簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳淑英
Whu Shu-Ying
論文名稱: 生命教育方案對國小資優學童生命意義感影響之研究
The Effect of a Life Education Course on Improving the Sense of Life Meaning of Elementary Gifted Students
指導教授: 林幸台
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 187
中文關鍵詞: 生命教育國小資優學童生命意義感
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:395下載:149
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  • 本研究的主要目的在根據以Frankl的生命意義之的核心概念,編製一套國小高年級資優生適用之生命教育課程與國小資優學童生命意義感量表;進一步的探討生命教育方案對國小(五年級)資優學童之生命意義感之影響,根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以為實施生命教育與資優生諮商輔導的參考。
    4. 引導學生瞭解死亡的積極的意義,降低死亡的恐懼。
    5. 引導學生訂定與掌握生活的目標。

    The central purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of Life Education Course on improving the sense of life meaning of gifted elementary students. The secondary purpose was to compile a life education course for gifted students of elementary schools. The third purpose was to design a Scale of life meaning of gifted elementary students.
    The study used the equal-group experimental design. The subjects consisted of 40 5thgrade gifted students from two elementary schools in Taipei. The experimental group participated in thirteen sessions of the training course, one session per week and 90 minutes per session. During the experimental period, the researcher who taught the training course wrote teaching records as well as the observer wrote observation records. After experiment all experimental students were interviewed in-depth by the researcher.
    Instruments were the Scale of life meaning of gifted elementary students, the feedback questionnaire of the programs, the suggestion questionnaire of the course, the teaching record form, the observation record form and the interviewed guideline form. The data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The opinions of the experimental subjects, observer’s observation, comments by means of the feedback questionnaires, and teaching records were the supplementary of study results. According to the result of this study, the main findings were as follows:
    1. There were positive effects on improving the sense of life meaning of the experimental group.
    2. The subjects reported that they enjoyed the whole training course, and also reported that the Life Education Course was an excellent curriculum。
    3. The excellent teaching achievements were found which were as follows:
    (1) Help students to induce their self-concept, self-esteem and self-acceptance.
    (2) Help students to develop their multiple abilities.
    (3) Help students to understand the positive meaning of death and reduce the fear of death.
    (4) Help students to find their life meaning and to appreciate the other variant lives.
    (5) Help students to arrange their lives for their life purposes.
    (6) Help students to understand the positive meanings of difficulties and improve their frustration bearing abilities.
    (7) Help students to approve their interpersonal relationship and the ability of love.
    (8) Prevent students from committing suicide.
    As the conclusions mentioned above, some of the suggestions for the practicing of the Life Education Course were offered and the future researches were propose.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究的動機與目的……………………………………………… 1 第二節 節研究問題與假設……………………………………………… 6 第三節 名詞釋義………………………………………………………… 9 第三節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………11 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 生命意義理論探討、概念分析與應用……………………………12 第二節 生命意義相關研究…………………………………………………20 第三節 生命教育之概念分析………………………………………………25 第四節 生命教育之相關研究………………………………………………35 第三章 研究方法與歷程 第一節 研究架構與設計……………………………………………………41 第二節 研究對象與研究工具………………………………………………45 第三節 實驗課程……………………………………………………………53 第四節 實施程序……………………………………………………………62 第五節 資料處理與分析……………………………………………………66 第四章 研究結果 第一節 生命教育課程對國小資優學童生命意義感之影響……………… 68 第二節 實驗組學生對生命教育課程的意見反應分析…………………… 72 第三節 實驗組受試學生個案分析………………………………………… 88 第五章 討論 第一節 生命教育課程之檢討………………………………………………115 第二節 生命教育課程之實施成效檢討……………………………………119 第三節 國小資優學童生命意義感量表之探討……………………………129 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………130 第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………140 參考書目 一、中文部分 …………………………………………………………………144 二、英文部分 …………………………………………………………………147 附錄 附錄一 「國小資優學童生命意義感」預試量表……………………………149 附錄二 「國小資優學童生命意義感」預試量表各向度內容………………152 附錄三 預試量表之項目分析摘要表 ………………………………………153 附錄四「國小資優學童生命意義感」正式量表 ……………………………154 附錄五「國小資優學童生命意義感」各向度內容 …………………………157 附錄六 學生單元回饋表………………………………………………………158 附錄七 課程意見調查表………………………………………………………164 附錄八 教師觀察記錄表………………………………………………………166 附錄九 教學日誌………………………………………………………………169 附錄十 學生半結構性訪談紀錄表……………………………………………172 附錄十一 生命教育主題教學觀察紀錄表……………………………………173 附錄十二 生命教育主題教學形成性評量表…………………………………174 附錄十三 生命教育主題教學形成性評量表…………………………………175 附錄十四 質性資料專家檢核表………………………………………………176 附錄十五 實驗組學生在單元回饋單之心得與建議摘要表…………………183 附錄十六 實驗組學生課程意見調查表之心得與建議摘要表………………185