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研究生: 蔡毅儒
Tsai, Yi- Ju
論文名稱: 浦朗克《拿撒勒的晚會》作品研究與演奏詮釋
指導教授: 林明慧
Lin, Ming-Hui
Hsiau, Ching-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 浦朗克藝術歌曲拿撒勒的晚會
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:303下載:24
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  • 法蘭西斯・浦朗克(Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc, 1899-1963)為二十世紀法國六人組(Les six)中最重要之作曲家,然而其作品雖然成熟於二十世紀,卻一生忠於浪漫時期的調性語言,而非走向當時所流行的無調及序列音樂。浦朗克創作的樂種相當廣泛,除了鋼琴獨奏曲外,還有芭蕾舞劇、歌劇、合唱曲、器樂協奏曲、室內樂以及藝術歌曲,浦朗克一生從未停止創作歌曲,從其唯一出版的著作《我的歌曲日誌》(Journal de mes mélodies),將最私密的日記獻給了歌曲而非鋼琴獨奏曲,由此可見「聲樂」對於浦朗克來說,無疑是他一生最鍾愛的創作樂種。本論文將進一步從鋼琴獨奏曲《拿撒勒的晚會》中加以探討其「鋼琴小品」與「藝術歌曲鋼琴部分」的相通性。
    此論文共分成五章,第一章為緒論;第二章共分為三節,第一節將探討「法國六人組」、德布西(Claude Debussy, 1862-1918)帶給浦朗克之影響,及浦朗克如何從六人組中,漸漸走出屬於自己的路,並嶄露頭角成為「法國六人組」中最重要的作曲家,其次則加以探討「新古典主義」對於浦朗克在創作手法上的影響,並如何以自己的方式將「新古典」的精神融入作品中,第三節將從浦朗克的藝術歌曲,來探討其鋼琴部分的創作手法;第三章則針對浦朗克的生平來探討其音樂的創作,包括鋼琴獨奏作品之分期;第四章則為本論文的核心,第一節探討《拿撒勒的晚會》的創作背景,第二節到第十四節分別詳細地依照樂曲順序,將十二首獨立的小曲進行樂曲分析及詮釋報告;第五章為全文最後的統整與結語。

    目錄····························································· iii 表目錄·························································· iv 譜例目錄······················································· v 第一章 緒論···················································· 1 第一節 研究目的與動機···································· 1 第二節 研究內容············································· 4 第三節 研究方法與步驟··································· 5 第二章 浦朗克逐步形成的風格與影響··························· 7 第一節 法國六人組···················································· 7 第二節 新古典主義··················································· 14 第三節 從浦朗克藝術歌曲的鋼琴部分探討其創作手法············ 16 第三章 浦朗克的生平與音樂創作··································· 27 第一節 背景與音樂創作················································· 27 第二節 浦朗克的鋼琴獨奏曲········································· 32 第四章《拿撒勒的晚會》之作品研究與演奏詮釋···························· 37 第一節 創作背景 ····································································· 37 第二節 《開場白》之分析與詮釋 ·············································· 45 第三節 《裝飾奏I》之分析與詮釋········································· 51 第四節 變奏一《最高榮譽》之分析與詮釋································ 53 第五節 變奏二《慷慨寬容的》之分析與詮釋····························· 57 第六節 變奏三《瀟灑與隨意》之分析與詮釋··························· 60 第七節 變奏四《空想的組曲》之分析與詮釋····························· 63 第八節 變奏五《誘惑者的魅力》之分析與詮釋···························· 65 第九節 變奏六《自滿》之分析與詮釋········································ 69 第十節 變奏七《不幸的滋味》之分析與詮釋································· 72 第十一節 變奏八《老化的恐懼》之分析與詮釋······························ 75 第十二節《裝飾奏II》之分析與詮釋············································· 79 第十三節《終曲》之分析與詮釋··············································· 81 第五章 結語······························································· 87 參考文獻···································································· 90

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    JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Collection: www.jstor.org/

    Oxford Music Online: www.oxfordmusiconline.com/
