研究生: |
李武勳 |
論文名稱: |
國中學生氣體壓力概念之教學成效探討 Exploration of the Instruction Effects of Junior High School Students’ Pressure Concepts |
指導教授: | 黃寶鈿 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 120 |
中文關鍵詞: | 氣體 、粒子概念 、學習環 、示範實驗 、錯誤概念 |
英文關鍵詞: | gas, particle conception, learning cycle, demonstration, misconception |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:372 下載:11 |
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一、 學生在氣體粒子形狀、粒子分佈、粒子重量方面具有相當多的錯誤概念。粒子形狀方面,約50%學生認為氣體粒子形狀會因為外在操作,例如壓力或擠壓、空間大小的改變等而改變其形狀;粒子分佈方面,85%學生並不具有氣體粒子會均勻分佈於密閉容器內的概念,且認為氣體粒子會因為壓力的擠壓或空間的改變等因素而特別集中於某一位置,而非均勻分佈;粒子重量方面,有42%的學生認為氣體粒子沒有重量,且只有30%的學生能指出粒子具有重量,且重量不變。學生認為壓力或擠壓、形狀改變等因素會影響粒子重量是否改變。
二、 研究樣本中,對加壓情況而言,國一至國三學生能指出粒子形狀不變的比例分別為14.5%、34.9%及41.1%;能指出氣體粒子均勻分佈的比例為8.2%、8.1%、12.6%;能指出粒子具有重量且粒子重量不變的學生比例為21.4%、21.5%、34.4%,可見學生對氣體粒子形狀、粒子重量的瞭解有隨年齡而逐漸增加的趨勢。就粒子分佈而言,除國三學生較具有粒子均勻分佈概念外,其他學生則普遍不具有成熟的氣體粒子均勻分佈於密閉容器中的概念。
三、 由學生前後測的答對率比較可以明顯發現,本教學設計對於學生的粒子形狀不變、粒子具有重量且粒子重量不變等概念瞭解,有正面的幫助,但對於氣體壓力概念的瞭解,幫助不大。例如各年級學生對於氣體粒子形狀不變的概念的後測答對率分別為78.3%、80.0%及87.6%;粒子均勻分佈概念的後測答對率則為55.3%、54.3%及73.1%。
四、 學生對本教學模式大多採肯定的態度。對於本教學模式有80%的學生認為很生動、活潑,且覺得「比較不會對理化感到恐懼了」。故對氣體粒子概念的教學而言,本教學模式應可對學生的概念學習有正面的幫助。
Exploration of the Instruction Effects of Junior High School Students’ Pressure Concepts
Wu-hsun Lee
National Taiwan Normal University
Graduate Institute of Chemistry
The particulate concept of gas is a more difficult conceptions for junior high school students, and the students have many misconceptions about it. The purposes of this study were to investigate junior high school students’ misconceptions of gas particles, and design some teaching materials relative to gas particles to evaluate the effects of teaching throughout the teaching model of learning cycle. Based on the learning interests and attitude evaluation, students’ interests and attitude for this teaching model and science learning were marshaled. The subjects were junior high school from Taipei County and I-Lan County students. There were 482 students in total. The instruments used in this study were as follows : (1)diagnostic test of gas particles, (2)teaching activities of learning cycle, (3)diagnostic test of conceptions applications, and (4)the learning interests and attitude scale.
The main findings of the study were :
(1) Students have many misconceptions about shapes, distribution, and weight of gas particles. 50% students considered that the shapes of gas particles would change owing to external operations, such as pressure or compressing, the change of space. In the aspect of the distributions of gas particles, 85% students didn’t possess the conception that gas would distribute uniformly in a closed container. They thought that gas particles would concentrate in some space as a result of compression or the change of space. In the aspect of the weight of gas particles, 42% students didn’t think that gas has any weight, and only 30% students could understand that gas has weight and the weight will not change. Students were in the opinions that pressure or compression, and the change of the shape of gas particles would affect the weight of the gas particles.
(2) For the situation of compressing gases, the percentages of the students from grade 7 to 9 who could point out that the shapes of gas particles will not change were14.5%, 34.9%, and 41.1% respectively. The percentages of the students from grade 7 to 9 who could point out that gas will distribute uniformly were 8.2%, 8.1%, and 12.6% respectively. The percentages of the students from grade 7 to 9 who could point out that gas particles have weight and their weight will not change were 21.4%, 21.5%, and 34.4% respectively. So it is obvious that there was an understanding of the shapes and the weight of gas particles increases as students’ age. For the distribution conceptions, students didn’t have the conception that gas will distribute uniformly in a closed space, except for the students of grade 9.
(3) A marked difference obtained from comparing the responses in the pretest and the posttest was that the teaching model could assist students to understand the conceptions of the shapes and the weight of gas particles. But for the conceptions of uniform distribution of gas, it was not that helpful. For instance, the percentages of the correct responses of posttest for the conceptions of gas shape and gas distribution of students from grade 7 to 9 were 78.3%, 80.0%, 87.6%, and 55.3%, 54.3%, 73.1% respectively.
(4) Most students assumed a positive attitude toward this teaching model. 80% students considered that the teaching model was vivid and vigorous, and felt that the natural science is no longer difficult. For teaching the concept of gas particles, we think that the teaching model can help students to learn the gas particle concept.
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