研究生: |
蔡宜君 Tsai, Yi-Chun |
論文名稱: |
初探法語母語者延續體「V下去」之教學應用 A Study on Pedagogical Application of Teaching Continuative Aspect "V-xiaqu" to French Speaking Learners |
指導教授: |
Hsiao, Hui-Chen |
口試委員: |
Liu, Te-Hsin 蔡美智 Tsai, Mei-Chih 蕭惠貞 Hsiao, Hui-Chen |
口試日期: | 2024/01/08 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 143 |
中文關鍵詞: | 延續體 、V下去 、continuer à 、華語教學 、法語母語者 |
英文關鍵詞: | continuative aspect, V-xiaqu, continuer à, Mandarin teaching, French speakers |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400189 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:310 下載:0 |
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「V下去」是初中級漢語學習者會接觸到的語法,但在教學上有其難點,尤其是針對缺乏動補結構的法語母語者而言。現行法語為媒介語的教材多將「V下去」與法語的「continuer à」做類比,但此種解釋方法卻容易造成學習者的偏誤。
基於此,本文從七本漢翻法及八本法翻漢的小說中,統計「V下去」與「continuer à」的動詞搭配、語意分布及互譯頻率,探討兩詞的用法差異,及使用「continuer à」來說明「V下去」易造成哪些學習者的偏誤。本文亦進行為期半年的課堂研究,分別採用「圖像引導」及「continuer à」來說明「V下去」,分析兩種方法對三名法語母語者的習得有何影響。
結果顯示,「V下去」與「continuer à」互譯的頻率低,「continuer à」翻譯成「繼續」的頻率反而較高。課室研究部分,本文發現使用圖像引導有助於學生不透過母語便理解「V下去」的概念;採用「continuer à」說明「V下去」則會使得法語母語者過度依賴母語導致負遷移,產生錯序及誤代的偏誤。
本文建議華語教師採用圖像引導方式進行「V下去」教學,在操練時,初期可採用二選一的選擇題形式,讓學生熟悉「肯定/否定」、「actual/potential form」的判斷之後,再讓學生在只有動詞提示的情況下完成句子。
“V-xiaqu” is a grammar point at A2 level. It is difficult to teach, especially to French speaking learners due to the lack of “verb + directional complement” structures in French. Most Mandarin textbooks for French learners use “continuer à” to translate “V-xiaqu,” which causes learners to make errors easily.
Based on this, this paper has investigated verb collocations, the semantic distributions and translation frequency between “V-xiaqu” and “continuer à” from Mandarin and French novels. We have argued against the idea that the two expressions can be seen as a corresponding pair. Besides, we have taught three French speaking learners for 6 months by using images and “continuer à” to explain “V-xiaqu.” This paper has compared the influence of the two methods on their acquisition and errors.
The results show that “V-xiaqu” is rarely translated into “continuer à” and vice versa. On the contrary, “continuer à” is often translated into “jixu.” As to the classroom study, using image could help French speakers understand “V-xiaqu” without using their mother tongue, while using “continuer à” could cause errors such as misordering and mis-selection.
Hence, this paper has suggested that Mandarin teachers use images to guide the concept of “V-xiaqu.” As to the beginning stage of the drill process, it is recommended to give two-choice multiple choice to lower the difficulties of questions.
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