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研究生: 陳穎慧
論文名稱: 「九年一貫」後現代課程之STS模組教學研究
A Study on Post-modern Curriculum of "New Ingrated Curriclum System in Taiwan" by Teaching STS module
指導教授: 洪志明
Horng, Jhy-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 260
中文關鍵詞: 後現代現象學分析電池電鍍STS模組
英文關鍵詞: post-mortem, phenomenological, analysis, battery, electroplate, STS module
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:386下載:18
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  • 廿一世紀已逐漸邁向後現代社會,人們在信念、態度、價值觀等方面產生重大改變。如何面對步調快速且多變的未來,成為教育的重要課題。傳統的學校教育難以培育「學習型」社會所需的人力資源,教育改革/九年一貫課程因應而起。
    本研究以循環式建構主義之研究流程(circle of constructivist inquiry),將研究步驟建立在符合後現代哲學觀點的動態循環中,並採用質性研究—現象學分析法進行研究。由於現象學研究目的不在找法則、驗證假設,而是針對研究內容與對象的理解,及微觀層次的互動研究。因此研究之前不預設任何立場、不設立可能干擾主客觀意識的研究問題,僅討論模組與研究對象之深層意義,進而提升主客關係找出意識本質。

    A Study on Post-modern Curriculum of
    “New Integrated Curriculum System in Taiwan”
    by Teaching STS Module
    Yiing-Hui Chen
    In the 21st century, people are living in a post-modern society. People have changed so much in their belief, value, and attitude etc. Therefore, how to teach students to face the fast-moving and transiting society has become a top priority of education. Traditional education can’t cultivate suitable human resources required by a “learning” society. Judging from these, there comes an education reform, or New Integrated Curriculum System in Taiwan.
    Therefore, the purposes of this Science/Technology/Society (STS) module teaching research are
    (1)to work with the “creative teaching” emphasized in the latest education reform
    (2)to work with the ideas emphasized in the post-modern curriculum
    (3)to have cross-disciplinary structures as the foundation of this STS module and to narrow down the gap between “theory” and “practice”, and
    (4)to help students improve their career training, to cultivate their ability to plan their future, and to bridge the gap between schooling and business.
    The strategies adopted by this research are based on the circle of constructivist inquiry. Every step was taken to match the dynamic circle corresponding to the post-modern philosophy. Phenomenology analysis method of qualitative research was employed to finish the project. The phenomenological analysis focuses on the research content, trying to understand the research objects and their delicate interactions. Therefore, the research purpose is not to find rules or test/verify a hypothesis. Consequently, no particular stance was pre-taken in conducting the research. Besides, no research questions that are likely to interfere subjective/objective perspectives were raised. The research mainly discuss the deeper meaning between the purposes of research and the module in order to improve the relationship of the subjects and the objects and to find the essence of the consciousness of the module.
    Through the observations made during the STS teaching activity and the comparison of theories and practice, nine conclusions were obtained.
    1.The STS teaching is able to achieve the goals set in New Integrated Curriculum system, and students can acquire basic ability.
    2.The research successfully integrated post-modern perspective into the STS module.
    3.The module can integrate cross-disciplinary theoretical structures.
    4.The module exploded the myth that “There must be a gap between the theory and the practice.”
    5.The module can help students improve their career training and cultivate their ability to plan their future.
    6.The STS teaching can heighten learners’ interest in learning, and the learners will expand their learning into their daily life.
    7.The module exploded the myth that “easy, happy learning, or simplified knowledge or a learning environment will lower the students’ learning achievement.”
    8.Teachers need to improve their ability in combining philosophy, pedagogic psychology and pedagogic sociology to put “theory into practice.”
    9.The STS module can integrate with the curriculum guideline of New Integrated Curriculum System in Taiwan, making it one of the good education innovations.

    目 次 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究之重要性 7 第四節 名詞釋義 8 第五節 研究流程--循環式建構 10 第貳章 文獻探討 11 第一節 科學哲學探討 12 第二節 後現代社會 40 第三節 學習心理的探討 60 第四節 教學創新的九年一貫課程 89 第五節 STS教育 94 第參章 研究方法 103 第一節 研究設計構念 103 第二節 研究流程 104 第三節 研究方法 106 第四節 研究對象 108 第五節 研究限制 108 第肆章 模組單元設計內容-理念-成果分析與討論 111 第一節 生活中的電池 113 第二節 電鍍知多少 138 第三節 綜合討論 162 第伍章 結論與建議 171 第一節 結論 171 第二節 建議 173 參考文獻 177 附 錄 184 附錄一 「生活中的電池」模組 185 附錄二 「電鍍知多少」模組 217 附錄三 「自然與生活科技基本能力指標」249 表 次 表 1 不同哲學對真理、科學觀、知識結構主張和大腦開發 37 表 2 工廠生產模式比擬教育歷程修正 59 表 3 目標模式與情境模式之比較 69 表 4 左右腦功能、特徵之比較 79 表 5 常用思考技法整理與分類 88 表 6 美國一般科學課程與STS實驗課程之比較 99 圖 次 圖1- 1 蘇格拉底知識四階段 8 圖1- 2 循環式建構主義研究流程 9 圖1- 3 研究流程 10 圖2- 1 人類知識結構圖示 20 圖2- 2 胡賽爾的知識分級 32 圖2- 3 硬核與保護帶模型 35 圖2- 4 物體運動軌跡 40 圖2- 5 等質量爆裂物之質心運動軌跡 40 圖2- 6 哲學演化圖 53 圖2- 7 知識與企業經營之關係圖 59 圖2- 8 潛在發展區域圖示 65 圖2- 9 ZPD的四個階段 65 圖2- 10 評估綱要與教學策略 67 圖2- 11 馬斯洛需求層次圖示 71 圖2- 12 腦部發展階段 78 圖2- 13 大腦運思流程圖 80 圖2- 14 蘇格拉底學習官能四大領域 對應 教育心理學 83 圖2- 15 台灣與美國、日本之創意性比較 86 圖2- 16 問題解決流程 87 圖2- 17 出入法 89 圖2- 18 要因分析法 89 圖2- 19 教育環境和科學認識觀之間的交互作用下預測學生的認知結構成果 101 圖4- 1 電池模組教學流程圖 113 圖4- 2 活動前後主動詳看說明書比較圖 135 圖4- 3 電鍍模組教學流程 138

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