研究生: |
周鳳琪 Chou Feng-chi |
論文名稱: |
國中適應不良學生參與探索諮商團體之效益研究 The Effects of Junior High School Maladjusted Students' Participation in an Adventure-Based Counseling Program |
指導教授: |
Lee, Yiu-Nan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 224 |
中文關鍵詞: | 探索諮商 、探索教育 、探索心療 、人際關係 、內外控信念 、經驗學習 、個人成長 、適應不良 |
英文關鍵詞: | Adventure-based counseling, Adventure education, Adventure therapy, Interpersonal relationship, Locus of control orientation, Experience learning, Personal growth, Maladjustment |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:438 下載:51 |
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一、 探索諮商團體對國中適應不良學生人際關係之增進有顯著立即效果及追蹤效果。
二、 探索諮商團體對國中適應不良學生內控信念之增進有顯著立即效果但無顯著追蹤效果。
三、 整體諮商回饋問卷之結果皆為正向反應。
四、 含多種角色、需合作完成、挑戰性高的探索活動,對國中適應不良學生幫助愈大。
五、 居領導角色、主動參與、願意學習的成員進步情形愈佳。
六、 探索諮商團體對實驗組個別成員在經驗學習及個人成長具有正面影響效果。
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the effects of adventure-based counseling program upon the interpersonal relationship, locus of control orientation, experience learning and personal growth of the junior high school maladjusted students.
The pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design with treatment and comparison groups was utilized. The subjects for the study were drawn from the junior high school in Taipei city and divided into two groups: the experimental group, which are 11 subjects, and the control group, which are also 11 subjects. The experimental group received a thirteen-time adventure-based counseling program, and the control group received no treatment at all.
The study employed ‘Agape skills inventory’ and ‘Nowicki-Strickland locus of control scale’ to conduct pretest, posttest, and long-term measures. Besides the two standardized scales, the experimental group members’ feedback about each activity and the whole program, the records of follow-up interview with the experimental group members and with their teachers were also analyzed to understand the condition of the experimental group members’ experience learning and personal growth.
The results of this study were summarized as followed:
1. The adventure-based counseling program showed significant instant and long-term effects on the maladjusted students’ ‘total interpersonal relationship’.
2. The adventure-based counseling program showed significant positive instant effect on the maladjusted students’ ‘inner locus of control orientation’, but had no significant long-term effect on it.
3. The results of the whole counseling feedback questionnaire are positive.
4. Adventure-based activities which have more roles, need to be done cooperatively and are more challenging are more helpful to maladjusted students.
5. Those who played a leader, participated actively and were willing to learn improved much more.
6. The effects of the adventure-based counseling program on experience learning and personal growth are positive.
As the conclusions mentioned above, some of the suggestions for the practicing of the adventure activities and the future researches were discussed in chapter V.
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