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研究生: 王昭傑
Wang, Jhao-Jie
論文名稱: 臺灣公辦公營實驗國民小學轉型歷程與運作模式之探究-才能發展構念
A Study on the Transformational Process and Operational Model of the Experimental Education in Public Elementary Schools in Taiwan- From Construct of Talent Development
指導教授: 陳美芳
Chen, Mei-Fang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 355
中文關鍵詞: 實驗教育公辦公營學校型態實驗教育才能發展學校轉型
英文關鍵詞: Experimental Education, the Publicly-Owned School, School-Based Experimental Education, Talent Development, School Transformation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000447
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:525下載:60
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  • 本研究旨在探究臺灣公辦公營實驗國民小學轉型歷程與運作模式,以質性研究為主要研究方法,於才能發展的構念基礎下,訪談臺灣北、中、南、東共計七所公辦公營實驗國民小學之變革促進者計16人。研究資料包括半結構訪談、相關實驗轉型資料及文獻報告,據以整合轉型歷程之運作模式,並檢視其與才能發展構念之關係。
    本研究第三部分揉合並調整學校改革運作模式、實驗轉型模板及才能發展構念等之要素,提出「VIEW學校轉型模式」,分別為-充「實」知能,係指進行教師專業發展及系統增能;「 驗」證跨域,係指考量課程的跨域整合、差異化、多元性及延續性;「轉」化資源,係指尋找資源的轉化挹注,與實驗核心的結構連結,及「型」塑共識,指實驗理念的共識共榮,團體動力的激發。「VIEW學校轉型模式」包含8項具體轉型構念,包括:1.專家典範、核心培力;2.系統鷹架、跨域共備;3.尊重差異、多元展能;4.跨域統合、易教樂學;5.在地融合、活化連結;6.專案注入、拓展資源;7.社區參與、系統分析 及8.雁行領頭、整合需求,並提出18項轉型策略,以利轉型參照。

    Using a qualitative research method and based on the concept of talent development, this research is to explore the transformation process and operational mode of the public experimental elementary schools in Taiwan. This paper drew on semi-structured interviews with 16 reform promoters at seven public schools located in the north, middle, south and east of Taiwan, as well as transformation data and literature reports, to analyze and explore the transformation process and establish a feasible transformation operational model.
    This research first focuses on the formation of templates for the school transformation model based on relevant literature, focusing on the following nine major aspects: of needs discovery, belief cohesion, vision shaping, resource inventory, teacher empowerment, curriculum construction, organizational adjustment, evaluation adjustment and dynamic adjustment. A total of 18 feasible measures during transformation processes for preliminary integration of public experimental elementary schools were identified, namely: 1. Community participation; 2. Applying student-centered learning and responding to students’ needs; 3. Immersing into the community to discover the real difficulties; 4. Applying the 80-20 rule by looking for the peer-leader of the community to facilitate tasks; 5. Clarifying the revised vision by study and preparation with school staff; 6. Responding to local needs by transforming cognition and considering differences; 7. Resorting to local resources to maximize curriculum benefits and select sustainable resources; 8. Identifying dilemmas, reflecting on project value, and complementing paid resources; 9. Establish scaffolding with cross-domain cooperation to empower the group; 10. Establishing systematic preparation by introducing experts as well as core training; 11. Structuring subject courses with interdisciplinary concepts from local resources; 12. Focusing on sustainability by differentiating learning to facilitate teaching and learning; 13. Establishing a special responsibility system, integrating sections while maintaining the school culture; 14. Student-centered consideration with interdisciplinary distinction; 15. Focusing on students’ ability, respecting differences and providing a stage; 16. Assessing student's abilities with paper tests, multiple assessment and operational activities; 17. Focusing on the integration of teachers and parents by ensuring consensus with an open classroom and;18. Interdisciplinary reflection, system planning, to ensure the quality, and to summarize relevant and feasible specific strategies accordingly.

    The second part of the research utilizes the whole school-based enrichment model (SEM) and multi-level service talent development program (LoS) as the main analysis framework, and compares the transformation process with the talent development conception. Many links are found between the school's relevant history and the concept of talent development, while it is difficult to judge whether the development goal is based on the development of students' ability. Therefore, it is still necessary to follow up the research for in-depth exploration and analysis. In addition, in the course of the transformation of experimental education, thoughts on the construction of high-level courses for students have not been found yet. It is inferred that the school is still in the transition period, and the curriculum is not yet stable. Although there are ways to adjust the curriculum, it is still in its infancy. However, this is still an inference, and further related research is needed.
    The third part of the study combines the elements of the school's reform operation mode, experimental transformation template and talent development concept, and adjusts the focused research template to propose the "VIEW school transformation model"(Verification, Interdisciplinary, Empowerment, Wield resources), respectively stand for teacher's in-service academic improvement and system empowerment; considering the cross-domain integration, differentiation, diversity, and continuity of the curriculum; looking for the conversion of resources, connecting with the core structure of the experiment, and sharing the common prosperity of the experimental concept as well as motivating the group. The model also consists of the following concepts, 1. Expert model and core strength; 2. System scaffolding and interdisciplinary preparation; 3. Respect for differences and diversified performance; 4. Interdisciplinary integration to facilitate teaching and learning; 5. Integrating native environment resources and activating the connections between resources; 6.Project injection and resource expansion; 7.Community participation, system analysis and 8. Looking for peer leadership, integrating needs. The model also puts forward 18 transformation strategies for the transformation reference.

    Finally, the following specific research suggestions are proposed for education authorities, public school transtainers and follow-up researchers, namely: 1. Exploring the transformation of the implementation process of the experimental school of transformation through follow-up research; 2. Conducting questionnaire survey on transformation of the experimental school with the teachers and parents; 3.In-depth exploration of transformation factors and follow-up curriculum construction motivation research;4.Inquiry and analysis of the learning progress of students in transformation experiment schools; 5.Constructing ability development questionnaire analysis; 6.Conducting a check investigation of relevant execution process strategies; 7.Carrying out the review and establishment of the VIEW school transformation model; 8.Analyzing the implementation strategy of the public and private experimental education schools;9.Compiling relevant suggestions on the transformation process of public schools;10.Constructing a systematic and specific experimental school counseling and effectiveness evaluation mechanism and 11.Establishing interdisciplinary training institutions for experimental education teachers.

    目次 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景與動機 …………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題……………………………………13 第三節 名詞釋義 ………………………………………………15 第四節 研究範圍與限制 ………………………………………17 第二章 文獻探討 ……………………………………………………19 第一節 國內外實驗教育的相關論述……………………………20 第二節 教育的本質與概念思維影響……………………………39 第三節 適性揚才的教育趨勢及其論述…………………………56 第四節 才能發展與學校教育……………………………………68 第五節 學校改革及模式探究……………………………………81 第三章 研究方法 …………………………………………………..101 第一節 研究架構………………………………………………..102 第二節 研究流程 ………………………………………………104 第三節 研究參與者 ……………………………………………105 第四節 研究工具 ………………………………………………110 第五節 資料處理與分析 ………………………………………116 第六節 研究倫理 ………………………………………………123 第四章 研究結果 …………………………………………………125 第一節 精緻實小的全人美學之旅 ……………………………126 第二節 創新實小的山野體驗探索 ……………………………147 第三節 公義實小的自主共學教育 ……………………………165 第四節 永續實小的生活傳承經驗 ……………………………182 第五節 適性實小的雙語里海學習 ……………………………199 第六節 有效實小的在地走讀課程 ……………………………216 第七節 多元實小的國際CEO養成……………………………233 第八節 實驗轉型歷程的綜合分析 ………………………………249 第九節 才能發展構念連結與轉型模式建構…………………………283 第五章 研究結論與建議 …………………………………………313 第一節 研究結論 ……………………………………………313 第二節 研究建議 ……………………………………………319 參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………323 附錄 …………………………………………………………………355 研究參與同意書 ……………………………………………………355

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