研究生: |
葉彥宏 Ye, Yan-Hong |
論文名稱: |
J. Dewey的理智觀在其教育哲學中的作用 J. Dewey’s Concept of Intelligence and Its Effects on His Philosophy of Education |
指導教授: |
Hung, Ren-Jin |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 293 |
中文關鍵詞: | 杜威 、理智 、教育哲學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Dewey, intelligence, philosophy of education |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:427 下載:102 |
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目前教育發展仍存許多欠缺理智反思的地方,本研究希望藉由對J. Dewey理智觀的探討,了解理智在他教育哲學中的作用,思考理智在教育中扮演的重要角色。本研究包含四項研究目的:第一,理智在Dewey思想發展的變化與對其教育哲學的影響。第二,理智在社會和哲學重建中所蘊含的教育意義。第三,從手段與目的的關係理解Dewey談的教育目的。第四,從有機體與環境的交互作用探討理智活動的內容。
This study explores J. Dewey’s concept of intelligence and its influence on his philosophy of education, and examines the important role of intelligence in education generally. The study aims to: (1) explore the evolution of the concept of intelligence in the development of Dewey’s thought, and the influences on his philosophy of education; (2) analyze the educational significance of intelligence in the reconstruction of society and philosophy; (3) develop an understanding of Dewey’s views on the purposes of education based on the relationship between means and ends; and (4) examine the content of intellectual activity derived from the interaction between organisms and their environment.
This study expands upon the following four research frameworks: (1) exploration of Dewey’s concept of intelligence from the perspective of context, power, practice, and inquiry, etc.; (2) elements of Dewey’s thought pertaining to his concept of intelligence and philosophy of education; (3) examination of the differences between Dewey’s concept of intelligence and traditional philosophy based on the environmental influences on the development of his thought; (4) investigation of the agency and value of ethics inherent in Dewey’s concept of intelligence that forms the basis of his philosophy of education.
The study’s two main conclusions are (1) Dewey’s concept of intelligence incorporates two levels: at the level of consciousness, intelligence comprises the belief that individuals pursue freedom and find value in the life of community; at the practical level, intelligence resides not only in the power to transform past experience into future experience, but also in the various kinds struggle to achieve one’s goals. (2) Dewey’s philosophy of education, when combined with his concept of intelligence, leads to the following implications: the unity of knowledge and action contributes to educational practices and innovations; the shaping of educational aims must be embedded in life experience and combined with effective and feasible means of implementation; and finally, in order to encourage the self-realization of individuals and the democratization of society, every member of society needs to cultivate their capacity for evaluation, criticism, inquiry, and imagination.
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