研究生: |
呂炫緯 Lu, Hsuan-Wei |
論文名稱: |
以認真休閒概念探討街頭籃球參與者自我認同之歷程 A Study of Self-Identity Progress of Streetball Participants from the Aspect of Serious Leisure |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Chih-Fu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 182 |
中文關鍵詞: | 認真休閒 、次文化 、自我認同 、街頭籃球 |
英文關鍵詞: | serious leisure, sub-culture, self-identity, streetball |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:323 下載:33 |
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一、 街頭籃球參與者以認真休閒方式投入後,個體即展現出認真休閒者的六大特質,並從中獲得許多內外在效益及影響。
二、 認真休閒的次文化形成是其必然結果,當中圍繞著屬於街頭籃球者群體的精神、層級結構、共同價值觀、共享信念及意義,但在儀式上卻無外在的行為現象發生。
三、 認真休閒街頭籃球者自我認同歷程與次文化形成之間,並非只是單向影響之因果關係,而是彼此間互相共存依賴的雙向結果。
Self-identity progress of streetball participants cannot be directed by individual. Participants, under the interaction of each other, will form a sub-culture of serious leisure groups by the method of serious leisure. Sub-culture is an outcome of interaction of individuals, which is closely related to the self-identity progress of participants. Due to Researcher had a similar experience in self-identity in the past, and past studies for domestic streetball only to explore the meaning and causes of sub-culture, but did not explore the sub-culture and the individual journey of self-identity interaction. The study has selected 7 streetball participants in the serious leisure attitude and adopted the methods of observing and purposive sampling. The results of study were as following:
1. After streetball participants took serious leisure attitude to perform the activity, the deed not only fulfilled the meaning of lives and diversity but also produced a strong dependence and acceptance toward streetball. Contrast to the casual leisure, participated in serious leisure attitude improved significantly in the aspects of physics, mental and society and motivated the inner and outer characteristics that only be part of serious leisure participants presented in the streetball sport.
2. The sub-culture consisted of serious leisure streetball participants embodied community spirit, hierarchical structure, values, etc. The specialty of internal belief and external presentation of the group were definitely dissimilar to other. The study found, however, the inconsistence of the wears, sneakers and logos of appearance. Female interviewees and the group they belonged, on the contrary, have consensus view of wears and sneakers.
3. Self-identity progress of serious leisure streetball participants is not the one-way cause and effect but a bidirectional result of coexist and dependence between.
The study intends to, advises in general, domestic basketball organization can regard serious leisure’s qualities and benefits as the main concept, combining sports-related policies, implementation of activities related to the event and then vibrant atmosphere of domestic basketball; on the advice of academy, the domestic research may focus on the elements such as sexual and leisure activities to discuss the structural difference of sub-cultures and progress of self-identity.
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