研究生: |
蔡佩綾 Tsai, Pei-Ling |
論文名稱: |
論證取向之生物科技議題線上模組對國中學生概念及探究能力之影響 Impacts of an argumentation-oriented online module on secondary school students’ cognitive outcomes and inquiry abilities about biotechnology related issues |
指導教授: |
Chang, Wen-Hua |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 171 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社會性科學議題 、探究能力 、概念學習 、論證教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Socio-scientific issues, Inquiry abilities, Cognitive outcomes, Argumentation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:299 下載:24 |
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本研究主要探討實施融合論證教學之線上生物科技相關議題課程,對學生學習概念及探究能力之影響。研究方法採二因子實驗設計,研究對象以桃園、台中、彰化、高雄共5所學校214位國中生為研究對象,分為四種教學實驗組(紙本傳統教學、紙本論證教學、線上傳統教學、線上論證教學)。教學內容為七年級自然與生活科技領域第二冊「生物科技」相關議題。研究中採用貼近性評量和立即性評量,以呈現學生在實施論證教學或線上平臺教學後概念與探究學習的表現。並運用相依樣本t-test、2-way ANCOVA和2-way ANOVA等統計方法來探討不同教學實驗組的效果。主要研究結果如下:
二、貼近性評量2-way ANCOVA分析以教學方式、教學法為自變項、後測成績為依變項、前測成績為共變項,結果顯示,使用線上或論證教學能顯著提升學生概念,但對於探究能力不同教學實驗組別未達顯著差異。
三、在教學過程中,立即性評量2-way ANOVA分析以教學方式、教學法為自變項、成績為依變項,結果顯示使用線上論證教學對學生學習概念和探究能力都有提升。
四、貼近性評量的2-way ANCOVA分析以教學方式、教學法為自變項、後測成績為依變項、前測成績為共變項,結果顯示,使用線上教學對低成就組學生在遺傳概念的學習有顯著提升。
This study investigates the effects of implementing an argumentation-oriented online module on students’ learning about biotechnology related issues. A two-factor experimental design was adopted. Two hundred and fourteen secondary school students from five schools located in Taoyuan, Taichung, Changhua, and Kaohsiung were recruited as the research subjects. The subjects were segregated into four experimental groups. A different teaching method was employed in each group, including the paper-based traditional (PT) method, the paper-based argumentative (PA) method, the online traditional (CT) method, and the online argumentative (CA) method. The teaching content was the “Biotechnology” segment presented in Book 2 of the Grade 7 Science and Technology. Close and immediate assessments were applied to elucidate the students’ cognitive outcomes and inquiry abilities. Moreover, Pair t-tests, 2-way ANCOVA, and 2-way ANOVA were applied to examine the effects of the four teaching methods. The research findings are as follows:
1. The Pair t-test results of the close assessments indicate that the paper-based argumentative teaching, online traditional teaching and online argumentative teaching method significantly enhanced the students’ cognitive outcomes. The paper-based traditional teaching, paper-based argumentative teaching, online traditional teaching and online argumentative teaching method also significantly enhanced the students’ inquiry abilities.
2. The 2-way ANCOVA use delivery modes and teaching strategies as independent variable, posttest as dependent variable and pretest as covariance, the results of close assessments indicate that the argumentative or online teaching method significantly enhanced the students’ cognitive outcomes. However, this method failed to significantly influence the students’ inquiry abilities.
3. The 2-way ANOVA use delivery modes and teaching strategies as independent variable, posttest as dependent variable, the results of immediate assessments indicate that the online argumentative teaching method significantly enhanced the students’ cognitive outcomes and inquiry abilities during teaching intervention.
4. The2-way ANCOVA use delivery modes and teaching strategies as independent variable, posttest as dependent variable, the results of close assessments indicate that the online teaching method significantly enhanced the cognitive outcomes of underachieving students.
Combining argumentation and online teaching effectively enhances middle school students’ conceptual understanding and inquiry abilities during learning biotechnology related issues; however, for students with low background knowledge, the performance in close assessment was better in the online traditional instruction compared to in the online argumentative instruction. We suggest the teachers should concern students’ background knowledge while combining online and argumentative teaching methods.
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