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研究生: 張文亭
Chang, Wen-Ting
論文名稱: 高齡者憂鬱傾向、健康狀況與跌倒經驗之相關研究-以臺北市中山區為例
Study on the association between depression tendency, health status, and fall experience among the elder people in Zhongshan District, Taipei City
指導教授: 胡益進
Hu, Yih-Jin
Chang, Yen-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 高齡者健康狀況憂鬱傾向跌倒
英文關鍵詞: the elder people, health status, depression tendency, fall
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DHPHE.017.2019.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:468下載:4
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  • 本研究為探討高齡者社會人口學變項、健康狀況、憂鬱傾向及跌倒經驗之現況,進一步分析社會人口學特質、健康狀況、憂鬱傾向與跌倒經驗的相互影響情形及預測力。

    This study explores the current situation of depression tendency and fall experience of the elder people, and analyzes the associations between sociodemographic characteristics, health status, depression tendency, and fall experience.
    Study participants were selected from the senior citizens in Zhongshan District of Taipei City, using the stratified proportional cluster sampling method. Data were collected by a face-to-face questionnaire survey and 382 participants completed the survey.
    Study findings revealed that gender, age, marital status, and education level were not associated with fall experience. Self-reported health status, walking smoothness, walking with aids, vision, and hearing were associated with fall experience. Chronic diseases that related to fall experience included hypertension, diabetes, arthritis or rheumatic pain and vertigo/phenomena. There was a significant association between the tendency to depression and the experience of falling. Walking stability, hearing, chronic diseases, medication and depression tendency were significant predictors of the fall experience. Participants with "normal" and "very unstable or unstable" walking ability were 6.150 times and 3.388 times more likely to fall than those with "stable or very stable" walking ability. Those who are "normal" in hearing are 2.668 times more likely to fall than those with "very clear or clear" hearing. Those who have chronic diseases are 10.139 times more likely to fall than those without chronic diseases. Those with medication were 5.122 times more likely to fall than their counterparts. Those with depression tendency were 2.343 times more likely to fall than their counterparts.
    Based on the findings, the relevant government units could intervene from making laws or public health policies, and early detection of health status and depression among the elder people through the efforts of professional personnel. In addition, a community support network for the elder people could be established to strengthen health promotion, and to raise the awareness of fall prevention among the elder people.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 研究假設 6 第五節 名詞操作型定義 6 第六節 研究限制 8 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 高齡者憂鬱現況與診斷分類 10 第二節 高齡者跌倒成因與評估方法 15 第三節 健康狀況及憂鬱傾向與跌倒經驗之關係 24 第三章 研究方法 30 第一節 研究架構與流程 30 第二節 研究對象 31 第三節 研究工具 32 第四節 研究步驟 36 第五節 資料處理與分析 38 第四章 結果與討論 41 第一節 研究對象基本變項之分布 41 第二節 研究對象社會人口學變項、健康狀況、憂鬱傾向與跌倒經驗之關係 52 第三節 研究對象跌倒經驗之預測 57 第四節 討論 61 第五章 結論與建議 66 第一節 結論 66 第二節 建議 68 參考文獻 71 附錄一 問卷效度檢定專家名單(依姓氏筆劃排序) 78 附錄二 正式問卷 79

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