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研究生: 呂宜蓁
Lu, Yi-Chen
論文名稱: The Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Well-Being with the Moderation Effect of Self-Efficacy and Study Abroad Experience
The Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Well-Being with the Moderation Effect of Self-Efficacy and Study Abroad Experience
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: psychological flexibilitypsychological well-beingself-efficacystudy abroad experience
英文關鍵詞: psychological flexibility, psychological well-being, self-efficacy, study abroad experience
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900766
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:12
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  • In this globalized world, there is an increasing number of study abroad program. In addition, the existing literature is often discussing the cross-cultural capacity of the students who have study abroad experience. However, mental health and the level of psychological well-being of the students who went abroad is also important. Therefore, the study aims to understand the level of psychological well-being of the students with study abroad experience. Moreover, this study examines the relationship between psychological flexibility, and psychological well-being, and test the moderation effect of self-efficacy and study abroad experience to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being. There is a total of 256 surveys collected in this study. Among these 256 responders, 220 had study abroad experience. The researcher analyzed the 220 samples to examine the relationship between the variables mentioned above. In the other hand, the researcher separates the 256 data into two groups. One group has over 8 months of study abroad experience, and the other group has less than 8 months of study abroad experience (including no experience). This study compared two group’s means in terms of psychological well-being. The result of this study presented (a) a significant effect between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being, (b) a negative moderation effect of self-efficacy to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being, and (c) there is a significant difference in psychological well-being level between students who studied abroad over 8 months and less than 8 months. However, there is no moderation effect of study abroad experience to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being.

    In this globalized world, there is an increasing number of study abroad program. In addition, the existing literature is often discussing the cross-cultural capacity of the students who have study abroad experience. However, mental health and the level of psychological well-being of the students who went abroad is also important. Therefore, the study aims to understand the level of psychological well-being of the students with study abroad experience. Moreover, this study examines the relationship between psychological flexibility, and psychological well-being, and test the moderation effect of self-efficacy and study abroad experience to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being. There is a total of 256 surveys collected in this study. Among these 256 responders, 220 had study abroad experience. The researcher analyzed the 220 samples to examine the relationship between the variables mentioned above. In the other hand, the researcher separates the 256 data into two groups. One group has over 8 months of study abroad experience, and the other group has less than 8 months of study abroad experience (including no experience). This study compared two group’s means in terms of psychological well-being. The result of this study presented (a) a significant effect between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being, (b) a negative moderation effect of self-efficacy to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being, and (c) there is a significant difference in psychological well-being level between students who studied abroad over 8 months and less than 8 months. However, there is no moderation effect of study abroad experience to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement 3 Research Purpose and Questions 4 Significance of the Study 4 Definition of Terms 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Psychological Flexibility 7 Self-Efficacy 8 Study Abroad Experience 9 Psychological Well-Being 10 Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Well-Being 11 The Relationship among Self-Efficacy, Psychological Flexibility, and Psychological Well-Being 12 The Relationship among Study Abroad Experience, Psychological Flexibility, and Psychological Well-Being 13 Study Abroad Length and U-Curve 13 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 15 Research Framework 15 Research Hypothesis 16 Research Procedure 16 Data Collection 17 Research Sample 18 Research Instrument 19 Instrument Validity 21 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS 25 Demographic Statistic 25 Common Method Variance (CMV) 26 Reliability Analysis 27 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 27 Correlation Analysis 34 Independent T-test Analysis 39 Summary and Discussions of the Analysis Result 40 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 43 Conclusion 43 Implications 43 Limitations 44 Suggestions for the Future Study 45 REFERENCES 47 APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE 51 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1. Psychological Flexibility (AAQ-II) 19 Table 3.2. Self-Efficacy 20 Table 3.3. Psychological Well-Being 21 Table 3.4. Cronbach’s Alpha Analysis (N = 35) 22 Table 4.1. Descriptive Statistics on Sample Demographics (n = 256) 26 Table 4.2. Cronbach’s Alpha Analysis (N = 220) 27 Table 4.3. Summary of Good-Fit Criteria 28 Table 4.4. CFA Results for Psychological Flexibility 29 Table 4.5. CFA Results for Self-Efficacy 31 Table 4.6. CFA Results for Psychological Well-Being 32 Table 4.7. Comparison of Fit Indices in This Study 33 Table 4.8. Pearson Correlation Analysis (N = 220) 34 Table 4.9. The Linear Regression Result for the Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Well-Being 35 Table 4.10. Summary of Hierarchical Regression for Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Well-Being 36 Table 4.11. Summary of Hierarchical Regression for Moderating Effect of Study Abroad Experience on the Relationship between Psychological Flexibility Psychological Well-Being 38 Table 4.12. Independent T-test 39 Table 4.13. Result of the Study 40 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1. Research framework 15 Figure 3.2. Research procedure 17 Figure 4.1. Psychological flexibility model 29 Figure 4.2. Self-efficacy model 30 Figure 4.3. Psychological well-being model 32 Figure 4.4. The moderation effect of self-efficacy 37

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