communication modes to have a better understanding of the design case thus to come up with design decisions that can better meet the client’s requirement in cost, value, and image.
    2. The gaming/simulation value engineering team scores impressively higher in “communication of information” than non-gaming/simulation value engineering team.
    3. The gaming/simulation value engineering team scores impressively higher in “distortion communication” than non-gaming/simulation value engineering team.
    4. In proceeding educational gaming/simulation, graduate students only focus on the areas that they are most interested in. They also care less about the influence of educational gaming/simulation to themselves than undergraduate students.
    5. In proceeding educational gaming/simulation, graduate student team scores impressively higher than the seniors in undergraduate school.
    6. In proceeding value engineering gaming/simulation, the data collected from observation shows that every communication in between the students has positively affected the various stages in design decision making process including gaming, creativity development and value engineering assessment.
    7. 93% of the students agree that the application of educational gaming/simulation can improve their understanding of “design decision-making”, and 96% of the students agree that educational gaming/simulation reinforces their motivation in learning design decision-making.
    8. 97% of the students recognize that educational gaming/simulation indeed is helpful to them in design decision-making process, and 100% of them agree that participating in education gaming/simulation activities can improve their interpersonal relationship. Furthermore, 96% of the students express their hope to see more of this kind of curriculum will be brought along.
    The study carries out a discussion based on the findings of various research methods mentioned above and offers a number of suggestions regarding relative factors and further studies of educational gaming/simulation.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要………………………………………………………………III 目錄………………………………………………………………………IV 圖目錄…………………………………………………………………VIII 表目錄……………………………………………………………………IX 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究緣起與動機……………………………………………2 第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………5 第三節 研究問題……………………………………………………6 第四節 研究架構……………………………………………………7 第五節 研究方法與步驟……………………………………………9 第六節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………………12 第七節 重要名詞界定………………………………………………13 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 遊戲模擬的起源、發展與理論基礎………………………16 第二節 教育性遊戲模擬教學………………………………………25 第三節 國內外教育性遊戲模擬個案分析…………………………33 第四節 教育性遊戲模擬教學的相關因素…………………………40 第五節 價值工程的理論基礎………………………………………52 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究設計……………………………………………………58 第二節 研究樣本……………………………………………………59 第三節 教學實驗規劃………………………………………………59 第四節 研究工具……………………………………………………61 第五節 實施步驟……………………………………………………65 第六節 研究進度與流程……………………………………………69 第四章 研究結果 第一節 準實驗階段-設計決策分析與組織溝通分析……………70 第二節 一次個案實驗階段-學習動機與組織溝通之各構面分析74 第三節 一次個案實驗階段-教育性遊戲模擬教學意見分析……82 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論…………………………………………………………87 第二節 建議…………………………………………………………91 參考文獻 壹、 中文部份……………………………………………………94 貳、 英文部份……………………………………………………96 附錄一 遊戲道具………………………………………………………100 附錄二 價值工程實施流程表…………………………………………101 附錄三 實際案例說明…………………………………………………102 附錄四 價值工程設計決策建議單……………………………………103 附錄五 組織溝通觀察量表……………………………………………104 附錄六 組織溝通量表…………………………………………………105 附錄七 學習動機量表…………………………………………………106 附錄八 教學意見調查表………………………………………………107 附錄九 角色準則說明…………………………………………………108 附件十 實際案例圖說…………………………………………………112 附錄十一 研究生價值工程分析資料…………………………………115 圖目錄 圖1-4-1 研究架構圖……………………………………………………8 圖1-5-1 研究步驟實施流程圖…………………………………………11 圖2-2-1 教育性遊戲模擬關係圖………………………………………27 圖2-3-1 集居性實質環境中的配合遊戲棋盤圖………………………37 圖2-4-1 社會互賴與成就動機圖………………………………………42 圖2-4-2 小組學習影響學習報酬之因素模式圖………………………43 圖2-5-1 設計工程的生命週期圖………………………………………53 圖2-5-2 價值工程效益分析圖…………………………………………54 圖3-5-1 一次個案實驗研究實施流程圖………………………………65 圖3-5-2 價值工程分析階段實施之流程圖(一)……………………67 圖3-5-2 價值工程分析階段實施之流程圖(二)……………………68 圖4-2-1 一次個案實驗研究學習動機之各構面分數分布圖…………75 圖4-2-2 一次個案實驗研究組織溝通之各構面分數分布圖…………76 圖4-3-1 對實驗活動的看法分數直條圖………………………………83 圖4-3-2 對教育性遊戲模擬教學的看法分數直條圖…………………83 表目錄 表2-0-1 文獻回顧探討結構表…………………………………………15 表2-2-1 教育性遊戲模擬分析表………………………………………27 表2-2-2 教育性模擬的設計目的與方式分析表………………………28 表2-3-1 囚犯兩難賽局決策模式表……………………………………34 表2-3-2 集居性實質環境中的配合遊戲棋子排列規則表……………37 表2-4-1 學習動機量表分析表…………………………………………44 表2-4-2 溝通定義表……………………………………………………46 表2-4-3 溝通及互動的模式分析表……………………………………47 表2-4-4 交互影響過程分析表…………………………………………49 表2-5-2 價值工程實施程序表…………………………………………57 表3-7-1 研究實施流程表………………………………………………69 表4-1-1 準實驗研究櫃檯設計價值工程建議分析表…………………70 表4-1-2 準實驗研究組織溝通量表T-Test分析表……………………71 表4-2-1 一次個案實驗研究學習動機各構面描述統計資料表………74 表4-2-2 一次個案實驗研究學習動機量表T-Test分析表……………75 表4-2-3 一次個案實驗研究組織溝通各構面描述統計資料表………76 表4-2-4 一次個案實驗研究組織溝通量表T-Test分析表……………77 表4-3-1 封閉型問卷內容分析表………………………………………82

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