研究生: |
周源本 Chu Yan Pen |
論文名稱: |
探究應用不同「教學法」於WISE課程對國三學生地球科學學習的影響 |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Ying-Shao |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地球科學系 Department of Earth Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 117 |
中文關鍵詞: | 科學探究 、教學法 、合作學習 、地球科學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Scientific inquiry, Teaching method, Cooperative learning, Earth sciences |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:335 下載:101 |
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本研究目的在於利用美國柏克萊大學研發之 WISE網路輔助教學平台上的「岩石循環」與「全球氣候變遷」兩個單元內容來比較三種不同「教學法」(合作學習、個人單機與教師主導)對國三學生地球科學學習的影響。研究對象為台北縣某國中三年級學生,共三個班級106位學生。本研究比較三種不同教學法教學前後的各項成就評量,並未達統計學上的顯著差異,但針對不同學生的特性做比較,發現(1)教師主導教學法對高分組學生幫助較大;(2)合作學習教學法對中分組學生幫助較大;(3)個人單機教學法則對低分組學生幫助較大。因此,在未來的網際網路輔助教學上,可依照學生程度的不同施以不同的教學法來進行教學。
The study aims to compare students’ performances among three different teaching methods (Cooperative learning, individual learning with a computer and teacher guiding) when using two WISE (Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) projects developed by the Berkeley University in the USA, “Rock Cycle” and “Global Climate Change”. 106 third graders from three classes at a public school located at Taipei County were selected as the participants in this study. The results showed that students’ achievements among these three different teaching methods didn’t reach a significant difference in statistics, but there were significant differences when making the comparisons in students’ characteristics. For instance, high achievement students benefited more from the teacher guiding instruction, medium achievement students benefited more from cooperative learning, and low achievement students benefited more from individual learning with a computer. Therefore, it is suggested to provide different teaching methods for students with different achievement levels when integrating the Internet into instruction.
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