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研究生: 王彥中
Wang, Yen-Chung
論文名稱: 空手道對打團體賽的體重優勢及勝敗方的技法運用
The use of attacking skills and weight advantage in karate team kumite
指導教授: 劉有德
Liu, Yeou-Teh
口試委員: 陳秀惠 蔡葉榮
口試日期: 2021/01/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 比賽表現分析技法表現得分效益級別差異
英文關鍵詞: performance analysis, attack performance, Scoring effect, weight class
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100485
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:27
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  • 背景:中華空手道選手近年來在國際大賽的個人對打項目不斷創造佳績,但在團體賽的表現始終未能突破。1970年首屆世界空手道錦標賽中便有對打的個人與團體賽,但直至目前為止,仍少有團體對打的相關研究文獻。目的:本研究擬探討空手道團體賽中不同體重選手對戰與勝負間的關聯,及比較勝負方在不同技法的攻擊效益。方法: 以2018 亞洲錦標賽男子組個人對打四強比賽及男子組團體賽31場16強比賽為研究對象,自Youtube 頻道下載影片,使用Simi Scout 程式進行標記,再用SPSS統計應用程式對選手體重輕重關係及勝負進行卡方獨立性檢定,並對各技法在勝負方之攻擊表現進行重複量數二因子變異數分析。統計考驗標準設為= .05。結果:在比賽勝負結果與雙方相對體重沒有顯著關聯性。在團體賽表現中發現,勝方在成功數、成功率、得分數及得分率均顯著大於負方;在技法比較中成功數、成功率及得分數均以手部技法較高,在攻擊次數中另加上迴旋踢有較多次數。在攻擊位置的表現發現,在成功數及成功率均為手部上段最高,但在攻擊次數則在勝負方有不同趨勢。在個人賽四種級別比較上,成功數、成功率及得分數均是最重量級的撞擊表現最高;在技法表現的攻擊次數與團體賽類似,手部技法加上迴旋踢次數較多;在成功數及成功率則僅較重量級的手部技法有顯著較多的現象。個人賽在攻擊位置的表現僅在攻擊次數、成功數有手部上段顯著高於其他技法位置。各體重量級中無論個人賽、團體賽勝敗方的各技法攻擊次數均有撞擊、逆擊及迴旋踢高於其他技法的現象。結論:亞洲錦標賽男子團體賽沒有顯著的體重優勢。無論是團體賽、個人賽,主要使用的技法為撞擊、逆擊和迴旋踢,在成功數及成功率則以撞擊及逆擊大於腳部技法。勝方在各種技法的成功數、成功率、得分數及得分率均比敗方來的高,在攻擊位置則以手部上段為主。除了攻擊次數是手部上段攻擊較多外,在成功數及成功率也以手部上段最大。

    Introduction: The Chinese Taipei's karate players have continued to make great goals in individual kumite in international competitions in recent years. Their team kumite, however, have never been able to break through. There have been individual and team competitions since the first World Karate Championships in 1970, but few researches on the performance of team competition have been reported since then. The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between the weight classes and the results of the Kumite bout in team competitions as well as the influences of different techniques on the attacking performances for the winners and losers. Method: Thirty-one matches of the top sixteen teams of the Asian Championships were used for team kumite and all matches of the top four individual kumite were used for individual match analysis. The competition videos were recorded from the YouTube channel and the Simi Scout was used for data collection. The chi-squared test of independence was used to examine the association between the relative weight classes and the result of the bout, and the 2-way repeated measure ANOVAs were used on the performances of different techniques and the result of the bout. Results: The heavier weight players did not have an advantage over the lighter weight players in the competition, but in team kumite the winning players had significantly higher number of successful attacks, success rates, scores and scoring rates than the losers; for the effect of skills, the hand skills were higher in the number of successes, success rates and scores. For the number of attacks, the hand skills and Mawashi Geri were higher than other skills. For the performance in the attack position it was found that both the number of successes and the success rate were the highest in Jordan punch, but there were different trends between winners and losers for the number of attacks. For the four weight categories of individual competitions, the heaviest category had the highest number of successes, success rates and scores in Kizami Zuki; there were similar patterns of techniques performed in the number of attacks as the team kumite, with more hand techniques and Mawashi Geri; there were significantly higher number of successes and higher success rate for hand techniques in the heavier weight categories. The Jordan punch was significantly higher than the other skill positions in the number of attacks and the number of successes in individual matches. In each weight category, there was a similar trend where there were higher number of attacks of Kizami zuki (jab punch), Gyaku zuki (reverse punch) and Mawashi Geri (roundhouse kick) for the individual and team competitions. Conclusion: There was no apparent weight advantage for the team kumite in the Asian championship. In team kumite or individual competition, the main techniques used are Kizami zuki, Gyaku zuki and Mawashi Geri. There were also greater number of successful attacks and success rate from Kizami zuki and Gyaku zuki than foot techniques. The number of successful attacks, success rates, scores, and scoring rates of the winners are higher than those of the losers. The attacking position is dominated by the Jordan punch. In addition to the number of attacks, Jordan punch also has the most number of successes and the highest success rate

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 操作性名詞 2 第貳章 文獻探討 3 第一節 空手道發展簡介 3 第二節 空手道的基本技能 5 第三節 空手道規則發展 12 第四節 空手道攻擊技能的比賽表現 14 第五節 文獻總結 16 第參章 研究方法 16 第一節 研究對象 16 第二節 研究工具 17 第三節 觀察者信度考驗 17 第四節 研究流程 18 第五節 數據整理與統計分析 18 第肆章 結果 19 第一節 相對體重與勝負的關聯 19 第二節 團體勝負方在技法的表現 20 第三節 團體勝負方在攻擊位置的表現 24 第四節 個人賽各級別技法之比較 26 第五節 個人賽各級別攻擊位置之比較 29 第六節 團體賽與個人賽技法之比較 31 第伍章 討論 33 第一節 團體賽的體重優勢 33 第二節 團體賽與個人賽技法表現 34 第三節 團體賽與個人賽攻擊位置表現 37 第陸章 結論與建議 38 第一節 結論 38 第二節 建議 39 參考文獻 39

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