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研究生: 桑安娜
Adriana Maria Santacruz Castro
論文名稱: 珊瑚在不同環境中的生殖變異及存活率
Reproductive traits variability and survival of corals under different environmental conditions
指導教授: 沈聖峰
Shen, Sheng-Feng
Dai, ChangFeng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 表型可塑性珊瑚繁殖緯度比較遺傳學
英文關鍵詞: Phenotypic plasticity, Coral reproduction, Latitudinal comparison, Genetics
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900543
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:319下載:6
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  • Considering the rapid rate of mortality in coral reef species around the globe, there is an urgent need to fill literature gaps concerning baseline information, specifically related to coral life history traits and their mechanisms to respond to local environmental changes. This research would allow for higher success in conservation and restoration actions.
    This PhD dissertation aims first to contribute to our understanding on the natural variations in the reproductive biology of reef-building corals living under different environmental conditions.
    The comparative analyses in the reproductive and genetic traits of the hermaphroditic broadcast spawning coral Acropora hyacinthus across six different latitudes [Japan (33° and 31°N), Taiwan (23°, 22° and 21°N), and Indonesia (5°S)], in the Western Pacific Region, indicated natural variability in its reproductive traits, as well as reproductive trade-offs across locations. These results were not confounded by genetics as there was evidence of active gene flow among low-, mid- and high-latitude locations, with the exception of one location in the West of Taiwan suggesting reproductive isolation with local adaptations.
    Further analysis of the natural spatial and temporal variability in the reproductive traits of A. hyacinthus from tropical and temperate locations, indicated significant spatial differences only in egg sizes, while a significant temporal difference in both fecundity (i.e. egg number) and egg volume is only reported at the temperate location. Contrary, male gonad values varied significantly among years at both locations. Spatial and temporal differences in the reproductive trade-offs are reported. These results may serve as baseline information in the evolutionary strategies and reproductive trade-offs that A. hyacinthus may use in order to maximize its annual reproductive efforts at tropical and temperate locations.
    Experimental procedures aimed at investigating the phenotypic plasticity of reef-building corals were developed using reciprocal transplantations of four widely dispersed coral species, Favites pentagona, Acropora gemmifera, Acropora hyacinthus and Stylophora pistillata, all naturally occurring in the south (tropical) and north (sub-tropical) of Taiwan Island. There was faster and higher mortality of sub-colonies (i.e. genets) moved from the tropical to the sub-tropical location. Sub-colonies from the sub-tropical location moved to the tropical location, although remaining alive during the initial months, all bleached and died after the summer months (one year after transplantations). These results (that may or may not be related to climatic factors) suggest limited adaptations capacities and high sensitivity of these corals to conditions outside their historic ranges such as very low or high sea water temperatures, different local predators and/or symbiotic compositions, among others.

    Finally, considering that all DNA sequences as well as measurements of reproductive traits of A. hyacinthus from all locations studied have been submitted to freely available online databases, and with the intension to bridge the scientific knowledge into active conservation practices, an user friendly decision-support web tool is introduced (www.coralreefrestoration.com), aiming to assist anyone interested in developing coral restoration projects throughout the world.

    Summary I Contributions and Publications III List of Figures IV List of Tables V List of Supplementary Figures VI List of Supplementary Tables VII Vocabulary VIII Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation of this study 1 1.2. Overview on the history of coral sexual reproduction 2 1.3. Overview on coral reproduction variability 5 1.4. Overview of the factors that can affect coral reproduction 7 Polyp location in the colony 7 Colony Size 7 Energetics 9 Depth 9 Temperature 10 Light irradiance 10 Other influential factors 11 1.5. Overview of the life history of Acropora 11 1.6. Objectives of this dissertation 12 Chapter 2 - Regional variability in reproductive traits of the Acropora hyacinthus species complex in the Western Pacific Region 14 2.1. Introduction 14 2.2. Materials and Methods 17 Determining the ‘peak maturity month’ at each location 17 Data collection 18 Genetic analyses 20 Statistical analyses 21 2.3. Results 23 Relations between reproductive traits and haplotype, temperature, colony area and PAR 27 2.4. Discussion 31 Larger eggs in the tropics compared to high latitudes 31 Colony size and reproductive traits 32 Temperature and latitude correlations with reproductive traits 32 Possible explanations for the spatial variations reported 34 Genetics is not confounding the reproductive variations 35 Evidence of local adaptations in Penghu 36 2.5. Conclusions 38 Chapter 3 - Temporal and spatial reproductive variations among tropical and temperate Acropora hyacinthus 40 3.1. Introduction 41 3.2. Materials and methods 43 Study sites 43 Data collection 43 Environmental measurements 44 Statistical Analyses 44 3.3. Results 46 Reproductive data 46 Reproductive trade offs 51 Environmental data 51 Environmental correlations with reproductive traits 52 3.4. Discussion 52 Spatial and temporal variations 53 Why larger egg sizes at tropical sites compared to higher latitudes? 54 Similarities and differences with other corals and octocorals 55 Variations in the reproductive trade-offs among years and locations 56 3.5. Conclusions 58 Chapter 4 - Reciprocal transplantation of corals between contrasting environments 59 4.1. Introduction 60 4.2. Materials and Methods 62 Reciprocal transplantation experiments 63 Fertility check in surviving colonies 65 4.3. Results 66 Tropical to sub-tropical transplantations (South to North) 66 Sub-tropical to tropical transplantations (North to South) 67 Favites pentagona sexual reproduction 67 Environmental conditions at both locations 68 4.4. Discussion 69 Reciprocal transplantation experiments 69 Higher sensitivity to cold compared to warm environments 70 Survival differences among branching and massive morphs 71 Why such rapid high mortality? 72 Changes in colony color 73 4.5. Conclusions 74 Supplementary Figures 75 Supplementary tables 86

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