研究生: |
陳冠亘 Kuan Ken Chen |
論文名稱: |
情感設計導入廣告影片之研究與創作 The Study and Creation of Emotional Design in Commercial Films |
指導教授: | 鄧成連 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 情感設計 、廣告影片 、本能層次 、行為層次 、反思層次 |
英文關鍵詞: | emotional design, commercial films, visceral level, behavioral level, reflective level |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:413 下載:59 |
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廣告影片雖組構視覺與聽覺,卻不敵激烈市場較勁與爆炸式傳媒世紀所留下資訊充斥的混雜後果。認知心理學家Donald A. Norman發表「情感設計」一詞,主張或許情感才為真正動搖消費大眾下決策時重要考量關鍵。本研究以質性研究法,經文獻和案例研究歸納出廣告影片之情感三層次,藉此利用實驗性創作方式進行驗證,分別製作符合本能層次、行為層次、反思層次、綜合情感三層次之廣告影片,經分析與檢討創作結果,統整廣告影片各層次要點及層次作用關係如下。
在本能層次方面(1)基礎概念:觀者受外貌、外觀、外顯牽絆,是第一印象形成階段 ;(2)整體訴求:含視覺、聽覺、氛圍,皆須可用情感語彙做一解釋 ;(3)構成元素:元素有鏡頭、燈光、色彩、場景及音樂,其中,鏡頭含構圖、主體特性、鏡頭語言。而創作的層次作用關係是反思直接影響本能,本能須靠行為形塑 ; 於觀者層次作用關係是好的本能能勾引觀者進入行為。行為層次方面(1)基礎概念:體驗過程、互動關係下所產內心狀態,屬於認知階段 ;(2)整體訴求:規劃劇情與腳本時,須呼應廣告標語及口號 ;(3)構成元素:含情境、視覺焦點與創意。創作層次作用關係是反思直接影響行為,而行為須靠本能形塑 ; 觀者的層次作用關係是好的行為層次能勾引觀者進入反思。反思層次則為(1)基礎概念:對自我形象、經驗價值反思考、再定義,情感和行為階段 ;(2)整體訴求:喚醒觀者對企業或產品一極具價值觀點、體悟 ;(3)構成元素:喻體及載體。創作的層次作用關係是廣告主背景直接影響反思層次,而反思須靠本能、行為形塑 ; 觀者的層次作用關係是好的反思層次能勾引觀者體悟廣告主精神。綜合三層次,創作的層次作用關係是廣告主背景牽動反思,反思作用至行為,再由行為形塑本能 ; 觀者的層次作用關係是由本能層次勾引至行為層次,而行為引導至反思層次,最後,反思則可牽引觀者體悟廣告主精神與觀點。
Commercial film though composed with both audio and visual senses, it has not left as big of an impact as its fierce competition have in the media market in this Mass Information Explosion Era that we live in. Donald A. Norman, a famous cognitive psychology master once announced a theory, “Emotional Design,”」 in which he stated that perhaps emotions is the most important key to effect consumers decision making. This study gathered qualitative research data in the past case studies and results, and summarized emotions in commercial films on three levels. By verifying these experimental suggestions, which are Visceral Level, Behavioral Level, and Reflective Level, the results are then reviewed and analyzed as follows. Visceral Level (1) Conception:the first impression formation stage, viewer restricted by articles looks and appearance ; (2) Appeal:including visual, auditory, atmosphere, and must be available to do an interpretation of emotional vocabulary ; (3) Elements:including lenses, lights, color, scene and music. Amongst them, the lens containing composition, the main features, and camera language. The level relationship of creation is Reflective Level impact on Visceral Level directly, and Visceral Level is shaped by Behavioral Level. The level relationship of viewer is a well designed Visceral Level, which could seduce viewer into Behavioral Level.
Behavioral Level (1)Conception:experience of the process when interaction, belongs to cognitive stage ;(2) Appeal:script planning, and it should be echoed advertising banners or slogans ;(3) Elements:including scenario, visual focus, and creation. The level relationship of creation is Reflective Level impact on Behavioral Level directly, and Behavioral Level shaped by Visceral Level. The level relationship of viewer is a well design Behavioral Level could lead viewer into Reflective Level.
Reflective Level (1) Conception:introspective redefined their self-image and experience value, belongs to emotional and behavioral stages ;(2) Appeal:awaken viewers for business or produce a valuable point of view ;(3) Elements:Metaphor and carrier. The level relationship of creation is advertisers’ background impact on Reflective Level directly, shaped by Behavioral Level and Visceral Level. The level relationship of viewers is a well designed Reflective Level could guide viewer into advertisers’ spirit.
The level relationship of integrated three-level creation is advertisers background influence on Reflective Level, then Reflective Level affect on Behavioral Level, and shaped by Visceral Level; The level relationship of viewer is Visceral Level seduction on Behavioral Level, then Behavioral Level lead to Reflective Level. At last, Reflective Level guides viewers into advertisers’ spirit.
In this study, the level relationship of creation and viewer are integrated into an emotional three-levels of commercial film diagram, expected to offer related researchers or creators some reference basis when creative commercial films.
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