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研究生: 羅淑宜
論文名稱: 網路平台行銷文化創意產業之研究~以視覺藝術產業、音樂與表演藝術產業為核心
指導教授: 黃光男
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 網路平台網路行銷文化創意產業視覺藝術音樂與表演藝術數位內容
英文關鍵詞: internet platform, internet marketing, cultural creative industry, visual art, musical and performing art, digital content
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:77
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  • 日新月異的科技發展已為人類生活帶來重大的變革。文化藝術不僅因資訊科技的發展,擴散到全世界各地,更隨著網路科技的進步,也逐漸走入網路行銷的年代。台灣近年來以大規模生產型態為主的製造業漸漸失去經濟競爭優勢,起而代之,是以創新為主並以知識為基礎的經濟時代,而文化創意產業可說是投資小卻能夠創造高附加價值的知識經濟,且能產生龐大衍生性商品利益的產業。由於資訊科技的發展提供了更多更好的機會來發展新產品與新的商業模式,大量的媒體與溝通管道,也將直接反映在內容生產的商業利益以及相關智慧財產權上,文化創意產業結合資訊科技,不僅網路傳播速度快、行銷內容豐富且多元,更能以最少的成本達到產業宣傳之效益。





    Development of science technology changes daily, bringing huge revolutions to our lives. As information technology progressing, cultural art not only extends worldwide, but enters an internet marketing stage as internet technology advances. In recent years, manufacturing industries of mass production in Taiwan lose its competitiveness gradually. What replaces it is a type of economy that based on innovation and knowledge. Cultural creative industry is just one type of knowledge-based economy that requires small investment but produces high value-added and large profit from derivative products. Development of information technology provides more and better chances to create new products and new business models. Lots of media and communication channels directly reflect commercial profits and other related intellectual property rights. Combining cultural creative industry with information technology, internet marketing can be fast, abundant and diverse, using least cost to reach better advertising effect.

    The population of artist in Taiwan has always been very small. Most young generation artists feel difficult having a chance to present themselves. Art is a kind of public-requiring business, yet few creators, considering their budget, can afford to improve their advertising and marketing methods. Until the revolutionary progress of information technology brings new devices like computer and telephone, creates new channels and marketing media for art. Internet platform, a fresh tool on internet, can act as a display window, a distribution channel, and a communication platform. Using internet platform, art creators and groups can handle their customer’s data well, make marketing more centralized and increase their competitiveness and productivity.

    The idea of applying internet technology to cultural art is poor in the domestic. Yet as the demand for digital contents such like characters, videos, sounds, images, and designs, etc. grows larger, the explosive internet makes those digital contents important cultural assets in the future. The domestic cultural art industry has just begun using internet platform to do the marketing, and people with technical, aesthetic, and commercial backgrounds are few. In the past, it takes lots of labor and groping to find out how to proceed. Few in the domestic can combine business, art and technology to push the development of cultural art industry effectively. In this article, I’ll propose a new business model for running an internet art market based on my research of cultural art marketing through web platform and the requests to intergrade art by advanced internet technology. By the business model, I wish to make art more down-to-earth and create new value sources for art market.
    This article focuses on two phases: visual art industry and musical and performing art industry. These are two fundamental elements of cultural creative industries. Both of the industries are important to the development of cultural creative industry. The purpose of research is to know the needs of the creators, their recognition of internet platform, and to identify the barriers they’re facing, and then to try to propose some useful suggestions for the industries. There are six main chapters; from Chapter One to Chapter Three I’ll analyze the internet platform marketing trend and the circumstance of cultural creative industry internal and abroad. In Chapter Four I’ll show a survey on the two fundamental industries, including a questionary and data analyzing. Chapter Five compares several internal and abroad internet platforms, gives a deep look into their operation policy, revenue model, trade marketing, service item, product, customer, advantage…etc. Digital art industries in Taiwan mainly have three types of operating model: the first one is digital art database licensing, the second is business licensing combining value-added product developing, and the last one is running an art community entry website. In this chapter I’ll compare and analyze the common marketing niche of: (1) the largest domestic art community Arttime, (2) the two dominating entry websites with auction function, and (3) three art licensing website internal and abroad. Chapter Six, conclusion and suggestion, will base on the research outcome, and I’ll also propose some suggestions for future artists, governmental departments, and the relating industries as a reference to construct an internet platform.

    It’s important for cultural creative industry to exploit digital applications. In domestic, we need an integrated art service platform that based on our traditional cultural creative industries to develop internet art licensing, management, education and integrated marketing, creative community, digital content reproduction, value-added integration, and derivative licensing through new technology. If we can establish a complete internet platform that mainly serves creators and provides multi functions for them to present, share, communicate, sale, create, and matches enterprises, then we can start an integrated art marketing service by displaying these creations. Utilizing the system service mechanism of the platform, we can produce original works, image licensing, derivative products, and cooperate with consumers and enterprises to increase the profit of cultural creative industry in the future.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與背景 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的 ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 ---------------------------------------------------- 3 第四節 研究方法與架構 ---------------------------------------------------- 4 第五節 名詞釋義 ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第二章 文化創意產業的相關研究 第一節 文化創意產業具備條件與特性 -------------------------------- 10 第二節 國內外文化政策與文化創意產業比較分析 ----------------- 11 第三節 國內外文化創意產業範疇 -------------------------------------- 14 第四節 國內外文化創意產業發展與現況 ----------------------------- 16 第三章 網路行銷之相關研究 第一節 網路的特性與使用者分析 -------------------------------------- 19 第二節 網路行銷策略分析 ----------------------------------------------- 21 第三節 網路平台的行銷優勢 -------------------------------------------- 26 第四節 網路行銷與傳統行銷之整合比較 ----------------------------- 29 第四章 問卷調查研究、結果與分析 第一節 問卷設計與資料整理分析 ------------------------------------- 32 第二節 視覺藝術家調查結果分析 ------------------------------------- 34 第三節 音樂與表演藝術團體調查結果分析 ------------------------- 40 第五章 個案研究與分析 第一節 藝術社群網站Arttime藝術網分析 --------------------------- 47 第二節 國內Yahoo、PChome拍賣網站比較 ------------------------ 52 第三節 國內外藝術授權網站比較分析 --------------------------------59 第六章 研究結論與建議 第一節 研究發現 ------------------------------------------------------------ 68 第二節 研究結論 ------------------------------------------------------------ 70 第三節 研究建議 ------------------------------------------------------------ 74 第四節 後續研究 ------------------------------------------------------------ 80 附錄 附錄一 視覺藝術家問卷內容 -------------------------------------------------------- 82 附錄二 視覺藝術家問卷回答分配次數及百分比 -------------------------------- 86 附錄三 視覺藝術家受訪名單 -------------------------------------------------------- 95 附錄四 表演藝術團體問卷內容 ---------------------------------------------------- 98 附錄五 表演藝術團體問卷回答分配次數及百分比 ---------------------------- 103 附錄六 表演藝術團體受訪名單 ---------------------------------------------------- 112 圖目錄 圖1-4-1 本研究之研究流程圖 --------------------------------------------------------- 6 圖1-4-2 本論文之研究架構圖 --------------------------------------------------------- 7 圖3-2-1 網路為基礎的行銷策略架構 -----------------------------------------------23 圖5-1-1 Arttime 藝術網站首頁 ------------------------------------------------------48 圖5-1-2 Arttime 藝術網表演藝術專區 ---------------------------------------------50 圖5-1-3 Arttime藝術網網路行銷活動網頁 ----------------------------------------51 圖5-3-1 Cobis 圖庫公司網站首頁 --------------------------------------------------60 圖5-3-2 Artkey 藝術網站首頁 -------------------------------------------------------62 圖5-3-3 國立故宮博物院網站首頁 ------------------------------------------------- 63 圖5-3-4 故宮線上精品首頁 ---------------------------------------------------------- 64 表目錄 表1-4-1 本研究之研究工具與研究對象 -------------------------------------------- 5 表2-3-1 台灣文化創意產業之範疇及主管機關 ---------------------------------- 15 表2-3-2 世界各主要國家文化事權一覽表 ---------------------------------------- 16 表4-2-1 問卷受訪之視覺藝術家樣本組成 ---------------------------------------- 34 表4-3-1 問卷受訪之表演藝術團體樣本組成 ------------------------------------- 41 表5-2-1 電子商務競爭策略的類型 ------------------------------------------------- 53 表5-2-2 電子商務競爭者營運分析 ------------------------------------------------- 53 表5-2-3 網路拍賣比較 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 55 表5-2-4 部落格比較 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 表5-2-5 相簿比較 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 表5-2-6 行銷推廣方式比較 ---------------------------------------------------------- 57 表5-2-7 行銷推廣免費服務比較 ---------------------------------------------------- 58 表5-3-1 藝術授權網站功能比較 ---------------------------------------------------- 65 表5-3-2 圖像授權網站經營模式比較 ---------------------------------------------- 65


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