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研究生: 周庭卉
Chou, Ting-Huei
論文名稱: 歌劇《杜蘭朵公主》中的東方主義:以北京紫禁城版本與英國皇家歌劇團版本為例
Orientalism in Turandot: An Analysis of the DVD Versions of the Forbidden City and the Royal Opera House Productions
指導教授: 路狄諾
Dinu Luca
口試委員: 路狄諾
Dinu Luca
Chiang, Shu-Chun
Lai, Chia-Ling
口試日期: 2023/07/12
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 杜蘭朵公主歌劇普契尼東方主義張藝謀安德烈.塞爾班中國
英文關鍵詞: Turandot, opera, Puccini, Orientalism, Zhang Yimou, Andrei Șerban, China
研究方法: 歷史研究法文件分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401682
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:467下載:27
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  • 《杜蘭朵公主》是義大利作曲家賈科莫.普契尼(1858-1924)創作中著名的歌劇作品之一。歷時兩百多年,這部傑出的跨文化歌劇作品從波斯民間故事轉變為舉世聞名的義大利歌劇,而這位聞名遐邇的中國公主,已從波斯,法國,義大利,中國遊歷至世界各地。如今,《杜蘭朵》這部歌劇在世界各大歌劇院中仍是極其重要及受歡迎的基本劇目,而在歷史和審美層面更是別具特殊的地位。

    Turandot is one of the best-known opera pieces composed by the Italian musician Giacomo Puccini. For over two hundred years, this outstanding cross-culture work shapeshifted, translating from a Persian folk story into a French tale, being adapted numerous times, and ultimately becoming a much beloved Italian opera that spread worldwide. Nowadays, Turandot still occupies an important place in the repertory of many operas and is significant through its historical and aesthetical aspects.
    However, while Turandot has received praise for its musical achievement, it has also been criticized in the academic field. Scholars like William Ashbrook and Harold Powers considered it an “unconscious manifestation of racial arrogance (Ice Queens, Rice Queens, and Intercultural Investments in Zhang Yimou’s Turandot, 210). To be more specific, Turandot’s manifest orientalism has made it a commonly visited topic in Orientalist criticism. Aware of this, contemporary artists have attempted to enrich the Chinese elements on stage or tried to recreate Puccini’s opera with their own interpretations. However, whether these productions have successfully escaped from the inherent orientalism of Puccini’s work is problematic.
    To explore this issue, in this dissertation I focus on two productions of Turandot, namely the Beijing Forbidden City staging (1998) and the London Royal Opera House version (2013). This study first discusses the development of Turandot and outlines the directors’ experiences, creation processes, and general reception of their productions. Next, from the theoretical scope of Edward Said’s Orientalism, I examine the staging of Turandot by two world-famous directors, namely Zhang Yimou and, respectively, Andrei Șerban. Furthermore, I engage in comparative work about how the two productions interpret the opera, what the similarities and differences between the two interpretations are, and, most importantly, how they respond to Orientalism.

    Introduction 1.0 Preliminary Considerations 1 2.0 Literature Survey 3 3.0 Purpose of this Study 9 4.0 Methodology and Theoretical Approach 11 5.0 Synopsis of Chapters 12 Chapter 1: The Story, Music and Commentary on Turandot 1.0 Introduction 15 1.1 Before the Opera: The Original Story of Turandot 16 1.1.1 The Original Literature Work 16 1.1.2 The Spreading and Adaptations of Turandot 18 1.2 Before the Opera: Chinese Tunes in Europe 21 1.3 The Opera: Puccini and Turandot 26 1.3.1 Puccini and His Opera Works 26 1.3.2 Puccini and Turandot 30 1.3.3 Characters and Synopsis of Turandot 34 1.3.4 Reception 36 Chapter Summary 40 Chapter 2: History of Turandot Presentations 2.0 Introduction 42 2.1 Productions in the aftermath of the premiere 43 2.2 Zhang Yimou’s Version 56 2.2.1 Zhang Yimou and His Works 56 2.2.2 Zhang Yimou and Turandot 59 2.2.3 Reception 68 2.3 Andrei Șerban’s Version 71 2.3.1 Andrei Șerban and His Works 71 2.3.2 Andrei Șerban and Turandot 76 2.3.3 Reception 84 Chapter Summary 86 Chapter 3: Orientalism as a Critical Lens 3.0 Introduction 89 3.1 Orientalism 90 3.1.1 Orientalism and Its Three Meanings 91 3.1.2 Discourse, Hegemony, and the Other 94 3.1.3 Orientalism in the 19th Century 98 3.1.4 Orientalism and European Expansion from the Late 19th Century 101 3.2 After Orientalism, Pro and Against 104 3.2.1 Continuing Orientalism 104 Postcolonialism 105 Self-Orientalism 106 3.2.2 Critique of Orientalism 110 3.3 Post-Orientalism 114 3.3.1 New Power, New Modes of Knowledge Production, Old Problems 114 3.3.2 Resistance 117 3.4 Orientalism and China 122 3.4.1 Orientalist Discourse on China 123 3.4.2 Post-Orientalism and China 127 Chapter Summary 130 Chapter 4: Zhang Yimou's and Andrei Șerban's Turandot productions: A Comparative Analysis 4.0 Introduction 133 4.1 Comparison of Zhang Yimou's and Andrei Șerban's Turandot Representations 134 4.1.1 Stage Design 134 4.1.2 Props 138 4.1.3 Lighting 144 4.1.4 Character Style Design 150 4.1.5 Choreography 156 4.1.6 Turandot 158 4.2 Zhang Yimou and Andrei Șerban, and Their Ideas on Turandot 164 4.2.1 Behind the Stage: Zhang Yimou and Turandot 167 4.2.2 Behind the Stage: Andrei Șerban and Turandot 173 4.3 Zhang Yimou and Andrei Șerban: Reconsider Turandot in Modern Times 178 4.3.1 How Can One Represent Oneself Better? 179 4.3.2 How Can One Better Represent the Other? 182 Chapter Summary 186 Coda: Is There a Way Out? 188 Bibliography 192

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