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研究生: 朱修毅
Chu, Hsiu-Yi
論文名稱: 從GPS軌跡以遞迴類神經網絡預測個人活動意圖
Predicting Personal Activity Intention from GPS Trajectory with Recurrent Neural Networks
指導教授: 柯佳伶
Koh, Jia-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: GPS軌跡活動意圖預測基於遞回神經網路的學習網路
英文關鍵詞: GPS trajectory, activity intention prediction, learning network based on RNN
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DCSIE.041.2018.B02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:254下載:22
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  • 本論文研究活動意圖類型預測方法,以遞迴類神經網路架構為基礎,用建立群組模型的概念,比較四種建立模型的架構。第一種是全體資料模型,以所有GPS軌跡資料擷取特徵作為模型輸入,建立全體資料模型。第二種是群組模型,本論文提出兩種分群方法,分別為使用者為單位進行分群的使用者分群法,及以序列為單位進行分群的序列分群法,再以群組資料建立群組模型。第三種是遷移學習模型,以全體資料進行訓練,將全體資料訓練好的參數設置為初始參數,以群組資料作為訓練資料,只對模型中部份層的參數進行調整。第四種是合成模型,將全體資料模型和群組模型預測結果,學習調和參數將兩個預測結果進行比重相加。實驗評估顯示,遷移學習模型在OSM資料集的預測結果優於全體資料模型和群組模型,合成模型在大部分情況下可良好地結合兩模型,正確預測出使用者的活動意圖。在Geolife資料集中,合成模型在Accracy@5最高可達89.31%的準確率,在OSM資料集中,則可達74.12%的準確率。

    In this paper, we study the problem of predicting activity intentions based on the recurrent neural network architecture. We constructed four learning models based on the various combinations of training data sets and recurrent neural network architectures. The first one is the global model, which uses all activity sequences as the training data set. The second one is the group model, in which two clustering methods: user-based clustering and sequence-based clustering methods are proposed to separate the data into groups. Accordingly, a prediction model is constructed respectively for each group of training data. The third one is the transfer-learning model, in which the parameters learned from all training data set are set as the initial parameters. Then the training data in each group is used to adjust the parameters from the middle layer of the RNN architecture to construct the predicting model for each group. The last one is the ensemble model, which concatenates the predicting results of the global model and the group model to learn the ensemble parameters to get a properly weighted sum of the two predicted results. The results of experiments show that the transfer-learning model on the OSM dataset has better performance than the global model and the group model. Furthermore, the ensemble model can combine the results of two models well in most cases and provide the highest accuracy. In the Geolife dataset, the accuracy@5 of the ensemble model achieves 89.31%, and gets 74.12% on the OSM dataset.

    摘要....................................................i ABSTRACT...............................................ii 致謝..................................................iii 目錄...................................................iv 附圖目錄................................................vi 附表目錄..............................................viii 第一章 緒論...........................................1 1.1 研究動機與目的....................................1 1.2 研究的範圍與限制..................................2 1.3 論文方法..........................................3 1.4 論文架構..........................................5 第二章 文獻探討.......................................6 2.1 軌跡分析處理技術..................................6 2.1.1 軌跡樣式探勘......................................6 2.1.2 軌跡相似度評估....................................8 2.2 位置預測技術.....................................10 第三章 問題定義與系統架構............................12 3.1 問題定義.........................................12 3.2 系統架構與流程...................................13 3.2.1 離線訓練.........................................13 3.2.2 線上預測.........................................16 第四章 資料前處理和特徵擷取..........................18 4.1 軌跡資料格式與名詞定義...........................18 4.2 停留點擷取方法...................................19 4.3 自動標註停留點類別...............................21 第五章 分群方法......................................23 5.1 使用者分群法(User-based Clustering)..............23 5.2 序列分群法(Sequence-based Clustering)............26 5.3 群組模型選擇方法.................................29 第六章 活動意圖預測..................................30 6.1 全體資料模型和群組模型...........................31 6.2 遷移學習模型.....................................35 6.3 合成模型.........................................37 第七章 實驗結果及探討................................39 7.1 資料來源與討論...................................40 7.2 評估指標.........................................42 7.3 全體資料模型(GRU Global Model)之效果評估.........43 7.3.1 評估特徵及其組合之預測效果.......................43 7.3.2 模型參數設置實驗.................................45 7.4 群組模型(GRU Group Model)之效果評估與比較........47 7.4.1 使用者分群法(User-based Clustering)預測較果評估...47 7.4.2 序列分群法(Sequence-based Clustering)預測效果評估.52 7.4.3 群組模型選擇及預測效果評估.......................57 7.5 組合模型之預測效果評估...........................59 7.5.1 遷移學習模型(Transfer Learning Model)之預測效果評估...59 7.5.2 合成模型(Ensemble Model)之效果評估與比較.........61 7.5.3 序列長度影響評估.................................62 7.5.4 加入時間條件影響評估.............................63 第八章 結論與未來研究方向............................66 參考文獻................................................67

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