研究生: |
論文名稱: |
大學院校體育特殊教育班課程設計與實施 Adapted physical education curricular design and implementation for college students with special needs |
指導教授: |
Keh, Nyit-Chin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 168 |
中文關鍵詞: | 身心障礙 、適應體育 、專業團隊 、高等教育 、大專院校 |
英文關鍵詞: | Disability, adapted physical education, professional team, higher education, college and university |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:417 下載:27 |
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本研究旨在分析我國大學院校體育特殊教育班之課程設計與實施歷程,包含課程設計考量因素、課程實施影響因素、課程要素內涵等面向;並探究課程實施的困境與未來發展。本研究採多重個案研究法,經立意取樣獲四名經驗豐富的大學院校體育特殊教育班開課教師參與本研究。研究結果發現:(一) 大學院校體育特殊教育班課程設計與實施主要受環境與資源及相關人員等課程設計考量因素與課程實施影響因素。(二) 實際運作的課程包含目標、內容、組織、方法與策略,以及評鑑等課程要素。其中目標與內容可分為運動項目取向與體適能取向,唯兩者皆以促進學生健康與培養其規律運動習慣為最終目標。組織、方法與策略,及評鑑方面,個案教師皆選擇適應且具調整空間的作法,期盼增加學生體育課學習成功經驗。(三) 教師皆認為現階段課程實施順遂,無特別困難處,但未來可逐步改善運動場館無障礙化、專業團隊建立教學檔案、師資培育與經驗傳承,以及與接軌社會資源等。建議我國大學院校設計與實施體育特殊教育班課程時,訂定學期間可達成的課程目標、組織完善的體育特殊教育班協同教學團隊,並建立跨專業專業團隊;未來相關議題可針對體育特殊教育班學生經驗課程、身心障礙大學生自主選擇體育課程的權利,以及我國大學院校體育特殊教育班實施情形等議題進行探究。
The purpose of the present study was to explore the process of curriculum design and implementation of the adapted physical education (APE) course for university students with special needs in Taiwan. The considerations for curriculum design, factors influencing curriculum implementation, elements within curriculum, the barriers and the future development were examined. A qualitative multiple-case design was conducted. Four courses taught by four experienced instructors were selected. The findings showed that (1) the design and implementation of courses was influenced by certain environmental and people related factors. (2) Goal, content, organizing, method and strategy, and evaluation were the main elements within curriculum. Although the goal and content could be divided into sports and fitness approaches, promoting students’ health-related fitness and making exercise a habit were the ultimate aims. Organizing, method and strategy, and evaluation were individualized and adapted to provide students with better quality of learning experience. (3) No barrier of curriculum implementation was considered by the instructors; however, the accessibility of sports facilities, PE database of students established by professional group, sharing experiences within experienced and novice instructors and bridging the social resources were needed to be enhanced. It was suggested that more achievable goals should be set, organizing professional team teaching groups and establishing cross-disciplinary professional teams in the APE courses were needed. Future studies may examine students’ experiential curriculum in APE courses, unveil special needs students’ rights to choose the way of engaging in PE, and investigate the state of curriculum implementation of APE courses in higher education.
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