研究生: |
胡曼莉 Hu, Man-Li |
論文名稱: |
智能障礙學生大學升學之路探究 Going to College: The Experiences of a Young Man With Mental Retardation |
指導教授: | 杞昭安 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 148 |
中文關鍵詞: | 質性研究 、輕度智能障礙學生 、升大學 、轉銜 、生活適應 |
英文關鍵詞: | qualitative study, college students with mildly mental retardation, going to college, transition, life adaptation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:284 下載:32 |
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1. 研究參與者的父母希望能藉由大學環境,讓研究參與者能有更多嘗試的機會,最終的目的為期盼研究參與者能學習獨立生活。
2. 研究參與者進入大學就讀乃聽從父母的安排,自己並沒有特別喜歡或排斥的想法。
3. 研究參與者雖然表達出想要念大學的想法,但在準備升學的過程中均聽任家人的安排,抱持著隨遇而安的心態。
4. 研究參與者在進入大學後,最感到困難的面向分別為學業及人際問題,也曾因此多次萌生想要休學的念頭。
5. 實際觀察研究參與者在大學的三餐自理、住宿生活、日常交通及平時的休閒活動後發現:經過室友的協助與自己的摸索和適應,能適應無虞。
This qualitative study was adopted to profoundly explore the transition and the mental experiences of a young man with mildly mental retardation from his decision to admission into college.
And it’s an individual study interacting with the participant by means of the observation and interview, which lasted for a year. Through the gathering, analysis and explanation of all the information, the findings are as follows:
First, the parents of the participant expected their child to have more opportunities by going to college in the hope that in the long run the participant could learn to be independent.
Second, the participant didn’t have any ideas about going to college. It was the parents that made all the arrangements. When faced with difficulties in learning and personal relationship, the participant easily wanted to drop out of school.
Third, the participant expressed his desire to go to college, but during the process of preparation he followed the family’s arrangements.
Fourth, after admitted into college, the most difficult were academic work and personal relationship. As a result, the thought of dropping out of school arose from time to time.
When having trouble studying, the participant became more passive. What’s worse, the fear of being labeled and the lack of help from the resource classroom made the participant unable to ask for help from the resource classroom. The participant wanted to have good personal relationship hopefully, but tended to wait for interaction from the others. It turned out that the expansion of the personal relationship was limited. The participant tried to talk with classmates and join in class activities so as to improve the personal relationship. However, the interaction with classmates still lacked the appropriate social skill
Fifth, it showed that the participant was quite well-accustomed with the assistance of the roommates, and the self exploration and life adaptation in accordance with the observation of the participant’s life skills, including daily meal management, accommodation, transportation and leisurely recreation in college.
Last but not least, according to the results of the study, the above issue is aimed to make some suggestions to the authorities concerned, school faculties, and the parents of the students with mental retardation. Further studies are still needed.
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