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研究生: 蔡宛蓉
Tsai, Wan-Jung
論文名稱: 雙語教學情境下教師不同影片註解呈現方式對於提升臺灣學生之專業英語單字識別的影響
Effects of Instructors' Various Video Annotation Techniques on Enhancing Professional Word Recognition in the Bilingual Teaching Context in Taiwan
指導教授: 劉宇挺
Liu, Yeu-Ting
口試委員: 陳湄涵
Chen, Mae-Han
Wu, Mei-Chen
Liu, Yeu-Ting
口試日期: 2023/07/14
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: FonF雙語教學影片註解專業單字識別雙碼理論
英文關鍵詞: FonF, bilingual teaching, video annotation, professional word recognition, DCT
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301501
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:0
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  • 本研究探討在學科導向的雙語教學背景下教師不同影片註解的應用方式對第二外語學習者專業英語單字識別的影響。本研究採用雙語物理教學情境並招募91名電子系與資訊工程系的大一學生參與實驗。上述受測者於雙語物理教學時有兩次觀看物理學科相關影片的機會,並於實驗中被分為四組。在第二次觀看影片時,每組受測者分別接受四種教師不同影片註解應用方式的其中一種: 1. pre-emptive FonF結合教師的口語講述並搭配文字為主(verbal-based)的影片註解, 2. pre-emptive FonF結合教師的口語講述並搭配非文字為主(nonverbal-based)的影片註解, 3. reactive FonF 結合教師的口語講述並搭配文字為主(verbal-based)的影片註解以及 4. reactive FonF 結合教師的口語講述並搭配非文字為主(nonverbal-based)的影片註解。研究結果發現上述四種影片註解呈現方式皆能顯著提升臺灣第二外語學生在學科導向的雙語教學情境下之專業英語單字識別程度。此外,量化測驗結果顯示文字為主的影片註解比非文字為主的影片註解更能有效地幫助專業英語單字的識別。問卷結果顯示大部分學生覺得教師影片註解的使用不僅幫助語言學習也加強了對於物理學科知識的認識。本研究提供實驗證據支持教師不同影片註解在雙語教學情境下對於專業英語單字識別的教學價值,也特別強調對於低程度的學習者,提供文字為主的影片註解,清楚呈現單字的拼寫方式並配合教師的明確教學講述(explicit teaching)對於專業學科字的學習是重要且有效的。

    This study investigated the effects of instructors’ applications of various video annotation techniques on L2 learners’ professional word recognition in the bilingual teaching context in Taiwan. Ninety-one Taiwanese freshman students from the Department of Electronics and the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering were recruited from a technical university in Taiwan. The subject of physics was selected as the content area for the bilingual classroom, and the participants were separated into four groups and watched the physics-related video twice. During the second viewing, each group of participants watched the video under one of four viewing conditions where: 1. pre-emptive FonF and verbal lecture +verbal-based video annotations (pre +Lv), 2. pre-emptive FonF and verbal lecture +nonverbal-based video annotations (pre +Lv-non), 3. reactive FonF and verbal lecture +verbal-based video annotations (re +Lv) and 4. reactive FonF and verbal lecture +nonverbal-based video annotations (re +Lv-non) were provided. The results revealed that the four types of instructors’ video annotating treatment significantly enhanced L2 learners’ physics-related professional word recognition in the bilingual teaching context, with the verbal-based video annotation manifesting a more transparent effect than nonverbal-based video annotation. The quantitative results of this study provided experimental evidence that supported the instructors’ manipulations of pre-emptive and reactive FonF and verbal-based and nonverbal-based video annotations in terms of L2 professional word recognition in the bilingual teaching contexts and highlighted the value of verbal-based annotations in explicitly presenting the spellings of learners’ unknown words, especially for low-proficient learners. In addition, participants’ answers to the attitudinal survey suggested that most learners valued instructors’ use of video annotation for both learning English professional words and studying physics subject content.

    Acknowledgements i 摘要 ii Abstract iii Table of Contents iv List of Tables vii List of Figures viii I. Introduction 1 1. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Taiwan 1 2. Instructors’ use of video annotation in bilingual teaching contexts 2 3. Instructors’ Focus on Form (FonF) teaching manipulations in bilingual teaching contexts 6 3.1 The definitions of FonF 7 3.2 Pre-emptive FonF and reactive FonF 8 4. Instructors’ implementations of FonF and video annotation in bilingual teaching contexts 10 5. Present study 13 II. Literature review 15 1. Contextualizing the current study 15 2. FonF in L2 teaching & learning 16 2.1 The advantages of sustained focus for language teaching and learning 16 2.2 The superiority of pre-emptive over reactive FonF in language teaching and learning 20 3. Dual-coding in L2 teaching & learning 29 3.1 Dual-coding 29 3.2 The additive effects of dual codes on L2 word learning 31 4. Unanswered issues of the effects of video annotation on L2 teaching 37 5. Hypotheses 39 III. Methodology 45 1. Participants 45 2. Design and Materials 46 2.1 The bilingual teaching subject of the present study 46 2.2 Video selection 47 2.3 Selection of the target vocabulary items 49 2.4 Video annotation tool 51 2.5 Video annotation treatments 52 3. Instruments 57 3.1 Vocabulary pretest and posttest 57 3.2 The survey 58 4. Procedure 59 5. Data analysis 62 IV. Results 63 1. Quantitative 63 1.1 RQ1: Does pre-emptive FonF video annotation enhance L2 learners’ recognition of professional words in the bilingual teaching context? 63 1.2 RQ2: Does reactive FonF video annotation enhance L2 learners’ recognition of professional words in the bilingual teaching context? 64 1.3 RQ3: Do different video annotation forms (verbal lecture +verbal-based vs. verbal lecture +nonverbal-based) lead to significant differences in L2 learners’ recognition of professional words in the bilingual teaching context? 65 1.4 RQ4: How do learners perceive the usages of pre-emptive FonF and reactive FonF and different forms (verbal lecture +verbal-based vs. verbal lecture +nonverbal-based) of video annotation in the bilingual teaching context? 67 V. Discussion 72 1. RQ1: Does pre-emptive FonF video annotation enhance L2 learners’ recognition of professional words in the bilingual teaching context? 73 2. RQ2: Does reactive FonF video annotation enhance L2 learners’ recognition of professional words in the bilingual teaching context? 77 2.1 Comparative analysis of pre-emptive and reactive FonF video annotation 82 3. RQ3: Do different video annotation forms (verbal lecture +verbal-based vs. verbal lecture +nonverbal-based) lead to significant differences in L2 learners’ recognition of professional words in the bilingual teaching context? 87 4. RQ4: How do learners perceive the usages of pre-emptive FonF and reactive FonF and different forms (verbal lecture +verbal-based vs. verbal lecture +nonverbal-based) of video annotation in the bilingual teaching context? 98 5. Instructors’ perceptions of the FonF teaching approaches and the usage of video annotation in the bilingual teaching contexts 102 VI. Limitations 107 VII. Conclusion 110 References 115 Appendix A 129 Appendix B 135

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