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研究生: 鍾頤時
論文名稱: 探索原住民部落的環境教育─以馬告運動中的新光、鎮西堡部落為例
Exploring the Environmental Education of Indigenous Tribe--A Case Study of Smagus and Cinsbu Village under Maqaw Movement
指導教授: 王順美
Wang, Shun-Mei
Lin, Yih-Ren
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 128
中文關鍵詞: 環境教育原住民部落發展馬告棲蘭
英文關鍵詞: Environmental educaiton, indigenous people, Maqaw, Chi-lan
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:608下載:78
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  • 中文摘要

    The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the environmental education of ethnic tribes. Beginning from reflecting the science-based and problem-solving-oriented culture of mainstream EE, I point out that's why some minor groups' subjectivity are marginalized. In brief, EE is concerned about the relationship between society and environments, and seeking better direction through educational processes. To explore the EE of tribes, we must look into the relationship between tribal society and their environments. Taking the development of Cinsbu-Smangus under Maqaw movement as case study with participatory observation methodology, the study analysis it with three questions: 1.At the social movement scale, why and how the issue of tribal development become visible? 2.What are the meanings to participate in the Maqaw movement in tribe's history? 3.How to realize the vision brought by this movement in tribes practically?
    The removal of ancient cypress trees in Chi-lan area has initiate debates of different environmental values hold by different groups, such as NGOs, forestry authority, and academic groups. Among the debates, Indigenous movement activists use “Maqaw forest” as resistant discourse and thus reveal the importance of the environmental rights and views of tribes. Then this movement turns into a new (Ma1aw) national park movement, which advocates the implement of co-management regime between tribes and the state as a decolonization process. There are many obstacles left in the scenario that tribes are facing. The first is how to make the consensus within Atayal tribes around the proposed national park for constructing a self-governing regime. Second, to build up the capacity of tribes to manage resources is a key effort of tribes to have equal rights and power while co-operating with the state management institution based on modern sciences.
    Cinsbu and Smagus with a concern of tribal sustainable development are the most active tribes participating in the Maqaw movement. In the age of conservation, environmental discourses are used by indigenous people whose tradition has a close and harmony relationship between nature as a strategy to rebuild traditional culture and an alternative development of autonomy. The participation in Maqaw movement is based on economic reasons. Yet despite the higher autonomy on the resources, having relative more traditional culture and the accumulative efforts of community-building, the participation is impossible. Thus, taking autonomous resource management as a direction, the empowerment of tribes in political, cultural and economic aspects becomes an important element of tribal EE.
    In the development process of tribe, eco-tourism is becoming a new direction which bring the traditional culture a chance of revival through the combination with modern science. The training course of environmental interpreters is part of the EE of tribes, and is the basis as a EE for the tourist. What comes with is the risk of commodification of culture. Another challenge is to face the heterogeneity and uneven development within tribe. Lack of public and even communication regime is a main obstacle towards a autonomous resources management of tribe. Constructing a public media and a regime of equal dialogue may be efforts worth doing.
    Last, this thesis concludes that EE of tribes should base on the subjectivity of tribes with a close connection with their development process. The EE in the tribes need to combine modern ecological sciences and traditional ecological knowledge and wisdom, no matter in aspects of educational goal, content and process. Obtaining practical knowledge through learning-by-doing is the basic characteristic of tribal education.

    第一章 緒論 ..1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧與問題意識 3 第三節 章節安排 12 第二章 研究方法 13 第一節、進入田野與研究者的位置 13 第二節、參與觀察的研究策略 15 第三節、研究田野概述 20 第三章 在馬告運動中看見原住民族部落發展 24 第一節 馬告運動的故事 25 第二節 馬告的社會建構:時代變遷中的反抗論述 35 第三節 森林落誰家?--科學、制度與環境 43 第四節 小結 48 第四章 泰雅部落的永續發展與馬告運動 50 第一節 部落發展的歷史─黑色部落的現代化 52 第二節 看見部落永續發展 57 第三節 部落永續發展與馬告運動 64 第四節 小結 74 第五章 馬告的部落實踐 75 第一節 生態觀光與生態智慧的活化 75 第二節 參與部落發展工作過程摸索部落組織的主體性 85 第三節 「部落」的再思考 92 第四節 小結 96 第六章 結論─探索原住民族部落的環境教育 98 第一節 誰的「環境」與誰的環境教育? 98 第二節 原住民族部落的環境教育特色與內涵 100 第三節 探索原住民部落的環境教育對主流環境教育的啟示 102 引用文獻 104 附錄一、推動部落林宣言 110 附錄二、馬告檜木國家公園運動爭議大事記 111 附錄三、1998年年底搶救棲蘭檜木森林運動宣傳 114 附錄四、1999年年底全國催生棲蘭國家公園街頭遊行宣傳 116 附錄五、2000年底設立立馬告國家公園街頭遊行文宣 118 附錄六、馬告出現在社會論述中的第一份文件 122 附錄七、泰雅族神話故事─泰雅昔日生活 125 附錄八、泰雅族神話故事─分半太陽傳說 126

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